Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 226 Who said it was a rumor

Ye Chutang took the handkerchief, and the dazzling bright red on her slender neck was instantly covered.

"Thank you, son."

Even though she looked embarrassed and her breathing was weak, she still bowed her knees and bowed politely. She was self-restrained and could not fault anything she said or did.

A strand of broken hair fell down. She raised her hand and gently tucked it behind her ears. When she raised her eyes again, her dark and warm eyes had calmed down again.

It seemed that she was not the one who was threatened with her life just now, and it seemed that she was not the one who almost died on the spot.

Shen Yanchuan's eyes fell on the girl's pale cheek.

There was no fear in her eyes, she was calm and composed, as if no matter what happened, nothing could move her.

Probably due to lack of oxygen, when Ye Chutang stood up, his vision turned black, he staggered and stepped back.


Shen Yanchuan raised his hand almost subconsciously and immediately went to help her.

However, Ye Chutang reacted faster.

She moved her eyebrows slightly, looking past Shen Yanchuan and landing behind him.

"Ah Feng."

At this sound, Shen Yanchuan suddenly woke up: Everyone was watching. At this moment, countless pairs of eyes gathered from all directions, looking at them!

Ye Yunfeng rushed over quickly.


He looked anxiously at Ye Chutang up and down, feeling angry and anxious.

"This Han Yao is really crazy!"

If something really happened to Sister A, he would definitely cut Han Yao into pieces!

Ye Chutang gave him a reassuring smile: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

This little flesh wound is indeed nothing compared to before.

Ye Yunfeng stopped talking and turned to look at Han Yao, who had collapsed on the ground. The anger in his heart was still lingering.

He clenched his fists tightly, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

A warm and soft hand gently covered his wrist.

"It's getting late. If you don't go back, your third brother and Xiao Wu will have to wait in a hurry."

The slightly hoarse but still low and calm voice seems to have invisible power, making people unconsciously calm down.

Ye Yunfeng took a deep breath and finally turned to look at Ye Chutang.The angry young man is stubborn and patient.

Ye Chutang smiled slightly.

"Let's go."

She raised her eyes slightly, but found that Shen Yanchuan seemed to have never taken his eyes away from her since just now.

Ye Chutang pretended not to notice and nodded slightly.

"I'm afraid the rest of the matter will cause trouble to the Crown Prince."

Shen Yanchuan said: "Lian Zhou, prepare the car."

Ye Chutang prepared to decline politely: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, but A Feng and I can go back directly, so it won't be troublesome——"

"Take them all down and let me personally interrogate them later."

Ye Chutang was stunned for a moment and blinked slightly.

What does this mean...

Looking at the familiar carriage from Dingbei Houfu, Ye Chutang refused.

With so many people watching, Shen Yanchuan saw her off in person. In less than a day, rumors would spread all over the capital.

However, before he could say the rejection, Shen Yanchuan said: "Your injury cannot be delayed."

Ye Yunfeng immediately switched sides.

"Yes, sister! Let's go back and check for injuries first!"

In fact, he knew that his sister's injury was not life-threatening, but her old injury had not healed and she had a new injury, so it would be best to save some energy.

Ye Chutang was silent, and finally chose to compromise.


Inside the carriage, everything was quiet.

Ye Chutang felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange, so he took the initiative to speak: "Your Majesty, you really don't need to worry so much. So many people have seen it today, and the rumors will start again later, I'm afraid-"

"What rumour?"

Shen Yanchuan suddenly interrupted her, raising his eyes slightly, his dark and cold eyes focused on her, but it seemed like something was about to break out of the cage.

He half leaned back and spoke casually——

"Besides, who said that was a rumor?"

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