The door opened, and a tall and tall snow-colored figure stepped in.

Qian Zhongfeng didn't even look back, his face was sullen, and his whole body exuded strong dissatisfaction.

Everyone can feel his anger rising to the sky at this moment.

Shen Yanchuan already knew that he was here before, so he was not surprised at this time and went straight forward to salute Emperor Mu Wu.

"Yanchuan acted recklessly today, please convict your Majesty."

Of course he knew very well that the man in the palace already knew everything that happened in the Han family.

So as soon as he came in, he was the first to apologize.

Emperor Mu Wu leaned on the back of his chair, his weathered face looking calm, and it was difficult to tell whether he was happy or angry.

"I originally thought that you followed your father's temperament, but now it seems that you are better than others."

Dingbeihou was famous for being brave and good at fighting when he was young, otherwise he would not have achieved the great military exploits he has today.

However, Emperor Mu Wu's words were definitely not a compliment at this time.

Shen Yanchuan lowered his head.

"The situation is urgent and Yanchuan knows his mistake."

When Qian Zhongfeng heard this, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said in a strange tone: "The prince also said that the situation is urgent, so all the actions taken today must have been forced, so why is there anything wrong?"

Shen Yanchuan tilted his head: "Master Qian, I still owe you an explanation for what happened today——"

"Don't dare!" Qian Zhongfeng looked at him firmly and interrupted him forcefully, "Everything the prince does is for a reason. How can I say anything? I just robbed a death row prisoner halfway. Is it possible that I really want to do something to the prince?" Punished by law?"

He sneered, and the sarcasm behind his words was obvious.

Not to mention that Shen Yanchuan was originally ordered to investigate the affairs of the Han family and held special privileges. Even if he did not have the will of the Holy Emperor, it would be impossible to really convict him of today's actions.

After all, he is the only son of Marquis Dingbei and the grandson of the eldest princess. With such a status, who can stand up to him? !

Although Shen Yanchuan has been away from the capital in the past few years, his status is so valuable that a courtier like him can deal with it casually?

However, having said that, Qian Zhongfeng is also known to have a straight temper.

Otherwise, he would not have rushed directly from the execution ground to the palace to complain to Emperor Mu Wu.

"All right."

Emperor Mu Wu spoke and glanced at Qian Zhongfeng,
  "The situation is special, and it is understandable that Yanchuan should be killed first and then reported later. I did say before that I asked him to find out the matter as quickly as possible no matter what. But I didn't expect it to involve so many things, but I didn't think carefully."

No matter how aggrieved Qian Zhongfeng was, could he still blame Emperor Mu Wu for all this?
  He immediately said: "Your Majesty's words are serious!"

He had long expected that Emperor Mu Wu would be thinking about Shen Yanchuan, and Qian Zhongfeng never thought about what he could do to Shen Yanchuan.

But if the prisoner was kidnapped halfway, what would he say if he didn't react?

Emperor Muwu waved his hand: "Please step back first."

Qian Zhongfeng originally wanted to say a few more words, but seeing this, he had to swallow the rest.

Just as he was about to turn around, he glanced at Shen Yanchuan and couldn't help but ask: "Then Han Tong——"

"He is most likely related to the murder of Mr. Ye Zhengye, and must be interrogated strictly." Shen Yanchuan paused briefly.

Emperor Mu Wu looked cold when he heard this.

Although I already knew what happened to the Han family, I still couldn't get rid of my anger when I heard Shen Yanchuan mention it.

"It won't be too late to convict and punish Han Tong again after the trial is over!"

Qian Zhongfeng knew that there would be no results today, so he had to retreat.

After he left, Emperor Mu Wu looked at Shen Yanchuan again.

Those old and unpredictable eyes held a fierceness that could not be ignored. “Please tell me in detail what happened today.”

Shen Yanchuan suddenly sent someone to take Han Tong away. It was indeed not his instruction, but now is not the time to pursue this.

——Ye Zheng's death is the most important thing to find out.

Shen Yanchuan responded, and then calmly stated what happened before and after.

After listening to this, Emperor Mu Wu said nothing for a long time.

The huge imperial study room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Shen Yanchuan didn't seem to be in a hurry and waited quietly.

Finally, Emperor Mu Wu spoke in a deep voice: "I remember that although Ye Zheng had some dissatisfaction with some ministers in the court, they were not enemies of life and death. He was even more dedicated to helping his younger brother. If this is the case, Ye Heng really did it, then... what did he do?"

Ye Zheng had been an official for several years. He was upright and never formed cliques. Although he offended some people, he was appreciated by Emperor Muwu because of his character.

If Long Yan hadn't been offended by his impulse at that time, Ye Zheng would have become an important minister in the court today.

Compared to his brother, Ye Heng was inferior in every aspect. He was able to establish himself in the capital so quickly because of Ye Zheng's credit.

How could he harm his own brother?

This makes no sense either emotionally or rationally!

Ever since he knew that Ye Zheng's death was suspicious, Emperor Mu Wu had doubted many people, but he had never thought of Ye Heng.

Who knew that Han Yao would break out such shocking news today? !

Shen Yanchuan lowered his eyelashes slightly and said, "This matter has not been fully investigated, and Yanchuan dare not make false claims."

Emperor Mu Wu narrowed his eyes and snorted.

"Now I am cautious about my words and deeds. Why didn't you think so much when I sent someone to rob Han Tong before?"

Shen Yanchuan seemed not to hear the reproach in these words and smiled slightly:
  "His Majesty ordered a thorough investigation into the death of Mr. Ye Zheng. Yanchuan should make a decisive decision and not let go of any possibility or clue. But until the truth comes out, everything is just speculation. In the end, evidence must speak for itself."

He really picked himself clean.

Emperor Muwu knew his temper and didn't bother to argue with him.

After all, he was the one who originally sent Shen Yanchuan to investigate this matter.

"Ignore everything else for now. You just said that you found a box from the Han family?" Emperor Mu Wu asked, "Have you seen what's in it?"

Shen Yanchuan nodded.

Emperor Mu Wu looked solemn.

"Tell me in detail."


Princess Palace.

Princess Qinyang couldn't sit still: "No! I still have to go to Ye's house to see it myself!"

The eldest princess stopped her: "You won't be able to help me if you go now, so we'd better wait for now."

Princess Qinyang had already stepped over the threshold. After hearing these words, she became entangled again. In the end, she had to come back angrily and curled her lips:

"I can't go, why can't my brother go! You said you're afraid of disturbing Chutang's rest... Doesn't this mean you think I'm noisy?"

He also specially sent someone to the eldest princess's mansion to send a message. In fact, he was clearly targeting her!
  The eldest princess was actually very worried about Ye Chutang's situation, but her grandson always acted in a measured manner, so she had no choice but to restrain herself.

"Let that girl Chutang have a good rest first. She was held hostage and almost killed by a knife, and she suddenly heard about those things. She must have suffered a big blow..." (End of Chapter)

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