Han Yao was sent here with them and was lying on a soft cave not far away.

At this time, his eyes were still closed, his face was pale, and he showed no sign of waking up.

Su Pei'er's eyes swept across the back of his hand where veins were faintly visible, she gently closed her eyes and gave a wry smile:
"It's my fault that I couldn't give birth to a son and a half for Han Lang...it's my fault after all!"

Ye Chutang warned softly: "Don't talk nonsense, save some energy."

Su Peier nodded and said nothing obediently.

Her forehead was already soaked, and her face was as pale as paper, as if she had been fished out of the water.

Ye Chutang turned his head and ordered: "Go get some hot water!"

The little maid had already experienced a similar situation before. When she heard what Ye Chutang said, she immediately understood, hurriedly responded and left in a hurry.

Ye Chutang wiped the sweat from Su Pei'er's forehead and waved his wrist randomly, and a row of silver needles with a cold glow were quietly displayed.

She held her breath and concentrated, and then decided to take the needle!

Time seemed to become particularly difficult at this time, and all the sounds outside seemed to fade away.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

Ye Chutang looked focused.

Behind her, Han Yao's hand slowly tightened and then loosened.


time flies.

After everyone's efforts, the fire in the Han family was finally put out.

As far as the eye can see, it is a scorched black place with billowing smoke and dust.

The pungent burning smell wafted around, making it almost hard to breathe.

The once prosperous and lively Han family completely collapsed overnight.

"Master." Lian Zhou left and returned, "The inside was basically burned down, even several beams collapsed, and nothing is left."

Shen Yanchuan looked indifferent and cold: "What are the casualties?" "Five corpses were found in the front yard, backyard and side room, all of them were servants of the Han family. There were also a few who were lucky enough to escape, and they were all controlled. Get up and wait for the fall."

This result was originally expected.

It would be strange for the undead to see a fire like that.

The key is... Han Yao and Su Pei'er survived!
Shen Yanchuan asked again: "Have you ever found a secret passage?"

Lian Zhou looked stern and nodded: "I found it. Would you like to go over and take a look for yourself now?"

Shen Yanchuan did not respond immediately, but tilted his head slightly.

Yun Cheng understood the idea and immediately stepped forward and explained in a low voice: "Doctor Ye has not come out since he went in. Maybe Su Pei'er's condition is not good."

A pregnant woman rescued an unconscious man from a secret passage in a fire...

"Speaking of it, she is really infatuated with Han Yao. Without her, Han Yao would probably be buried in a sea of ​​fire today."

Although Su Pei'er is a brothel girl, her strength and courage are beyond the reach of many men.

Ever since something happened to the Han family, all their former friends have drawn a clear line with them, for fear of being implicated.

It's not as good as a brothel girl who values ​​love and justice.

Shen Yanchuan glanced at the door that was still closed, and said to Yun Cheng: "You stay here, if anything happens -"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something and raised his eyes.


The door was pushed open from the inside.

At this time, the night is getting dark, the bright moon is hanging high, and there are candles on the long street.

The woman walked out of it, as if stepping from a thick darkness into a stream of stars.

Shen Yanchuan's eyes darkened slightly. (End of chapter)

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