Yaohua Palace.

Xiao Chengxuan sat on pins and needles, feeling that every minute and every second was extremely difficult.

He looked outside from time to time, feeling uneasy for some reason.

If the imperial concubine glanced at the palace maid, the palace maid bowed her head and stepped forward, replacing the cold tea with hot water again.

The faint smell of sandalwood spreads out, and the scent that used to be concentrated in the past cannot soothe the troubled mind today.

Xiao Chengxuan came to the palace this time because he wanted to inquire about the news. However, after arriving here, he realized that what he did was really inappropriate.

If Shen Yanchuan really followed his orders, then everything today would be justified.

At this time, whoever cannot sit still first has a guilty conscience.

So he can't ask.

After much thought, he had no choice but to wait here for a while in the name of visiting Concubine Ru.

At the same time, he has secretly sent people to follow up on the situation outside the palace. If there are any bad signs, he will report them immediately.

It's just that the waiting time is really long.

Ru Guifei couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Chengxuan, tell me... what did Shen Yanchuan find out that made him dare to kidnap people directly like this?"

As soon as this happened, if Shen Yanchuan didn't have enough reasons, he would inevitably be slapped with a few books.

There are more than one or two people who can't stand the Dingbeihou Mansion.

Xiao Chengxuan frowned and shook his head: "I don't know yet. But... nine times out of ten, we have ironclad evidence."

With Shen Yanchuan's style of doing things, he would never be so aggressive without sufficient assurance.

The key is...

"Han Tong has been in jail these days. Those who can be tried have been tried long ago. Why suddenly..."

His people have also been watching closely to make sure that Han Tong never said anything that shouldn't be said. He thought he would be able to sit back and relax after today, but who knows——

"Does anyone besides him know about those things?" Concubine Ru Gui suddenly thought of something and tightened her hand on the veil, "He has a good son out there!"

Xiao Chengxuan's eyebrows twitched hard and he couldn't help but stand up, pacing back and forth restlessly.

"You mean Han Yao? But he is just a dude who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. How could Han Tong -"

At this moment, there were hurried footsteps outside the door. "Your Highness?"

Xiao Chengxuan looked back and saw that it was the confidant he had sent out to investigate the situation.


The man stepped forward with a hurried expression.

Xiao Chengxuan's uneasy feeling became even stronger.

"What's wrong? Say it!"

The man knelt on one knee with a hesitant expression: "Your Highness, the Han family has found something, and it seems to be related to Ye Heng!"

"Ye Heng?" Ru Guifei was stunned for a moment, "Why did you involve him again?"

A string in Xiao Chengxuan's mind quickly tightened.

Then, I heard the man say again——

"Han Yao publicly accused Ye Heng and Han Tong of planning the murder of Ye Zheng's family! And the evidence was dug up in the Han family's yard on the spot!"

Xiao Chengxuan's head buzzed.

"And Han Yao held Ye Chutang hostage with a knife, and he is now imprisoned and is waiting to be punished!"


In anger, Xiao Chengxuan swept the teacup off the table and smashed it into pieces.

The palace servants waiting outside heard the sound and came in a hurry.


Ru Guifei quickly scolded: "No one is allowed to come in!"

Everyone outside the door didn't know why, but they didn't dare to violate it, so they had to wait carefully.

Concubine Ru Gui then looked at Xiao Chengxuan and said anxiously: "Chengxuan, calm down!"

How can Xiao Chengxuan still calm down?

He asked with a gloomy face: "Where are the things?" (End of Chapter)

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