Chapter 178 Tomorrow (first update)
Murong Ye frowned slightly, but it was hard to get angry.

Shen Yanchuan took the initiative to invite him to Dingbeihou Mansion today, and he has been playing chess here since then.

He was not as good as Shen Yanchuan in chess, but he still played the game for a whole afternoon.

Several times, Shen Yanchuan could directly block his path, but he didn't do this.

Murong Ye couldn't hold it any longer, put down the chess piece in his hand and said, "If you have anything to say, Your Majesty, please just say it!"

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Murong Ye said: "Did Princess Qinyang come to file a complaint again?"

When mentioning this incident, Murong Ye's tone was stiff and cold, with a hint of impatience.

"Your Majesty is smart and should know that forceful melons are not sweet. Qinyang and I have no chance. Please tell her to stop wasting her time on me."

It was a secret known to everyone that Princess Qinyang was interested in him.

Others might have felt very honored, but Murong Ye only felt bored.

He didn't like Princess Qinyang at all, and she had targeted Ye Shixian because of this more than once before, which made Murong Ye feel very distressed.

The corners of Shen Yanchuan's lips raised slightly.

"Mr. Murong is overly worried. Qinyang has been focusing on Texue these past two days, but he never mentioned your coming."


Murong Ye was stunned for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he felt embarrassed.

Listening to this, it sounds like he is being sentimental! ?
Shen Yanchuan seemed to have lost interest and said calmly: "It seems that Mr. Murong is indeed not in a high mood today. In this case, I won't let you stay. It's okay if you don't play this game of chess."

Murong Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he realized that his attitude just now was offensive.

"Your Majesty, I didn't mean that, I just..."

Shen Yanchuan casually threw the chess piece back into the chess jar.

"Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet. Master Murong should have a lot of preparations to make. Yuncheng, see the guests off."


Murong Ye left feeling frustrated.

After he left, Lian Zhou glanced at the chessboard and said, "Master, Miss Ye Er just came out of the Han family." Shen Yanchuan nodded lightly.

Lian Zhou added: "Looking at Miss Ye Er's complexion, she is better than before, but after going through all the trouble today, I guess... she needs to take a good rest for a while."

Shen Yanchuan thought for a moment: "Are those shopkeepers gone?"

"Yes. They are all Ye Heng's people. Even if Miss Ye Er doesn't make trouble, they won't stay for long."

Lian Zhou felt a little emotional.

"Just like this, Miss Ye Er will probably be very busy next."

Although the store is coming back, it is only an empty shell. Ye Chutang is very weak and was injured not long ago, so it is really difficult to deal with it.

Think about it and know that she must be in a very difficult situation now.

Shen Yanchuan tapped his slender fingers lightly on the table, and after a moment he suddenly asked: "What's going on with the store she bought before?"

Lian Zhou was stunned.

"It seems that it has been renovated and is almost completed."

No one knows what Ye Chutang plans to do.

Shen Yanchuan paused and said, "She has her own ideas, let her do whatever she wants."


Ye Chutang took Ayan Afeng and Xiao Wu back home.

Su Pei'er is out of danger and is being taken care of by the little maid, so there is no problem.

As for Han Yao... although the amount of poison was not large, his physique was average, and he relied on Ye Chutang to help him breathe.

He can't die yet.

Ye Chutang raised his head, glanced at the darkening sky, and whispered.

"Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival."

(End of this chapter)

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