Princess Qinyang calmly returned to her seat, and then heard Su Wei say: "It is said that one day before the incident, Han Yao personally visited Ye Heng and begged him to intercede for his father Han Tong. But The two sides did not seem to be having a pleasant conversation, as many people on that day could testify.”

After a pause, Su Wei continued: "Weichen speculated that Han Yao might have something to do with Ye Heng, and he used it as a blackmail, so he angered Ye Heng and deliberately chose this time to retaliate."

Ru Guifei looked stunned: "The handle? What kind of handle makes Ye... care so much?"

Emperor Mu Wu said coldly: "Han Tong has committed a capital crime, and Han Yao wants Ye Heng to intercede for him. He is not ordinary confident. I want to know where does his confidence come from?"

Everyone could hear the cold anger in Emperor Mu Wu's words.

Although Su Wei's words were just speculation, everyone present was a human spirit, so who couldn't figure out what was going on?
Han Yao dared to make such a fuss because he knew exactly why Ye Hengyou had to agree!
What's more, if it wasn't for a guilty conscience, why did Ye Heng directly lead his people to the Han family to block people?
Su Wei paused and said: "Wei Chen has already interrogated Ye Heng, but he didn't admit anything. However... from what the servants of the Han family said, it seems... related to the accident that happened to brother Ye Heng back then."

After the words fell, the surroundings were so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Although most people already knew that something happened to Ye Heng, they didn't know the specific situation. They only thought that he and the Han family had some irreconcilable conflicts. Unexpectedly, Su Wei actually said -

"You mean, Ye Zheng?" Emperor Mu Wu narrowed his eyes and could not hear the anger in his voice.

Su Wei lowered his head: "Yes."

Emperor Muwu didn't speak for a long time.

The reason why he could immediately think of the name Ye Zheng was because he met the four siblings Ye Chutang at the polo match before.

The scene at that time was really hard to remember.


Ru Guifei reacted for a moment, looked at Emperor Mu Wu, and whispered: "Your Majesty, I remember that Mr. Ye Zhengye was killed by Liu bandits after leaving the capital. His wife and eldest son were also involved in the accident. ? Didn’t you say it was an accident? Why..."

The crowd also looked at each other in dismay.

What does this mean?Could Ye Zheng's accident have something to do with Ye Heng?But aren't they brothers? ?

Many people couldn't help but talk in low voices.

"Real or false? What happened to Ye Zheng, was it because of Ye Heng's handiwork?"

"Isn't it possible!? They are brothers from the same blood, and I remember that the two brothers had a good relationship at the time. How could Ye Heng do such a thing?"

"That's hard to say. People's hearts are separated from each other. Who knows what Ye Heng is thinking?"

"If this is true, then Ye Heng is too... You know, he relied on Ye Zheng to come to the capital and establish a foothold here!"

"Actually, I have always found it strange that when Ye Zheng was demoted, he was traveling north along the official road in the dead of winter. How could he happen to encounter bandits? Furthermore, those people were only robbing money, so why did they also kill people? This …”

Emperor Mu Wu stared at Su Wei and asked in a deep voice: "Have you found anything?"

Su Wei said: "Your Majesty, I forgive you, but I am incompetent, because that incident happened three years ago, and I did not go to the scene at that time, so I don't know the full story, so now I don't know where to start investigating—— "

When Murong Ye heard this, he was already very anxious.

If this continues, I'm afraid...

"His Majesty!"

Murong Ye suddenly raised his voice, which seemed particularly abrupt in the spacious and quiet hall.

"This is a strange matter, I hope your Majesty will come to the conclusion!"

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