No one expected that Murong Ye would suddenly speak out at this time.

Murong Yang looked back, with a look of shock and anger in his eyes.


--What is this place!How could he interrupt!
However, Murong Ye couldn't care about anything else.

He stood up and came to the palace, clasped his fists in salute, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, Mr. Ye is loyal and upright, and will never do anything like murder. There must be a misunderstanding here, and I hope your Majesty will investigate clearly!"

Murong Yang was so angry that he immediately stood up, clasped his fists at his superiors and said, "Your Majesty, Wei Chen's neglect of discipline has made you laugh. Wei Chen will take him back now and reflect on it——"

With that said, he was going to pull Murong Ye away.

Emperor Mu Wu raised his hand: "Don't be nervous, Murong Aiqing. I also know his temperament. Since he is pleading for Ye Heng like this today, I think there is evidence. Let's listen to him carefully."

After saying these words, Murong Ye's mind suddenly cleared up.


Where does he have any evidence?
From the beginning to the end, it was because he felt sorry for Ye Shixian that he suddenly said what he just said.

But it was too late to wake up now. Murong Ye was in a dilemma, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

The entire hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, and all eyes were focused on Murong Ye.

Murong Ye racked his brains and finally spoke, but his voice was not as energetic as before.


Suddenly, King Qi, who had been watching from the sidelines, spoke unhurriedly.

"Don't be nervous. My father is here. If you really know the inside story, just tell me everything. My father is wise and will give Ye Heng justice."

Murong Ye was stunned and subconsciously looked over there.

King Qi nodded calmly.

Murong Ye suddenly felt much more at ease. ——He also vaguely heard that Ye Heng was actually from King Qi.

Now that something happens to Ye Heng, King Qi will definitely not just sit back and watch, he will definitely find a way to take action!
With this thought, Murong Ye's last bit of hesitation and nervousness disappeared.

He clasped his hands in his fists and said word by word: "Your Majesty, I don't have direct evidence in my hand to prove Mr. Ye's innocence, but this matter is very strange from beginning to end. It is difficult not to make people suspicious. Mr. Su Wei is now There is no way to prove that Master Ye did everything, right?"

Su Wei looked forward, his expression indifferent and solemn, as if he was unmoved.

Murong Ye knew that he had such a temper, so he didn't care at all.

"Master Ye is the young minister of Dali Temple after all. It would be too inappropriate for Master Su to take someone away and lock him up in public like this. If Master Ye is innocent and is released later, how should he explain and explain to everyone? That would be - —It’s too childish!”

When Su Wei heard this, he suddenly sneered.

"I wonder where Master Murong's confidence comes from. Now that all the results have not come out, can Master Murong conclude that Ye Heng is fine?"

"Of course I—"


Murong Yang shouted loudly, his face turned livid.

Murong Ye's heart skipped a beat before he finally swallowed back the rest of his words and looked back at his father with some confusion.

He just said a few words for Ye Heng, why did his father do this?

Before he could figure it out, he suddenly heard a low and sweet voice coming from the right front.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Murong has such an ability to predict the unknown. Ye Heng's matter is still under investigation, so Mr. Murong can conclude that he is innocent and will definitely come out."

Shen Yanchuan's thin lips were slightly raised, half-smiling but not smiling.

"Then, Mr. Murong, why don't you do the math for me - who was the person who wanted my son's life in Wulan Mountain a few days ago?"

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