Chapter 215: Hijacking ([-]st update)
What caught everyone's eyes next was a thin and crazy face.

It was Han Yao who had not woken up from a coma for a long time!
At this time, he was holding Ye Chutang's neck with one arm, holding a dagger in one hand, and his eyes were filled with evil spirits.

Everyone was shocked - Han Yao woke up! ?

Ye Yunfeng tensed up and stared straight ahead.

"Han Yao! You are crazy!"

From his perspective, he could still see Su Peier and the little maid who had fainted and collapsed in the room.

Han Yao woke up at some point, knocked them both unconscious, and then took Ye Chutang hostage when she wasn't prepared!
As if he heard some joke, Han Yao twitched the corner of his mouth coldly, and it was difficult to hide the suppressed and terrifying madness.

"Go and ask Shen Yanchuan to come over immediately! I have something to tell him!"

Everyone looked at each other.

No one expected that he would make such a request!
Ye Chutang was still injured and was controlled by him at this time. The blood on his lips was light, but there was no trace of panic in his eyes.

She gave Ye Yunfeng a reassuring look, took a breath, and then managed to speak: "Han Yao, if you have anything to say, you can just say it to me directly -"

Han Yao suddenly exerted force and tightened his grip, causing Ye Chutang to cough.

Ye Yunfeng's pupils suddenly shrank——

"Han Yao! My sister saved your lives! How dare you do this to her!?"

Han Yao twitched the corners of his mouth and looked mockingly.

"So what? My huge Han family is about to disappear. It's just a cheap life. What's there to care about!"

Ye Yunfeng tightened his fists.

Today is the day when Han Tong is beheaded, and there was a fire last night, so maybe Han Yao will go crazy!

Someone from behind came forward and said repeatedly: "Han Yao! If you have any requests, just ask! Don't hurt Miss Ye Er!"

If something happened to Ye Chutang under their noses, they would all be in trouble!
"Stop talking nonsense!"

Han Yao's eyes were red and his voice was hoarse.
"I want to see Shen Yanchuan within a quarter of an hour! If he doesn't come, don't blame me for being rude!"

As he spoke, he put the dagger against Ye Chutang's slender neck.

Ye Chutang frowned slightly as a stinging pain came.

Ye Yunfeng's temples were throbbing, but Han Yao was holding a dagger in his hand and looking crazy again, so he couldn't take any chances.

"Okay! As long as you don't hurt my sister, everything else is easy!"...

Dingbeihou House.

Yun Cheng's expression was solemn and his steps were hurried.


Inside the room, Shen Yanchuan was taking the letter box off Gray Pigeon's leg.

This is a letter sent from Huizhou.

With a flick of his sharp-jointed fingers, the letter wrapped in a copper ring fell and unfolded.

The above is but a few words.

Shen Yanchuan glanced at it and half turned around when he heard the movement behind him.

"what happened?"

Yuncheng has always been calm and reserved, and it is rare to see him like this.

Yuncheng's throat felt dry and he knelt down on one knee.

"My subordinate's oversight! Han Yao took the opportunity to hold Miss Ye Er hostage, and said that within a quarter of an hour, he must ask you to go there in person!"

Shen Yanchuan's eyes turned cold!
Yun Cheng lowered his head, feeling like he had a heavy weight on his shoulders!

The cell door opened and two jailers walked in.

Han Tong was huddled in the corner, looking miserable. When he heard the noise, he knew it was the end of the day, and he began to tremble uncontrollably.

The great fear of death enveloped him, leaving him almost speechless.

"Let's go!"


"What did you say!?"

The eldest princess frowned, her expression serious,

"Then Han Yao has taken advantage of the fact that he has the heart of a bear and a leopard! What on earth did he want to do by letting Yanchuan go?"

(End of this chapter)

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