Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 181 Brother likes it

Ye Shixian didn't sleep well all night.

Although Murong Ye had promised to help, she didn't dare to have high hopes.

In addition...

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go to the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet tomorrow."

Ye Shixian looked at the exquisite hair and face placed on the dressing table, but she lost any expectation.

I originally thought of taking advantage of this opportunity to shine and win back a victory for myself. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen the day before the palace banquet?
Ye Heng was imprisoned. Although the charges have not yet been determined, their whole family will definitely be affected.

How dare Ye Shixian dare to hope to enter the palace again?

If she goes now, she will be the target of public criticism. Who knows how many people will laugh at her!
Shaoyao was unwilling to give in and cherished the red hairpin she just bought today, "It's such a pity. The young lady is stunningly beautiful. If she were paired with this hairpin, she would definitely be more beautiful than anyone else! But now -"

Ye Shixian couldn't help but feel aggrieved, so she simply stopped looking and waved her hands in disgust.

"That's all, put it all away."

Shaoyao curled her lips, but could only do as she was told.

Ye Shixian stared at herself in the bronze mirror for a long time, then raised her hand to caress her cheek.

The face she can rely on most now is this face.

It would be great if Murong Ye could help rescue his father, but if not...

She can't sit still!

Silent night.

The night breeze blew open the window, and Xiao Wu, who was sleeping, turned over and subconsciously touched his side, but found nothing.

--Huh?Where is my sister?

Xiao Wu opened his eyes in a daze and searched around.

Then, she heard a familiar voice whispering.

"Why did Xiaowu wake up?"

Xiao Wu scratched his fleshy cheek, shook his head, and fell back into the soft embrace with sticky attachment.

——Sister is still here!

She closed her eyes again, changed into a more comfortable position, and soon fell asleep again.

There seemed to be a faint chuckle.The next moment, she felt a thin quilt added to her body.

"Go to sleep."

The clear and gentle voice came with the wind and fell into my ears.


Ye Yunfeng got up early and came to the yard. He was planning to practice boxing when he was surprised to see Ye Chutang sitting by the window.

She was wearing a thin coat, her black hair was rolled up casually, and she was sitting slumped, with a lazy and casual atmosphere all over her body, like a simple and freehand brushwork painting.

Ye Yunfeng said in surprise: "Sister, why did you get up so early today?"

My sister’s injury has not healed yet, and she was busy rescuing people yesterday. It was supposed that she should have a lot of rest today, but she didn’t expect——

Ye Chutang's eyebrows moved slightly, he gathered his clothes, gently covered his lips and yawned.

"You're right, it's time to take a nap."

She stood up and put away a pile of papers on the table.

"Call me in an hour. The Han family is there. We have to go and see it again today."

"Hey, good!"

Ye Yunfeng had no doubt that he was there and immediately agreed.

Ye Chutang walked back, then thought of something, paused, and looked back.

The leaves in the courtyard have gradually turned yellow, and the morning wind has brought a hint of autumn.

In just a few days, summer turns to autumn, and the weather changes.

Ye Yunfeng didn't know what she was thinking. Just as he was about to turn around, he asked again: "By the way, sister, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, let's..."

He rarely asked carefully.

In the past three years, the four siblings have deliberately skipped the Mid-Autumn Festival, but this time it was different. They returned to Beijing.

Ye Chutang looked away, thoughtfully.

For a moment, the corners of her lips curved slightly.

"I'll buy some bamboo leaf green later. Brother likes to drink it."

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