Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 225 Killing Heart

Chapter 225 Killing Heart (Part [-])
Countless pairs of eyes looked towards the sound.

Han Tong turned around and was shocked when he saw Ye Yunfeng holding the box in his arms.

He wanted to open his mouth to stop, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't say a word.

Han Yao had completely lost his mind at this time, looking at the box as if looking at the last life-saving straw.

"Shen Yanchuan!"

He shouted loudly,
"The things are already here. Don't forget what you promised me just now!"

In fact, he did not trust Shen Yanchuan. After all, he had not had much contact with Shen Yanchuan in the past, and his only impression was that the prince who had been away from Beijing for many years was elusive.

At this time, he was sure that Shen Yanchuan would not dare to break his promise just because of the public gaze.

Shen Yanchuan's eyes passed over the box very lightly, making no waves.

Then, he stepped forward and seemed to want to open the box.

However, the moment his fingers touched the edge of the box, he suddenly stopped.

Seeing the broken hole, he raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at Ye Yunfeng very lightly.

He had brought the things back, and there were still a few bits of dirt standing on the corners of the boy's clothes, which showed that he had found them.

When Han Yao saw this, he couldn't help but become anxious.

"What, you don't believe me!?"

He wouldn't have done this unless he was desperate!

Right now, this is the only chance for a comeback——

Shen Yanchuan suddenly asked: "Besides these, is there anything else?"

Han Yao was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this question was not about him, but about his father.

However, Han Tong was speechless at this time, so how could he get an answer?

Blood surged all over his body, his mind was already a mess, and veins were pulsing on his forehead.

——Shen Yanchuan clearly did it on purpose!He wanted to take this opportunity to find out more things!
Seeing that Han Tong was silent, Han Yao became even more anxious.


Looking at Shen Yanchuan's appearance, he was sure there was something else. Could it be that his father was still hiding it from him?

But it’s already time!

"Dad! Why are you hesitating!" Seeing that Han Tong never responded, Han Yao became more and more irritable.

He couldn't help but take a step forward: "What else do you have to worry about!? As long as-"

A sharp sound broke through the air suddenly!

The biting cold wind hit, Han Yao was shocked and had to dodge immediately!

Yet it was too late.

He even hurriedly caught a glimpse of an afterimage with his peripheral vision, and then felt a coldness on his hands.


The dagger fell with a crisp sound.

Severe pain finally struck. Han Yao lowered his head and saw that his hand holding the dagger had been pierced by a sharp arrow.

On the palm of his hand, blood was gurgling from the hole.

In just a split second, when he was distracted and anxious, a sharp arrow flew and severed his hand!
Han Yao's mind went blank for a moment, and then he realized something was wrong, and subconsciously used his other hand to pinch Ye Chutang's neck!

"Shen Yanchuan! How dare you—"

His voice was hoarse with surging anger.

But before he finished speaking, he was met with a pair of deep, cold black eyes.

Indescribable fear suddenly crawled up my spine from the soles of my feet.

He was about to move, but suddenly he felt numb all over, and it became difficult to even move.

——The arrow is poisonous!

Han Yao opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood, then weakly let go of his hand and fell to his knees.

The ground was stained darkly.

Ye Chutang staggered a step and took a deep breath. There were a few dazzling spots of blood on his fair and slender neck.

She coughed violently.

In the peripheral vision, a hand with sharp joints handed over a snow handkerchief.

(End of this chapter)

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