"I heard that she saved that Su Pei'er again?"

"Return to Your Highness, that's right."

Xiao Chengxuan frowned.

If it weren't for Su Pei'er, Han Yao would have died in the fire long ago, but Ye Chutang managed to save him...

It's really in the way.

For some reason, Xiao Chengxuan always felt uneasy when he thought of her.

"Send someone to keep an eye on her. If she makes any moves, report her immediately."

Originally, he wanted to deal with the person directly, but the incident in Wulanshan became known to everyone. Ye Chutang was at the forefront of the storm, and countless pairs of eyes were watching her.

If an accident occurs at this time, it will easily make the matter worse.


Both the Dingbei Hou Mansion and the Princess Princess' Mansion treat her as a guest. If something happens to her, there's no telling what they will do.

After much deliberation, Xiao Chengxuan decided to stay put.

He said: "By the way, today is Han Tong's execution day?"


"Sister, aren't we going to the execution ground? This road doesn't seem right!"

Ye Yunfeng looked around,

"This is the way to Han's house!"

Ye Chutang nodded lightly: "Human life is at stake, so naturally we have to go to the Han family first."

Ye Yunfeng suddenly realized.

"Sister, are you going to see Su Peier?"

Su Pei'er suffered a heavy hemorrhage yesterday. If Ye Chutang hadn't been there, she might have died long ago.

"But there should be someone from the Crown Prince guarding over there, right?"

When they left yesterday, it seemed that they had already invited a doctor to come over.

Ye Chutang's lips curved slightly: "After all, I feel at ease only when I see it with my own eyes."

Ye Yunfeng nodded without doubting her presence.

In his opinion, Sister A is extremely dedicated to the patients she treats, and this time is no exception.

Thinking of the chaotic scene last night, it would be good to go and have a look.The two siblings just moved forward.

There was already a hint of coolness in the autumn wind, and the yellowing leaves were swirling and falling, making the streets and alleys look particularly empty.

There was a fire in the Han family last night, which completely burned the huge Han family.

Looking from a distance, all that is left is charred ruins.

Ye Yunfeng couldn't help but clicked his tongue: "This fire is really fierce, comparable to -"

It was even scarier than the fire in Fengling Lane!

Seeing the arrival of the two siblings, the officers and soldiers guarding the door quickly saluted.

"Miss Ye Er."

After experiencing last night, they all knew that the girl in front of them was definitely not someone who could be easily offended.

Ye Chutang explained the purpose of his visit, and they immediately bowed respectfully: "They are inside, you can just go directly."

No one else could enter, but Ye Chutang could. After all, she was the one who saved the person.

Ye Chutang thanked him and told Ye Yunfeng to wait outside. He picked up his skirt, walked forward, and pushed the door open.

The door is closed.

However, within half a moment, a woman's panicked scream came from inside the house.

What followed was the sound of pinging bells and banging objects falling to the ground.

Ye Yunfeng's expression changed: "Sister!"

His three steps turned into two steps, and he quickly moved forward!

The officers and soldiers responsible for guarding were also surprised when they heard the movement, and quickly followed!

"what happened!?"

Ye Yunfeng moved the fastest and reached the door in an instant. He raised his leg and kicked the door open hard!


He rushed in, and when everyone saw this, they also caught up with him.

However, the next moment, they saw Ye Yunfeng retreating step by step.

A sharp and shiny dagger was revealed.

Han Yao held Ye Chutang hostage and walked out step by step!

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