Han Tong walked out of the cell, his heavy anklets dragging on the ground, making a sound.

He struggled forward step by step, and the jailer behind him lost all patience and kicked him hard.

"What are you talking about! Leave quickly!"

Han Tong staggered a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

If he had been treated like this in the past, he would never have given up. But things are different now. Today, he is just a death row prisoner who is about to be escorted to the execution ground. Even if others bully him, he will only suffer!
Han Tong was having a very bad time during this period. He lost weight several times and looked emaciated.

At this moment, he already understood that there was no chance of him making a comeback!
I just don’t know, what is the situation at home now?
When he came to the door and saw the prison car, Han Tong's face turned even paler.

His legs were weak and his whole body was shaking slightly unconsciously.

Someone said, "Master Han, please? Do you want us to carry you up personally?"

Han Tong opened his mouth, a trace of anger flashed across his face, but the man had no intention of listening to his answer. He just sneered and said, "We can't afford to waste time."

Han Tong shuddered and swallowed the rest of his words unconsciously.

He took a deep breath and resigned himself to moving forward.

The prison van drove forward.

A gust of autumn wind blew, and Han Tong's lips turned a little blue from the cold. He curled up and tried to keep his body warm.

However, after walking a certain distance, the prison car suddenly stopped.

"Who is coming?" The jailer frowned, "Didn't you see that this is the death row prisoner's car!?"

Lian Zhou's eyes fell on the huddled figure in the prison car.

Half a month ago, who would have thought that the proud Han Tong would end up like this?
Lian Zhou raised his voice and said, "I am here to take Han Tong back to the Han family on the orders of my master!"

Hearing this, Han Tong froze, then raised his head in disbelief.

However, the moment he saw the person clearly, the hope that was ignited in his heart was instantly shattered.

How could it be Lian Zhou?He thought it was——

"Your master? Who?" the jailer asked, frowning.

Lian Zhou took out the jade pendant. "The Crown Prince has an order to take Han Tong to the Han Mansion immediately, without any mistakes!"

Everyone was stunned.

The order given by Prince Dingbei himself?
But, but Han Tong was about to be sent to the execution ground, why suddenly——

"You are too young to see Taishan, please forgive me!" The leader quickly smoothed things over. After all, Dingbei Hou Shizi was not something they could afford to offend, but...

"But sir, you are really embarrassing us like this. As time goes by -"

Before he finished speaking, the person next to him suddenly remembered something and hurriedly pulled him.

"I heard that at the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet last night, Prince Dingbei was ordered to thoroughly investigate the affairs of the Han family. Could it be that... this is also related to it?"

The fire last night burned everything to the ground, and no one in the streets knew that something big had happened to the Han family.

And the one who was sent was none other than Shen Yanchuan, the crown prince of Dingbei Hou!

Then this...

Han Tong felt strong uneasiness in his heart.

What is this-

Lian Zhou glanced at him and said, "Master Han, you have given birth to a good son!"

Han Tong's heart suddenly sank!

Ye Shixian sat by the window, stunned.

Suddenly, there was movement outside the curtain.

She subconsciously turned her head to look, but the moment she saw the person coming, she stood up in excitement.

"Master Murong!"

If the person coming is not Murong Ye, who is it?

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