Ke Yizhang said this tactfully, but Shen Yanchuan was very thoughtful and naturally knew what he meant.

The room was extremely quiet, except for the faint rustling of dead leaves blown by the autumn wind outside the window.

Shen Yanchuan was silent for a long time.

He had known that Ye Chutang had had a difficult few years, but he had to endure a lot of hardships to be here today.

I just didn't expect that it would reach this point.

Maybe that girl is too calm and calm, and it always makes people feel like nothing can trouble her.

Even today, with the knife across her neck and the thin line between life and death, the depths of her dark eyes were still like a deep pool, calm and calm.

After wandering between life and death, he can continue talking and laughing as if nothing happened in a blink of an eye.

It seems that nothing can be taken to her heart, not even herself——

"You have been practicing medicine for many years. Even if you can help with some treatment,..."

Ke Yizhang shook his head helplessly.

"The prince's life was also saved by Miss Ye Er. You know best how good her medical skills are. Now, I am afraid that he has been nursed back to health several times. It is really difficult to cure him."

Shen Yanchuan took back the rest of his words.

After a long moment, he nodded: "I understand, thank you for making this trip."


Yuncheng personally sent Ke Yizhang away.

When he came back again, he saw his master sitting quietly at the table, seemingly lost in thought.

I don’t know what Ke Yizhang said to his master. The master rarely behaves like this on weekdays. Maybe... what happened to Miss Ye Er?

"Master." Yuncheng stood with his hands down, "A servant came to report that Ye Mingze had a high fever last night. Ye Shixian knelt down and begged Miss Ye Er to come and help with the diagnosis. After being refused, she stayed in Ye Mingze's room. Didn’t come out.”

Shen Yanchuan pulled away from his thoughts and looked up, but there was no emotion in his eyes.

Yuncheng paused and asked, "Do you want... to invite someone to take a look?"

Shen Yanchuan said calmly:
  "It's just a high fever that won't kill you. Just send someone to keep an eye on them. It's not the time for them to hit the road yet."

Yun Cheng Yilin.


Shen Yanchuan glanced at the sky outside.

"How are the Han father and son doing now?"

Yuncheng said respectfully: "According to your instructions, the two have been detained separately. No other news has been received yet."

"It's quite calm." Shen Yanchuan stood up, his face was deserted.

Yuncheng was surprised: "Are you planning to go there in person?"

Everything has been arranged, just waiting for the other party to fall into the trap, the master can just wait with peace of mind, why do you still need to——

"Do not."

It was completely dark outside, and the candles were flickering.

That face that was as cold and dignified as a god seemed to be covered with a touch of frost and snow, with a bone-chilling chill.

"Go see Ye Heng."

he said.



I couldn't see my fingers, it was completely dark.


A silence where no other sound could be heard except for his own breathing.

Han Tong knocked hard on the surrounding area again, making a dull sound.

"let me out!"

No one responded.

Han Tong didn't know how long he had been locked up here, let alone where this place was.

After he was taken away, he fainted inexplicably. When he woke up again, he found that he was locked in this strange and dark space. This seemed to be a square iron cage. The space was extremely small. He could not stand and could only curl up and stay here in an extremely suffocating posture.

More importantly, there are no windows, no light, and it seems to be isolated from the outside world.

Every second became extremely painful, and the emotions of fear and anxiety were infinitely amplified until the whole person was swallowed up.

Han Tong gradually lost strength and sat down slumped.

In the darkness, he could even hear his own breathing and heartbeat, which sounded like a death knell.

Han Yao didn't know where he was sent. He was worried but had no way to deal with it.

In this situation, he didn't know where to kowtow if he wanted to ask for help.


Han Tong took a deep breath, trying to calm down, but the scenes that happened during the day were repeatedly replayed in his mind, making him unable to feel at ease at all.

He originally thought that he would definitely die today, but who knew that Shen Yanchuan would show up halfway!
  Although his life was temporarily saved, Han Tong could not relax at all, but became even more frightened.

——If he dies, at least Han Yao can be saved, and the Han family will not be completely wiped out. But he didn't die! And those things that happened back then have been shaken to pieces!

If we follow it all the way...

  Han Tong punched him hard, but the pain in his hand couldn't make him feel uneasy.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound outside.

Han Tong quickly stopped and tried his best to identify the direction from which the sound came.

He was locked up here, day and night, suffering extremely. At this time, no matter what the movement was, he wanted to find out!
  After listening for a while, Han Tong guessed that the sound seemed to be the sound of human footsteps.

And it's getting closer.

Han Tong hammered hard again - now as long as he is let out, he can do whatever he wants!
  Finally, the footsteps disappeared, and the man seemed to have arrived.

Han Tong also stopped moving in the darkness, and countless guesses quickly flashed through his mind.

Who is coming?

Shen Yanchuan?
  still is……

At this time, Han Tong couldn't tell who he wanted to come.

Although he has long wanted to die, he is still an ordinary person after all, and survival is his instinct.

It would be fine if he had already died in the execution ground, but he didn't. Once a person misses that point, it will be a thousand times more difficult to muster the courage to die.


The other party opened the door, and a subtle light penetrated through the gap.

Han Tong subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes, barely peeking at the man through his fingers.

However, this sight shocked him immediately.

He could hardly believe it: "You——"


The dull sound of the door closing sounded, and it fell silent again.

The stagnant water was slightly rippled, as if nothing had happened.


The palace, the imperial study.

When the imperial concubine came to the courtyard and saw the door that was still closed, her heart tightened.

Ever since Shen Yanchuan entered the palace during the day, His Majesty has been staying inside and never came out again.

Although she had repeatedly told Cheng Xuan not to act rashly, she was really worried, and after much deliberation, she decided to come and investigate in person.

"Your Majesty's Concubine."

The eunuch who was waiting outside calmly stepped forward and bowed. Although there was a smile on his face, his body was directly blocking the road.

"His Majesty has decreed that no one is allowed to enter without his summons. Please go back."

If the imperial concubine had expected this result, she did not show any dissatisfaction on her face at this time. She only frowned slightly and said with a bit of worry: "I am just worried about Your Majesty's holy body. It is cold in autumn. If you are injured, That’s not good. This is the pear and Sichuan scallops specially stewed by me to moisten your throat and clear your lungs. Trouble—"

Before she could finish speaking, she heard an old, deep voice coming from inside.

"Let her in."

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