Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 219 The person I want

Ye Shixian was surprised and happy. She never expected that Murong Ye would appear at this time.

She took two steps forward excitedly, then quickly restrained herself and looked out the window nervously.

"Mr. Murong, why are you—"

The entire Ye family was closely guarded. How did he get in?
Murong Ye quickly explained: "Don't worry Xian'er, I sneaked in while they weren't paying attention, and I didn't disturb anyone."

The hope that had just surged in Ye Shixian's heart was instantly shattered.

Also, if Murong Ye was really honest, he would definitely go through the front door instead of being sneaky like he is now...

Murong Ye looked at her with distress in his eyes.

She knew at a glance that she must not have slept well. She looked very haggard and depressed. She looked really pitiful.

"Xian'er, what happened?"

Ye Shixian's eyes instantly turned red.

She lowered her head, her voice choked with sobs: "I, I don't know how it ended up like this..."

After recounting what happened yesterday intermittently, Ye Shixian burst into tears.

Murong Ye frowned.

"You mean, they found something in the Han family first and then came here again?"

With Shen Yanchuan's style of doing things, he must have solid evidence to do so.

Murong Ye was also beating a drum in his heart.

Ye Shixian's eyes flickered and she bit her red lips: "I don't know, who dares to stop the prince's destiny? Originally, I thought that no matter how I investigated, it would be fine as long as my father could be cleared in the end, but I didn't expect that my mother could not bear the humiliation. He hit the wall with his head! Mingze is still in a coma now. I, I'm really afraid that I can't protect them..."

Seeing her crying, the doubts in Murong Ye's heart were instantly dispelled, and he couldn't help but put his arms around her shoulders.

"Xian'er, don't cry, I will definitely help you find a solution!"

Ye Shixian stiffened. After hearing what he said, she restrained the urge to break free, raised her face slightly, and asked expectantly: "Really?"

With the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, Murong Ye would naturally not refuse. "rest assured!"

He raised his hand to wipe away Ye Shixian's tears,
"Stop crying, crying will hurt your body. What's wrong?"

Ye Shixian thought of something and her eyes brightened: "Then, then yesterday's palace banquet——"

Murong Ye had personally promised her before that he would try his best to plead for her father!
A trace of embarrassment flashed across Murong Ye's face.

"It's a long story, and it hasn't happened yet - but don't worry! I will definitely find another way!"

The light in Ye Shixian's eyes went out, and she wanted to break away immediately, but remembering that she couldn't find anyone else who could help except Murong Ye, she had to endure it.

Her shoulders trembled slightly, like a frightened rabbit, she bit her lip slightly and smiled at him with tears in her eyes.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Murong first."


Seeing that the direction was getting more and more wrong, Han Tong felt more and more uneasy.

After being anxious all the way, Han Tong's eyelids twitched when he saw the familiar door.

He was actually brought back!
What's more important is that there are so many officers and soldiers here!
Looking at their prepared formation and the tall and tall figure standing at the front, even a fool would know that something was wrong!
Then, Han Tong was escorted forward.

Shen Yanchuan turned around, his deep eyes filled with coldness.

Han Tong couldn't help but shuddered.


What is this-

Shen Yanchuan ignored it and looked into the room again. His voice was as cold as jade.

"You brought the person you wanted. Can you return the person I wanted to me now?"

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