Chapter 227: Heart ([-]st update)
Inside the carriage, the atmosphere was subtle.

Ye Chutang's eyelashes moved slightly, and she silently swallowed the words in her throat - she couldn't accept these words.

Shen Yanchuan quietly looked at the woman opposite, trying to catch even a hint of emotion on her face.

She was extremely smart and naturally understood what he meant.

He has thought about many possibilities, but this one is the one he least wants to see.

Like a drop of water falling into the sea, it quietly melted away without causing any movement, as if nothing had happened.

Shen Yanchuan frowned slightly and tapped his slender fingers gently on his knees. Looking at the calm and peaceful face of the girl in front of him, he felt for the first time what it meant to be helpless.

If it were any other woman, even if she didn't mean it, she would inevitably blush after hearing such words.

She was the only one who didn't react at all.

No one could guess what she was thinking, it was elusive, and even getting close seemed extremely difficult.

"Your Majesty robbed Han Tong halfway today. Is there any serious problem?"

Ye Chutang changed the subject and started talking about other things.

Shen Yanchuan stared at her for several seconds, and finally said quietly: "Miss Ye Er, are you worried about me?"

Ye Chutang: "..."

She smiled slightly and said politely, "You saved my life today, so I naturally care about you. Besides, the evidence found by the Han family is very likely related to the assassination of my father, mother, and brother."

No water is revealed, generous and decent.

Only it has nothing to do with her.

Shen Yanchuan paused: "Don't worry, I asked for your Majesty's instructions last night."

Sure enough, that's what the person above meant.

This was what Ye Chutang had expected, but after hearing what Shen Yanchuan said, she breathed out softly: "That's good."

To thoroughly investigate what happened back then, she and Xu Fengchi alone would not be able to survive until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.

But if the higher-ups knew something was fishy and it was done in front of the ministers, then even if it was just for the sake of face, the matter would never be let go so easily.

Ye Chutang has always known his own weight.All she has to do is throw out the introduction, and when the time comes, someone will do the work for her.

Ye Chutang lifted up the curtain of the carriage and glanced outside, his dark starry eyes slightly narrowed.

It was just after noon, and the sunlight was just right, shining on her face, like fine mutton-fat jade, warm and delicate.

This made the blood stains on her slender neck even more glaring.

Ye Chutang frowned slightly.


Shen Yanchuan's heart moved slightly and he leaned forward unconsciously: "Why, but the wound hurts again?"

Ye Chutang looked back, slightly surprised.

Forget about others, according to Shen Yanchuan's eyesight, he should not be able to see that she was just pretending - after all, he is one of the few people who has seen her do it.

Furthermore, he had been in the North for a long time and had seen a lot of border wars. How could he not see that it was just a shallow flesh wound on her neck.

Looking at it at this time, there seemed to be a bit of unconcealed nervousness between his brows.

Ye Chutang said frankly: "That's not true. It's just that I went back late. I don't know how Xiao Wu ate. It's time for a nap at this time."

Shen Yanchuan: "..."

He began to feel that he had made a mistake by sending her back.


The carriage traveled all the way to Ye's house and finally stopped slowly.

Before Ye Chutang got down, he heard the sound of rapid horse hooves coming from outside.

"Sister Chutang!"

Ye Chutang made a move.

When Shen Yanchuan heard this voice, his eyes turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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