Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 204 It's you!

The dark and cramped cell was filled with painful moans and hysterical screams.

The strong smell of blood wafted in the air, which was nauseating.

Ye Heng closed his eyes in disgust.

He never thought that he would have such a day!
"Hey." The prisoner in the cell next to him looked at him for a long time, "I heard that you came in after killing someone?"

Ye Heng didn't speak, but if he said one more word to this kind of person, he would feel like his price had dropped!
Another prisoner spat on the ground: "Don't ask! His origins are extraordinary! Official! He's different from us!"

These words immediately attracted the attention of many people, who all looked this way.

"Guan Ye? From which yamen?"

"real or fake?"

"I guess he's pretty much the same! Didn't you see what he was wearing? Could he be an ordinary person?"

"Hey! No matter what his background is, he still has to bow his head after entering here? Maybe he has committed a serious crime and will suffer a lot in the future!"

Several people burst into laughter.

Being locked up here all day long, their greatest pleasure every day is to comment on the new arrivals.

In particular, Ye Heng seemed to have a different origin from ordinary people, which naturally attracted more attention.

Ye Heng's jaw tightened and he took a deep breath, trying his best to ignore the ridicule and comments.

When he was first locked up here, he was really panicked and even had doubts about that person for a while. But now, so much time has passed and there is still no news from the outside, and he feels that he was wrong. .

——If something happened to Su Pei'er on the spot, Su Wei would have brought someone here, and if that person wanted to kill him, he would definitely do it quickly and not delay it for so long.

So... maybe something went wrong in the middle, which led to the current situation.

After all, he still has a lot of things in his hands, and that person shouldn't choose to abandon him so lightly.

Thinking of this, Ye Heng felt a little more at ease.

All he can do now is wait!
The thin moonlight streamed in from the narrow window, and you could vaguely see the cold moon when you looked up.

Ye Heng secretly clenched his fists and exhaled.


"What are you talking about?" Ye Shixian frowned, as if she didn't understand what Ye Chutang meant.

But Ye Chutang didn't care.

She straightened up and distanced herself.

Just when Ye Shixian wanted to continue questioning, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

She subconsciously looked to the side, only to find that she was surrounded at some point!
The atmosphere is chilly and cold!
The uneasiness became stronger and stronger, and Ye Shixian's heart beat uncontrollably, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

She looked at Shen Yanchuan: "His Royal Highness, what do you mean?"

Shen Yanchuan did not answer her question. He only raised his hand slightly and spoke in a calm tone.

"Go to Fengling Lane immediately and seize the Ye family."


Ye Shixian was shocked on the spot. Seeing those people heading towards the Ye family, huge panic finally enveloped her.

She hurriedly stepped forward: "Your Majesty! What do you want to do?!"

As soon as she took a step, officers and soldiers immediately stepped forward to stop her.

Looking at the cold blades criss-crossing in front of her, Ye Shixian stopped walking, her heart beating with fear.

Lian Zhou said: "Miss Ye, please don't worry. After checking the Ye family, if there are no problems, everything will be fine."

Ye Shixian was confused.

Cha Ye’s family?
It's so good, why do you suddenly want to check her house! ?
"No, no!"

Lian Zhou was unmoved, but his tone was cold.

"Whether it's okay or not, it's not up to you, Miss Ye, to decide."

It was like a basin of cold water in the pocket, making Ye Shixian's whole body feel cold.

She suddenly realized something and looked at Ye Chutang!
"It's you!"

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