Ye Chutang saw that he had a different look on his face and asked, "Mr. Ke?"

Ke Yizhang looked hesitant.

"Miss Ye Er seems to have suffered from colds in the past?"

Ye Chutang nodded gently: "Emperor Ke's medical skills are superb, and such old diseases can be diagnosed at a glance."

Only then did Ke Yizhang remember the experience of the girl in front of him——

Three years ago, she fled with her young siblings during the severe winter snowfall. She was lucky to survive.

It is estimated that this cold syndrome was contracted at that time.

Ke Yizhang's expression became more solemn: "You have been suffering from this disease for many years and it hurts your lungs and heart. You need to take good care of it!"

Ye Chutang glanced outside. She had just sent the two brothers out, and Xiao Wu was not here either.

It should be inaudible.

She smiled slightly and put down her sleeves, her movements gentle and her eyebrows calm.

"I understand what you mean, but this is an old disease that I suffered from many years ago. It cannot be cured in a day or two, so I can only take my time."

Seeing that she didn't seem very worried, Ke Yizhang was a little worried.

"Miss Ye Er, this is a matter of life and death, so don't be careless! You -"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that Ye Chutang in front of him also had good medical skills. With her ability, there was no way she would not know what was going on with her body.

For a moment, looking at the quiet and indifferent face in front of him, he didn't know what to say.

She clearly knows everything...

After a long time, Ke Yizhang let out a long sigh and looked guilty: "I'm useless."

Ye Chutang seemed to have expected his answer, and just shook his head slightly and smiled.

"It's Chutang's luck to be alive today. If you live for one more day, you've made a profit."

When Ke Yizhang heard this, he couldn't bear it, and there was a faint look of pity in his eyes.

He had heard of Ye Chutang for a long time, but he had never had the opportunity to contact him before. Today, he was ordered to come here, but he actually had some inquiring intentions in his heart.

But he never expected that Ye Chutang, who had become famous in the capital recently, was only seventeen years old, but his health was already in such a bad state...Ke Yizhang thought for a long time, and finally said: "There are no absolutes in things in this world, and maybe there will be a turn for the better in the future. .”

Ye Chutang's lips curved slightly: "You are right. However, this is not a big deal in the first place."

As she spoke, she glanced out the window and vaguely heard Ah Feng planning to make some light and nourishing rice and soup for her to recuperate from her injuries.

"Isn't everything good now?"

she laughed.


Ke Yizhang left in a hurry.

"Sister, why did Dr. Ke look like that when he left?"

The fragrance wafted into the yard. Ah Feng wiped his hands and frowned slightly.

Ye Chutang shook his head: "It's nothing. I just found out that my injury today is not serious, and promised me to keep it secret. It's a bit of a headache."

Ye Yunfeng understood.

Sister doesn’t plan to see guests for a while, so she naturally has to act like she’s seriously injured.

This Imperial Physician Ke is the prince, so it is not surprising that he would agree to help.

Ye Chutang waved: "Okay, go and call your third brother and Xiao Wu to come for dinner."

She is indeed very tired today. If anything happens, let Shen Yanchuan handle it.


When Ke Yizhang came to Dingbei Hou Mansion, Shen Yanchuan had not returned yet.

"The prince has entered the palace, and he may return late today." Yuncheng explained by sending someone to serve tea.

Ke Yizhang was about to speak but stopped.

He has also heard about what happened today. I'm afraid there will be a lot of disputes when Shen Yanchuan goes there.

However, Ye Chutang——

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