Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 240: Getting carried away by women

The imperial concubine was so happy that she personally carried the bowl of Sichuan shellfish pear into the royal study.

The door slowly closed behind her. Concubine Ru Gui looked inside and saw Emperor Mu Wu sitting on a chair, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

In the candlelight, his face showed a bit of fatigue.

"His Majesty."

Ru Guifei carefully put down her things, came behind him again, and consciously began to massage him.

She controlled her strength very well, and Emperor Mu Wu's eyebrows gradually relaxed, he let out a long sigh, and patted her hand gently.

Ru Guifei then spoke softly: "Your Majesty has not been out for a whole day. You are really too busy. Although the affairs of the court are important, your Majesty still needs to take care of your dragon body."

She didn't mention what happened today.

Emperor Mu Wu didn't speak for a long time and seemed to have fallen asleep.

If the imperial concubine knew what was going on, she asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, how about you eat before going to bed?"

Emperor Muwu opened his eyes and didn't know where he was looking.

After a long time, he seemed to ask and murmur: "Is it really my fault?"

For example, the imperial concubine's heart suddenly jumped, but her face showed no trace of it, and she said angrily: "Your Majesty is the emperor, how can the emperor make mistakes?"

Emperor Mu Wu didn't respond to her. He seemed to be recalling the past and seemed to be distracted.

As the noble concubine looked at it, her heart was a little drumming - even if those things happened today, it seems that His Majesty shouldn't react like this?

Emperor Mu Wu admired Ye Zheng very much at first, but even if it was really because of his orders that Ye Zheng's accident happened, he couldn't be blamed.

What's more, above the court, among the ministers, just one Ye Zheng is really nothing.

Why is Your Majesty so worried?

For example, the imperial concubine has been with Emperor Mu Wu for many years and understands him well, but at this time she cannot understand what he is thinking.

She had countless questions in her mind, but she couldn't put them into words - they were not something she, a concubine in the harem, was qualified to ask.

"By the way, I heard that the third child entered the palace today?" Emperor Mu Wu came back to his senses and asked.

Ru Guifei quickly explained: "Yes. He originally wanted to come to greet Your Majesty, but later he learned that you had been busy, so he didn't dare to disturb you. He chatted with me for a while and then left."

After listening to this, Emperor Mu Wu said lightly "Yeah".

"He always understands my heart best."

He did have a lot of things to deal with in the past two days.

Without further questioning, Emperor Mu Wu finished half a bowl of Sichuan shellfish and asked Concubine Ru to go back.

Walking out of the imperial study room, a gust of cold wind blew, like a noble concubine suddenly feeling chilly.

She couldn't help but look back, and for some reason, she felt a stronger uneasiness in her heart.

She couldn't tell where this feeling came from. It was clear that there was nothing wrong with her. Even His Majesty treated her as he always did.

No one else is allowed to come, but she can come. This is a favor that no one else can ask for.

Maybe...thinking too much?

Ru Guifei repeatedly thought about what she had just done and made sure that there was nothing unusual about her majesty. Then she forced her thoughts back and suppressed the uneasiness in her heart.


The palace man reminded in a low voice.

If the imperial concubine rolled up her sleeves and turned around, her pretty and charming face was still gentle and calm.

"Go back."


This night is destined to be a sleepless night for many people.

Ye Shixian waited for a long time, and finally waited until Ye Mingze's high fever subsided a little.

But unexpectedly, Ye Mingze had a fever again in the middle of the night, and his condition was more severe than before. He was lying on the bed, his whole body was hot, his eyes were closed, and his face was abnormally flushed.

If this continues, I'm afraid it will really burn out!

Ye Shixian had to send people to change the water and wipe Ye Mingze's forehead and palms over and over again.

After doing this several times, she was exhausted and sleepy, so she called Shaoyao and the others to wait on her.

It's a pity that the servants in the house are running around. Many of them think that the situation is not right, and they don't even listen to Ye Shixian's orders.

There are only a few left, but they can barely hold on.

In fact, they did not try their best. They made several mistakes while serving, and one of them even spilled half a basin of water on Ye Mingze.

It's a pity that Ye Shixian no longer has the energy to deal with this.

The situation on my father's side was unclear, and my mother and younger brother were suffering from injuries and illnesses. I finally asked Murong Ye for help, but I didn't get a reply for a long time.

I don't know...

The night was long, Ye Shixian opened her eyes, she was obviously tired and sleepy, but she couldn't fall asleep.

She was even afraid of dawn, because no one knew what would be waiting for her tomorrow.

She couldn't figure it out.

How could this be?

A few months ago, everything was fine. How could they be in such a situation in a blink of an eye?

I wonder when the situation will turn around for Murong Ye?

That was her only hope now.


"Did you turn a deaf ear to what I said to you before?"

A low and solemn scolding voice sounded, with obvious suppressed anger.

Murong Ye knelt on the ground, his knees were sore and his calves were already numb.

He has been kneeling since daytime.

"Son, I don't dare." He responded with his head lowered.

Murong Yang sneered coldly: "You don't dare? I think you are very brave! If I hadn't sent someone to follow you, I wouldn't have known that you were so bold and dared to sneak into the Ye family's backyard! You are like the guards Are you a fool!?”

Murong Ye couldn't help but raise his head and argue for himself: "Don't worry, my son acted carefully and was not noticed by them!"


A loud slap sounded, and Murong Ye was stunned. He couldn't recover for a long time.

Murong Yang laughed angrily: "Who do you think you are? How capable are you?! Don't forget! The people stationed at Ye's house right now are from Shen Yanchuan!"

These words instantly aroused Murong Ye's disgust.

His jaw tightened and he gritted his teeth, but there was still a fire boiling in his chest.

"In your eyes, that Shen Yanchuan is better than me in everything, right?"

The entire capital knew that Murong Ye was arrogant and competitive by nature. His riding skills and shooting skills were all top-notch, and he never succumbed to others.

But few people know that the ones he really regards as his mortal enemies are not his peers in the capital, but Shen Yanchuan, who has been away from the capital for several years.

Since childhood, Murong Yang had compared him with Shen Yanchuan countless times, which had long made Murong Ye dissatisfied.

He had no idea why Shen Yanchuan made his father so afraid.

Of course he is not reconciled!

However, Murong Yang was not moved at all and just looked at him coldly from a high position.

"At the very least, Shen Yanchuan would not get carried away and do such a stupid thing because of a woman! You know that the Ye family is a hot potato now, and you still want to do this?! I really don't know what that Ye Shixian has done to you! Ecstasy! Don’t forget it! Her father is still in prison!"

Murong Ye tried his best to refute: "Those rumors are all false! Not to mention greed and so on, how could he harm his own brother!? You know that this is definitely framed!"

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