Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 179 Desperate Situation

When Murong Ye returned to the mansion, the sky was already dark.

In the distance, he saw a familiar figure and was startled.

Ye Shixian also noticed his arrival and hurriedly stepped forward.

"Master Murong!"

Murong Ye saw that her eyes were red and she seemed to have cried. He suddenly felt distressed: "Xian'er, why are you here? Have you been waiting here for a long time?"

Ye Shixian had been waiting for him for a long time and was already weak. When she heard his question, her tears fell instantly.

It really makes me feel pity for him.

Murong Ye quickly stepped forward to comfort him: "Don't cry yet. If you have any trouble, just tell me!"

Obviously, he didn't know that something happened to Ye Heng.

Ye Shixian hurriedly raised her hand to wipe away her tears, raised her eyes with sparkling tears, her voice was full of grievance and begging: "Mr. Murong, please save my father!"

Murong Ye had never seen her look so pitiful before, and he already felt something was wrong.

"What's going on? I've been out all day today, I don't know-"

Ye Shixian bit her red lips and choked with sobs: "Yes, it's Mr. Su from Dali Temple. He took dad away!"

Murong Ye was confused when he heard it: "What?"

Ye Shixian had no choice but to tell the story again, and Murong Ye's brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

"It is absolutely impossible for my father to do those things. There must be some misunderstanding here! Mr. Murong, I really have no choice now. If something happens to my father, I really don't know what to do. Already..."

Ye Shixian said and began to lower her head and cry again.

Murong Ye was a little embarrassed.

"I'm afraid this matter will be a little difficult to handle..."

Su Wei dared to arrest someone directly, which proved that he must have conclusive evidence in his hand. If he really confronted him, there would probably be no good results.

Especially tomorrow is the palace banquet...

Seeing that Murong Ye had not expressed his stance for a long time, Ye Shixian's heart gradually sank.Murong Ye was so attentive to her in the past, but now that things are really going wrong, he is hesitant!
Ye Shixian smiled bitterly: "If this matter embarrasses Young Master Murong, then forget it. I am presumptuous in coming today, and I hope Young Master Murong will forgive me."

As she said this, she was about to bow and say goodbye.

Murong Ye was still reluctant to give up after all, and upon seeing this, he immediately said: "Wait a minute!"

Ye Shixian paused, but just turned her head slightly and smiled sadly.

"Mr. Murong also has his own difficulties. I know that. Mr. Murong does not need to apologize for this. My mother and Mingze are still at home. I have to go back soon."

With that said, she lifted her legs and left.

Looking at that slender and weak figure, Murong Ye had an impulse in his mind: "I'll help you!"

Ye Shixian turned back in disbelief.

Murong Ye took a deep breath: "Your father is in trouble, your mother is ill, and Mingze is also unconscious. You have to support the whole family by yourself. How hard is it? Don't worry, no matter what, I will give it a try. !”

Ye Shixian was moved to tears and bowed Yingying.

"Xian'er really doesn't know how to repay Mr. Murong's kindness -"

Murong Ye immediately helped her up.

"Why should we be so polite between you and me? You clearly know that I treat you...how can you ignore me?"

Ye Shixian looked at him expectantly.

"Then... Master Murong, is there any way to clear my father's name and rescue him?"


"This Mid-Autumn Festival, their family should have a very impressive time!" Ye Yunfeng thought of the previous scene of Ye Heng being taken away, and felt refreshed, "I guess they are in a mess now! But this is what they deserve, Han Tong has a good relationship with him, but when he was in trouble, he not only refused to help, but also poisoned Han Tong's only son. If he wasn't punished, who would be?"

Ye Chutang withdrew his gaze and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Who said he poisoned Han Yao?"

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