Chapter 180 Not allowed (first update)
Ye Yunfeng was suddenly stunned: "What do you mean by this?"

If it wasn't Ye Heng who poisoned him, then who could it be——

Ye Jingyan patted him on the shoulder: "No matter how much he wants to silence Han Yao, he can't do it today. Think about it, he brought so many people to Han's house with great fanfare today. If Han Yao After Yao died, he must be the first person to be suspected."

"That's true." Ye Yunfeng quickly turned around, but still couldn't figure it out, "Then what happened to the poison in Han Yao's body? Didn't sister say that his poison is quite powerful?"

Ye Chutang sat down, poured himself a cup of tea, and said calmly: "It's quite poisonous. I want to deal with Han Yao and Ye Heng together."

Ye Yunfeng was startled.

Ye Jingyan seemed to have already thought of this possibility, and there was no look of shock on her face. After thinking for a moment, she asked: "Then sister has already guessed, who did it?"

Ye Chutang's eyes were curved, and his eyes were dark and clear.

"It doesn't matter whether I can guess it or not. What's important is that Ye Heng must be able to guess it."



The cell door was slammed shut, causing Ye Heng to tremble.

He stiffly raised his head, looked around, looked at the dark and damp cell, smelled the musty, sweet and disgusting smell in the air, and finally realized what had happened.

Until now, he still felt like he was dreaming.

——He was a dignified fourth-rank imperial official, but he was locked up in such humiliation! ?
Everything happened so suddenly that even he didn't expect it.

He obviously went to Han's house to ask Han Yao to be honest and stop talking nonsense, but in the did it end up like this! ?

Ye Heng leaned against the cold wall and slowly squatted down, his mind a mess.

Su Wei personally ordered him to be imprisoned, so it's definitely not that easy to get out.

At the very least, he can't leave here until the matter is investigated clearly.

But...he clearly didn't poison Han Yao!

Could it be that Ye Chutang deliberately framed him?But she was also invited temporarily, not to mention that it was too risky and unreasonable.

Especially when Han Yao had indeed passed out.

Ye Heng frowned. He clearly just wanted to make Han Yao sleepy for a few days and not cause trouble. How could it turn into poison?


Ye Heng suddenly understood something and opened his eyes wide in shock!
The only person who can change the drug into poison without knowing it is——

That name lingered in his mind, making Ye Heng's whole body numb and his limbs cold.

An indescribable despair gradually surged into my heart.

Could it be that he is the same as Han Tong...


Murong Ye coaxed Ye Shixian for a while, and after watching her walk away with three steps, he turned around and returned home.

After bypassing the corridor, he headed directly towards the backyard.

Murong Yang is shooting arrows in the courtyard.

He has been fighting on the battlefield for several years and has great martial arts skills. Even though he is now the second-rank commander, he still has not lost this skill.


The long arrow shot out and landed firmly on the target.

Murong Ye walked forward and said, "Dad."

Murong Yang continued to draw an arrow from the quiver and ignored him.Normally, Murong Ye would not disturb him at this time, but today's situation was special and he really couldn't wait.

"Dad, my son has something to ask for."

After hearing this, Murong Yang still didn't stop moving, his voice was cold and indifferent.

"If you are here because of Ye Heng's business, don't say this."

Murong Ye's heart sank.

His father had always been strict with him, but most of his requests were met.

This was the first time that he was rejected without saying anything.

Ye Shixian had been waiting outside Murong's house all afternoon. Murong Yang could not have known that, but as soon as he arrived, his father adopted such an attitude.

"Dad." Murong Ye refused to give up, "You should already know the situation of the Ye family, but Ye Heng is not a fool, and he definitely did not do this!"

Murong Yang said: "Whether he did it or not, Su Wei has sent him in now. Don't you still understand what this means?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at Murong Ye.

"I know you are interested in Ye Shixian, but her father is in big trouble this time, so you'd better not get involved."

Murong Ye clenched his fists.


call out--!
Murong Yang shot another arrow, which also landed on the bull's-eye.

His voice turned cold: "You have neglected riding and shooting during this period. Even a young boy from a wild background can beat you. You don't want to make progress, but you have been worrying about these things that you shouldn't worry about. It's really frustrating for my father." disappointment!"

Murong Ye panicked: "Dad, I didn't! I just..."

He wanted to explain something to himself, but he felt that nothing he could say at this moment would help.

Invisible pressure weighed heavily on his shoulders, making him speechless.

Murong Yang didn't look at him again.

"Okay, go down and stay away from the Ye family from now on."

He paused.

"Including Ye Chutang, do you understand?"


There is no moon or stars tonight.

Ye Chutang took Xiao Wu back to the room, took her to wash up, stuffed the small ball into the bed, and then blew out the candle.

The room suddenly fell into darkness.

The night breeze blew and everything was silent.


Han family.

The person guarding the door tilted his head and dozed off.

A gust of wind blew open the door, and there was still a faint smell of medicine inside, drifting away with the wind.

The guard reluctantly opened his eyes, walked over, closed the door, and fell asleep against the wall again.

(End of this chapter)

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