Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 229 More important things

The man's head lowered even further: "The box of evidence has been taken away by Prince Dingbei on the spot."

Xiao Chengxuan closed his eyes and tried his best to suppress the surging emotions in his heart.

He should have expected that Shen Yanchuan would not expose such a big incident easily.

"Do you know what's in there?" Xiao Chengxuan asked in a deep voice.

"Subordinates are incompetent!"

Xiao Chengxuan's expression was even colder, but he was not surprised by this - it was not convenient in front of so many people.

But if this happens, things will become troublesome.

Who would have thought that Han Tong would actually retain such a skill?
As long as something useful is found inside, then——

"Where is Shen Yanchuan now?" Xiao Chengxuan asked in a solemn voice.

The subordinate hesitated for a moment and said: "Second Miss Ye was in shock and seriously injured, so the Crown Prince sent her back in person. Now... she should have arrived at Ye's house."

Xiao Chengxuan fell silent and thought thoughtfully: "Ye Chutang...he is particularly concerned about her."

Ru Guifei's eyes flashed slightly, she looked around, and then she tentatively asked in a low voice: "Chengxuan, you mean, he treats that Ye Chutang..."

Xiao Chengxuan sneered.

He thought he was overthinking that time in Wulan Mountain before, but now it seems that Shen Yanchuan views Ye Chutang differently.

He tilted his head and asked, "Concubine, do you remember that you have a hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum in your palace?"

Ru Guifei instantly guessed his plan: "Do you want to... give it to Ye Chutang?"

Xiao Chengxuan narrowed his eyes: "The eldest princess values ​​her very much. Now she has suffered a sudden mutation and is seriously injured. She is also involved in her father's wasted death. What if she becomes ill and cannot survive the blow?"

If the imperial concubine's mind moved, she nodded in agreement: "If her father's death was really unjust, Your Majesty will definitely investigate to the end and give her justice. At this time, her health is naturally important."


Ye family.

Hearing this sound, Ye Chutang lifted the curtain and looked outside.

What caught his eye was a handsome face that didn't hide his worry.

"Young Master Xu."

Ye Chutang nodded slightly.

Xu Rongqing was originally on duty at the Hanlin Academy today. Hearing that something was going on here, he hurried over.

The moment I saw Ye Chutang, my heart that had been hanging all the way was finally relieved. However, when I looked carefully, I saw her face as pale as paper and the dazzling blood on her neck, and my heart tightened again.

He couldn't help but took two steps forward, frowning, his eyes full of anger: "Then Han Yao hurt you?!"

Ye Chutang relaxed his eyebrows and smiled slightly: "It's just a small injury. It will heal in a few days. Mr. Xu doesn't have to worry about it."

Of course Xu Rongqing didn't believe it, and thought her words were just to comfort herself.

"Then Han Yao is too courageous, he is really crazy!" Xu Rongqing was filled with anger in his chest and abdomen, and he was still full of anger when he mentioned this matter.

Although he was not present at the scene, looking at Ye Chutang's appearance at this time, it is not difficult to imagine the torture he went through.

Before Ye Chutang could speak, a slightly indifferent man's voice came from beside him.

"Why don't you ask the imperial doctor to come over again?"

Ye Chutang:? ? ?

She turned back with a bit of confusion in her eyes.

She didn't believe that Shen Yanchuan couldn't see the extent of her injury. Besides, even if it was really serious, she had already shown it to her, and it was her turn to have the imperial doctor come?
Shen Yanchuan looked at her calmly with his dark eyes, as if he didn't realize what she meant at all.

"That makes me feel at ease." He said in a most natural tone.Ye Chutang: "..."

Are they familiar?Isn't it a bit inappropriate to say this?

Xu Rongqing seemed to have noticed that there was another person in the carriage just now. He was stunned for a moment, and then he saluted Shen Yanchuan with clasped fists and thanked him seriously: "Thanks to the crown prince for helping me today, otherwise I don't know - Xu Rongqing, thank you crown prince!"

"Young Master Xu is very polite, but this thank you is not necessary."

The corners of Shen Yanchuan's lips were slightly raised, as if he was smiling, and the corners of his eyes and brows showed a coldness and alienation.
"My eldest son is protecting Miss Ye Er, why should Mr. Xu express his gratitude on my behalf?"

Xu Rongqing's chest felt inexplicably, and her lips moved slightly. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it.

Just when he was about to explain a few more words, Shen Yanchuan had already averted his eyes and looked at Ye Chutang again: "Grandma should also know about this. I have sent people to the eldest princess's mansion to inform them of the situation here and ask them not to come over for the time being. Excuse me. Just take a good rest at home today and leave the rest to me."

Ye Chutang knew that he was talking about the farce between the Han family and his son, and the matter involving her father.

Originally, she was still thinking that one stone would stir up a thousand waves, and today's events would inevitably cause an uproar. She came back early to appease Xiao Wu and the others and prepare to deal with many upcoming matters. Unexpectedly, Shen Yanchuan had already made arrangements one step ahead.

That's all right.

Ye Chutang is not a ungrateful person. When people offer to help, she has no reason to refuse.

"Thank you, son."

She lowered her eyebrows and said thank you seriously.

The eldest princess's palace is not the most important. Today's matter will ultimately be decided by the person in the palace.

With Shen Yanchuan mediating the situation, she was indeed left with a lot of trouble.

Shen Yanchuan looked at her and felt relieved knowing that she accepted the favor.

No matter how many people in the court asked him for help, he might not give them any trouble. But for the person in front of him, he put all his efforts and methods into it, and it still depends on whether they are willing to accept it or not.

Shen Yanchuan, you too have today.

He laughed at himself a little in his heart, but his thin lips curled up again.

"There's no need to say thank you. It's the same thing to record it in the account first and pay it back later."

Ye Chutang: "..."

She already said thank you, what else does she want in return?
Shen Yanchuan didn't seem to see her questioning look, and turned to Ye Yunfeng and said, "Take care of your sister."

Ye Yunfeng nodded repeatedly: "Definitely!"

Seeing him like this, Ye Chutang really wanted to ask whether he was your brother or whether I was your sister, but in the end he endured it.

After what happened today, Ye Yunfeng already regards Shen Yanchuan as one of his own, worshiping and being close to him.

With his stubborn temper, he won't be able to pull it back for a while, so be it.

She gently covered the wound on her neck with a handkerchief, and while thinking about how to explain to Ayan and Xiaowu later, she got out of the carriage.

Xu Rongqing subconsciously stepped forward, wanting to ask another concerned question, but she heard another voice.

"Miss Ye Er is very frightened today. She should go back and rest early, so we won't disturb you."

Xu Rongqing paused.

Shen Yanchuan looked at it calmly and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Master Xu, what else is more important?"

Xu Rongqing choked.

Of course, nothing is more important than Ye Chutang's body.

Looking at the pale and frail girl's face, he opened his mouth, and finally said: "Sister Chutang needs to recuperate, I, we won't disturb her for the time being." (End of Chapter)

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