Qinyang Princess Liu frowned and was doubtful.

"Come to think of it, Han Yao reported that Ye Heng conspired to kill Ye Zheng. Is this true or false? How can you say that he was his brother? Is he really so heartbroken and crazy?"

The eldest princess didn't look shocked, she just shook her head lightly.

"What about blood, what about brothers? At present, there are few people who are torn to pieces because of their interests."

Princess Qinyang grew up under the eldest princess's knees. Although she was extremely well protected, in a place like the capital, such things were indeed not uncommon.

She was thoughtful.

"Yes. I remember that when Chu Tang and the others first returned to the capital, Ye Heng's family dominated their house and refused to return it at all. At that time, I thought he was selfish and greedy, but I didn't expect him to be so bold. Dare to do something evil like killing your own brother!"

If it was only the former, even if it was criticized and investigated carefully, it would be easy to say. After all, everyone thought that Ye Chutang and the others had died in the accident that year.

But if it's the latter... then it's been planned for a long time, and his intentions are sinister!

Anyone would not be able to accept it if they learned that their parents might have died at the hands of their own uncle!

All the so-called care before will become the biggest ridicule and joke!
  Princess Qinyang became angrier the more she thought about it.

"Those siblings are really unlucky!"

The eldest princess sighed softly.

She had long seen that Ye Heng's family was very repulsive to Ye Chutang's sister and brother, but she never expected that such an inside story would be involved until now...

"Yancuan has sent an imperial doctor to take care of her. The girl is also proficient in medical skills. She should be fine. Let her rest in peace first." The eldest princess turned her head and ordered, "Zhu Xin, go prepare a gift and send it to the Ye family tomorrow. "

Bamboo heart bowed head should be.

When Princess Qinyang heard this, she had no choice but to take back her steps.

"I listen to you!"


The sun moves westward, the autumn wind rustles, and a few dead leaves blow down in the courtyard.

Ye Chutang sat quietly by the window, looking through the ledger.

Although those shops have been recovered, there are many accounts, and it does take some time to sort them all out.


When Ye Yunfeng came in and saw how many books she had stacked in her hand, she couldn't help but feel sad.
  "Sister, haven't you read these all before? Why did you take them out again? You haven't had a good rest since you came back from the fight!"

Ye Chutang turned over a page and shook his head: "Some of the accounts don't seem right. I can't bear to check them again."

Ye Yunfeng looked over strangely, looked at it for three seconds, and then withdrew.

When he looked at these things, he felt dizzy and had a headache. He really couldn't look into them.

"Isn't this quite normal? There are not many honest shopkeepers who enrich their own pockets by making accounts. If the store suffers a loss, they themselves do not suffer a loss. I want to check whether these accounts are true or false, but I have to check them one by one. A lot of work.”

Ye Chutang tilted his head slightly, held his chin in one hand, tapped his jade-green fingers lightly, and clicked his tongue.

"These are our family's properties. If you check more, you must know where the money has been lost."

Think about it, how much money did you make after working so hard to open a shop in Gangneung a few years ago?

"Not to mention that you and Ayan are studying in the Imperial College. In the future, there will be more places where money is needed. Even Xiaowu has to eat a lot every day. She can't go back to Beijing and she won't be able to eat enough, right? "

Xiao Wu, who was nestled next to Ye Chutang, slowly sat up straight and opened his eyes in confusion.

——Sister, do I really eat a lot?
  Ye Chutang coughed lightly, rubbed her little head, and said softly:

"Sorry, I looked at it for so long that I forgot you were there."

She said, pinched a snowflake pastry and handed it over.

Xiaowu's eyes lit up, and the moment the snowflakes came into his mouth, he forgot what Sister A had just said.

Ye Yunfeng watched all this silently: "..."

Hmm... Sister is really thoughtful! "By the way, Sun Li'an mentioned Shiluan City last time, but he still didn't have time."

Too many things happened recently, and Ye Chutang didn't care about it for a while.

Ye Yunfeng didn't know why his sister was so concerned about what Sun Li'an said, but he felt that her sister must have her reasons for thinking so, so he immediately asked: "How about I go and find out the news first?"

Ye Chutang shook his head.


Originally, she planned to go there in person, but in this situation, it was not convenient.

Ayan and Afeng asked for leave, but they couldn't leave the Imperial College for too long.

Ye Chutang was not worried that they would not be able to keep up with their homework, but that he was worried about being targeted by someone who wanted to do it.

They also knew how many pairs of eyes were watching them outside, and they had to be cautious in every move they made.

It would be really strange if the two brothers left the Ye family at this time.

"Then..." Ye Yunfeng quickly understood what her son was worried about and frowned.

After returning to Beijing, everything was on the clear path, and it was indeed very constrained.

Ye Chutang thought for a while: "It's okay, let's put this matter aside for now, you-"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Chutang suddenly paused, turned his head slightly, and looked outside.

Ye Yunfeng also realized something immediately and followed her gaze, which was a bit strange.

"someone is coming?"

But at this time, who will it be?
  Ye Chutang closed the account book and said warmly: "A Feng, there are guests coming, you go and take a look."

Ye Yunfeng understood and immediately stood up: "Okay. Sister, please have a good rest. Leave these matters to me and the third brother."

Ye Chutang nodded, put away his things, and led Xiao Wu around the screen and back to the back room.

Ye Jingyan, who was drying medicinal herbs in the courtyard, had already heard the knock on the door. She looked at Ye Yunfeng who had just walked out, wiped her hands, and walked over to open the door first.


Ye Jingyan opened the door and saw several unfamiliar faces.

The current person smiled and bowed his hands.

"I've met Young Master Ye."

Ye Jingyan hesitated: "Your Excellency..."

"His Royal Highness King Qi and the Concubine were very worried when they heard that Miss Ye Er was injured. They specially sent their servants to deliver this hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. They only hope that Miss Ye Er will recover soon."

Ye Jingyan's eyebrows moved slightly.

King Qi?

They had no contact with this person, so this gift was quite inexplicable.

Thinking this in her heart, Ye Jingyan didn't show any signs of surprise on her face.

"This gift is too precious, it's really..."

"Young Master Ye, there is no need to be polite. This is the wish of the Imperial Concubine and His Highness Prince Qi. I hope you will accept it." The man seemed to have expected Ye Jingyan's reaction, which was a bit eager and a bit difficult. "What if we can do it?" If it doesn’t work, I won’t be able to do my job even if I go back.”

Who can refuse the gift from the imperial concubine and King Qi?
  Ye Jingyan hesitated for a moment, then nodded gently.

"My sister is too seriously injured and can't get out of bed yet. Jingyan expressed my gratitude to the imperial concubine and His Highness Prince Qi for thinking about me on my behalf."

When the man heard this, he originally planned to go in to visit Ye Chutang, but his words choked in his throat.


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