"Do you have something important to report to the crown prince?" Yun Chengshan was good at observing people's words. At this moment, he saw that Ke Yizhang looked wrong, and he became more guessing, "But Miss Ye Er..."

Ke Yizhang hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Miss Ye Er was indeed frightened today..."

Yuncheng frowned slightly: "Then Han Yao is indeed very cruel."

If this were not the case, the master would not be so angry, and even Ke Yizhang would be moved.

Hearing what he said, Ke Yizhang choked.

Everyone thought that Ye Chutang was seriously injured by Han Yao. As for the rest - Ye Chutang obviously didn't want others to know.

Ke Yizhang was in his sixties, and he had his beloved granddaughter at his knees, who was about the same age as Ye Chutang.

Thinking that she was only seventeen and had to bear so many things, Ke Yizhang couldn't help but feel a little sympathy in his heart.

He opened his mouth, shook his head and sighed.

"Yes. Miss Ye Er has no enmity or enmity with him, but he actually committed such a vicious attack. It's really cruel!"



Ye Shixian lost her balance and knocked over the copper basin on the side, spilling hot water on the floor.

She was so burned that she stood up instantly, and the back of her hands was already a blush.


Shaoyao, who had just come back from outside, heard the noise and quickly entered the house. She was shocked when she saw this scene.

"You're hurt!"

She turned around and was about to call someone, but was stopped by Ye Shixian.

"It's useless to go. No matter how you beg them now, it's useless."

Shaoyao regained consciousness, and her heart felt cold.


The eldest lady had already knelt down with those people before, but she still couldn't even get out of the door?
  Ye Mingze had a high fever, and Ye Shixian was really afraid that he would burn out his body, so she had to keep wiping him with a towel.

But it had little effect, and Ye Mingze didn't even show any sign of opening his eyes.

"Go get the medicine." Ye Shixian endured the pain and ordered.

Shaoyao hurriedly turned around and rummaged through the cabinets to find medicine.

Ye Shixian was restless and couldn't help but ask again: "What news can you find out? What is the situation at Ye Chutang now?"

When Shaoyao heard this, she couldn't help snorting.

"What else can be done? Then Han Yao has already been cornered and looking like crazy. Ye Chutang is just a weak female, how can she be his opponent? I heard that she was seriously injured, and even Prince Dingbei sent her back in person! Presumably, even if you don’t die, you will be half disabled!”

Ye Shixian couldn't help but frown when she heard a few harsh words in the words.

"The prince actually has the time to take care of her?"

You know what kind of chaos is happening outside, but Shen Yanchuan is still taking care of Ye Chutang like this?

Shaoyao lowered her voice: "So I guess her condition must not be very good!"

If people just disappeared, everyone would be happy!
  Ye Shixian's eyebrows did not relax, and her palms clenched unconsciously.

Of course she hoped that Ye Chutang would die in today's accident, but... how could it be so easy?
  In such a desperate situation back then, Ye Chutang was able to escape with his young siblings and even return to the capital, not to mention this...

She looked at Ye Mingze lying on the bed and murmured.

"I don't know how dad is doing... Mingze, you must hold on!"


The palace, the imperial study.

"Your Majesty, Prince Dingbei wants to see you."

Hearing this, Qian Zhongfeng, who had been arguing here for a long time, became angry.

"How dare he come!?"

Emperor Mu Wu glanced at him lightly.

"Qian Aiqing."

Qian Zhongfeng held a breath in his chest and could only hang his head, suppressing his anger: "I have lost my composure. I hope your majesty will forgive me."

Emperor Mu Wu said: "Announce him to come in."

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