Ye Shixian didn't sleep a wink all night.

The door was heavily guarded, and the atmosphere inside was cold.

In the first ten years of her life, she had never experienced such a feeling.

But at this time, my father is not here, my mother is injured, and my brother is in a coma...

In such a large Ye family, she was the only one left who could barely support it.

"Miss, you haven't slept all night, how can your body survive? You should go and rest first?"

Shaoyao tried hard to persuade.

Ye Shixian did not move, her eyes were blank and unfocused, and she seemed to be in a daze.

Seeing her like this, Shaoyao felt worried and scared.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Ye family is in big trouble this time!

"Miss, how about..."

Before she finished speaking, there was sudden movement outside the yard. A white light flashed in Ye Shixian's mind and she immediately looked out the window.

"But Master Murong is here?!"

When she saw clearly that it was just a guard who came to change shifts, the light in her eyes instantly went out.

She stepped back with pale lips and slumped in the chair.

She thought about it all night and felt that her only hope was Murong Ye.

He had promised her before that he would plead for his father in front of His Majesty, but after one night, there was no news from Murong Ye.

Shaoyao saw her thoughts and couldn't help but said: "Miss, don't be discouraged. Mr. Murong has a soft spot for you, why is he willing to watch you suffer? He must be thinking of a way!"

Ye Shixian didn't hope so in her heart?
She nodded and murmured: "You are right, yesterday's incident happened suddenly, and he must have been too late to do anything, especially this time there is Prince Dingbei..."

Speaking of this, the tall and cold figure emerged in her mind again, and she silently tightened the veil.

In a situation like yesterday, he showed no mercy at all. It was really...

"That's all." Ye Shixian closed her eyes, "Dad is innocent anyway, we just have to wait for them to find out the truth!"

...Prince Qi’s Mansion.

Xiao Chengxuan stood up to change his clothes and asked casually: "How is the situation at the Ye family?"

He came back very late yesterday. He originally wanted to visit the Han family, but later he heard that Shen Yanchuan had brought people to the Ye family, so he canceled the plan and returned directly to his house.

Because of his hangover, his head still ached, making him even more irritable.

The guard knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists with both hands: "If I go back to Your Highness, the Ye family, like the Han family, is already heavily guarded. No one can enter or leave."

Xiao Chengxuan paused and frowned.

There is only one explanation for such a big commotion: Shen Yanchuan has indeed found relevant evidence!
"I heard that he went into the palace overnight last night and took a long time to come out?"


Xiao Chengxuan's face became colder and colder.

I don’t know what Shen Yanchuan said when he entered the palace.

He turned around and asked in a cold voice: "How is Ye Heng's condition?"

"Don't worry, Your Highness. Although he has been locked up, he still hasn't said a word until now. Mr. Su went there again early in the morning, trying to interrogate something, but ultimately returned without success."

Xiao Chengxuan's expression softened a little.

"He is quite strict."

Also, although he is inside, his wife and children are outside.

Ye Heng still has some brains and knows what to say and what not to say.

Xiao Chengxuan waved his hand.

"Okay, take more care of the Ye family. Once Ye Heng leaves, they don't know how to survive as a big family."

The guard bowed his head: "Your Highness is merciful!"

Xiao Chengxuan thought of something again and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"By the way, that Ye Chutang——" (End of Chapter)

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