Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 205 A tough night

Ye Chutang blinked and showed a gentle and innocent smile.

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

"You! You must be the one causing the trouble -" Ye Shixian became emotional, "otherwise, why would they suddenly want to seal down the Ye family!?"

Ye Chutang lightly dusted the hem of his skirt, as if he felt that the clothes on his body were dirty when he talked to her close to her just now.

"I really can't understand what my cousin is saying. If my second uncle hadn't made the mistake first, how could he be investigated? Do you think I really have such great ability? What do you want His Highness to do? What did he do?"

Ye Chutang tilted his head slightly and raised his eyebrows with a half-smile.

"I don't know, when could I control the prince's thoughts in this way?"

Shen Yanchuan looked at her and then looked away calmly and calmly.

Ye Shixian's remaining words were all stuck in her throat, and she couldn't utter another word.

It didn't matter that she and Ye Chutang had broken up, but she must not offend Shen Yanchuan!

If she dared to admit it in front of so many people, wouldn't she be openly challenging Shen Yanchuan? ?

Ye Shixian was confused by this sudden blow, but she had not completely lost her mind.

She clenched her palms tightly, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth: "I, of course I didn't mean that! I just, I just..."

"My cousin has this time to argue with me, why not ask my second uncle in person? He might be able to give you a direct answer? Oh, I forgot, he is in prison now. You want to see him, but you are extremely desperate. hard."

Ye Chutang was unhurried and every word was like a sharp knife, piercing straight into Ye Shixian's heart!
She paused for a moment, a hint of sympathy appearing on her gentle and beautiful face.

"Then you should go back as soon as possible and inform Second Aunt and Mingze about this matter. This way, they can be prepared, what do you think?"


What to prepare?
Ye Shixian's heart was beating wildly, and all the blood in her body rushed to the top of her head.

But she also knows that although Ye Chutang's words are unpleasant, they are the truth - now that her father is gone, her mother is ill, and Mingze doesn't know when she will wake up, she is the only pillar of the family!

For the first time in her life, Ye Shixian experienced what "despair" meant.

She stood there, feeling that all her strength had been drained from her body and her limbs were cold.

Ye Chutang raised his head and glanced at the sky.

The bright moon hangs high, bright and deserted.

I wonder if this night will be longer than the snowy night of escape three years ago?



The door was knocked open and the maid ran in in a panic.

After taking care of Ye Mingze for a day, Mrs. Gao, who had just had time to lie down and rest, was disturbed by this movement. She frowned and scolded: "What are you doing? There are no rules at all! When the master comes back, I won't be able to spare any of you!"

The maid couldn't hear her words anymore, and fell to her knees on the ground with a pale face and full of fear.

"Madam! What's wrong, madam! There are a lot of officials coming from outside!"

"What did you say!?"

Gao was shocked on the spot.

Why did someone come suddenly at this time?
She quickly glanced outside and could vaguely see a few torches and the sound of approaching footsteps.

That is indeed not something ordinary people would expect!

Mrs. Gao stood up hurriedly and put on her clothes again: "What's going on!?"

The maid cried and said: "I heard, I heard that Dingbei Hou Shizi personally brought people here! He said, he said he wanted to seal it up——"

"How is that possible!? What nonsense are you talking about!"

Gao was shocked and angry, and laughed angrily.
"Tonight's Mid-Autumn Palace banquet, why would His Royal Highness bring people here?"

She didn't believe it from the bottom of her heart.While walking out, Mrs. Gao said angrily: "I want to see who is causing trouble for the Ye family!"

It's true that something happened to Ye Heng, but the crime has not yet been determined. He is still a court official, not to mention that there is someone behind him!Who doesn’t have to weigh things before they come?

After walking a few steps, a cold wind blew, and Gao suddenly remembered that she had forgotten to bring her veil when she came out.

The redness, swelling, and ulcers on her face have lasted for more than a month, and she has tried various methods, but nothing has improved. On weekdays, she tries to stay indoors as much as possible and avoid contact with outsiders, but now—

Mrs. Gao wanted to go back to get the veil and put it on, but she heard the rapid and orderly sound outside.

People have arrived!

Not caring about anything else, Mrs. Gao had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue walking out. As she walked, she asked anxiously: "Where is Xian'er? Hasn't she come back yet?"

She felt vaguely uneasy and subconsciously wanted to find Ye Shixian.

How could the maid know this? She just shook her head timidly and blankly.

"Slave, I don't know..."

"What a waste! None of them are useful at the critical moment!" Mrs. Gao was irritated, "Why are you standing there, why don't you send a few more people to guard the young master! If he is disturbed, I will take it from you!"

The most precious thing in Gao's heart is naturally this son.

His physical condition is not good to begin with. If this happens again——

At this time, Mrs. Gao had already arrived in the front yard.

At a glance, she saw that the door had been opened from the outside, and all the servants in the house were standing together, but no one came forward to stop it.

The night was dark, and I could only vaguely see that the outside seemed to be completely surrounded.

Gao's anger instantly rose, he took a step forward and shouted sternly: "How outrageous! What kind of place is this, how can you be allowed to seal it at will!?"

Her Ye family is not in such a bad state that someone would come and bully them!
However, just as Gao was about to continue questioning, a man in black clothes appeared outside the door.

Looking at that somewhat familiar face, Gao was momentarily speechless.

"Lian, Lord Lianzhou?"

This is not from the side of Prince Dingbei——

Lian Zhou looked up at the door plaque and raised his eyebrows.

"Fengling Lane, Ye Heng's family, you are the ones who are being investigated. Madam Ye, please give way!"

The words fell in my ears, and I could hear every word clearly, but when they were put together, they suddenly became incomprehensible.

Mrs. Gao opened her mouth: "W-what?"

Just then, she saw a familiar figure.


When Mrs. Gao saw her, she instantly felt hopeful and said anxiously: "Xian'er, is there any misunderstanding here? Please explain it to His Royal Highness quickly!"

Ye Shixian's lips were pale and her eyes were dull. Hearing her words, she just rolled her eyes slowly.

Only then did Gao realize that her eyes were red, as if she had cried.

Her heart sank.

"Xian'er, you——"

"Second aunt."

A gentle and clear voice came, and Gao raised her head, only to realize that the person she hated to see the most was actually there!
"Ye Chutang?! Why are you here!"

Ye Chutang didn't seem to notice Gao's disgust and vigilance, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

"Thank you for your concern, Second Aunt, but now you should take care of yourself first. In fact, I am just checking something. If Second Uncle is innocent, he will be fine. You can ask the people below to be more obedient, and it is best to finish the investigation early to avoid delays. It’s the Mid-Autumn Festival, isn’t it?”

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