Countless eyes looked at Ye Chutang, full of curiosity and inquiry.

It is said that Ye Chutang has excellent medical skills, but I wonder how to explain today's situation?

Before Ye Chutang went out, she had already heard the noise outside. She glanced around calmly and immediately came straight to Shen Yanchuan.

"Your Majesty." She bowed and saluted.

Shen Yanchuan's eyes were fixed on her face for a moment, and then he asked, "How is it?"

Ye Chutang shook his head slightly, looking apologetic.

Seeing her reaction like this, many people immediately started whispering.

"Looks like it won't work!"

"I told you that you definitely can't be saved! Didn't you see that when Su Pei'er was sent in just now, there was no color on her face?"

"Since ancient times, women have been forced to go through hell when they get pregnant and have children. She made trouble on the lake before, and now she has suffered such a big crime. How can she bear it?"

"It's such a pity! Han Tong was beheaded, and Han Yao was also unconscious. Now there is only this single seedling left, which still kills two people. It's really..."

In just half a month, the once prosperous Han family was completely defeated and reduced to its current situation. Who wouldn't be sad to see it?

Ye Shixian's heart, which had been hanging for a long time, finally dropped.

She closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good to die, it's good to die!
Who knows if Su Pei'er followed Han Yao and gave him a pillow blow, and whether she heard anything he shouldn't have heard.

Besides, if it weren't for her, my father wouldn't be locked up!
Ye Shixian was very resentful towards Su Pei'er and naturally hoped that she would die soon.

"Cousin." Ye Shixian took two steps forward, her eyes flushed, "Don't be too sad, that Su Pei'er had a strong temperament, and she acted impulsively before, without caring about her own body. Now that she is dead, it's also—— "

"What are you talking about?" Ye Chutang interrupted her, "Who died?"

Ye Shixian was stunned: "Of course, of course it's Su Pei'er. Could it be possible that Han Yao also——"

She seemed to be confused, but in fact she had a clear mind and was trying to find out what Ye Chutang said.

Heavily guarded, she couldn't follow him to get a clear look, so she could only rely on this indirect approach to confirm Han Yao's death.

Ye Chutang looked at her lightly, his dark eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.Ye Shixian's voice gradually became quieter, and she felt that there seemed to be unspeakable sarcasm in Ye Chutang's eyes when he looked at her.

"She's not dead," Ye Chutang said. "It's a pity that the child couldn't be saved. She will probably have to recuperate for a long time."


Ye Shixian was stunned for a moment and could hardly believe it.

"But she was bleeding profusely just now——"

Ye Yunfeng on the side couldn't help but sneered, and said sarcastically: "Why do you think that my sister tried her best to save people, but she still let you down?"

"of course not!"

Ye Shixian retorted reflexively, wanting to say something to defend herself.

However, the shock in her heart had not faded away. Thinking that Su Pei'er had survived such a fate, she was so angry that she couldn't think of words to deal with it.
Ye Chutang didn't pay much attention to her. He had more important things to do now.

She turned around and looked at Shen Yanchuan.

"Your Majesty, Su Pei'er just said that there seems to be something strange in the secret passage."

Ye Shixian's eyelids twitched suddenly.

Shen Yanchuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Oh?"

Ye Chutang looked at the Han family's mansion, which had become a ruin.

"Perhaps there is something Master Su wants in it."


Xiao Chengxuan couldn't sit still. Ever since Shen Yanchuan took people away, his mind was no longer on the palace banquet.

The servant stepped forward calmly and whispered in his ear.

Xiao Chengxuan was shocked and accidentally broke the wine glass on the table.

Bang——! (End of chapter)

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