Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 241 To save or to kill

Murong Yang couldn't bear it anymore: "Idiot! What happened to the Han family today has been spread throughout the capital! What about my brother, what kind of good guy do you think Ye Heng is!?"

This scolding finally made Murong Ye wake up a little.

He opened his mouth.

Yes, Han Yao's accusation of Ye Heng's plot to murder Ye Zheng in the street has already caused a stir, and now even ordinary people's traffickers and lackeys are talking about it.

If Han Yao was the only one to say that, of course it wouldn't matter, but there was Han Tong at the scene!

You know, Han Yao broke the news to save his father!

"Those people dug up evidence from the Han family's courtyard on the spot. Now we just have to wait for verification to convict Ye Heng!" Murong Yang was still angry and pointed at Murong Ye, "If his charges are proven, the entire Ye family will be in trouble." Nothing will end well!"

Murong Ye's heart beat, but he still didn't want to admit it: "But no one knows what they found? What if, what if it's just..."

Murong Yang took a deep breath.

He had always felt that although his son was a bit domineering and arrogant, he was still smart. As long as he was given more guidance, he would become a great person in the future.

But now he realized that he was wrong.

Such an obvious fact is in front of my eyes, and I still don’t want to believe it!

It was just a woman, and he completely lost his reason and judgment!

"No buts!" Murong Yang didn't want to waste time with him anymore, "From now on, you are not allowed to step out of the room without my order! The matter of the Ye family will be finalized soon, just wait and see !”

After saying that, regardless of Murong Ye's objection, Murong Yang directly called someone in and forcibly took him back.

"Father! Father!"

Although Murong Ye was skilled in martial arts, his two fists were hard to beat with four hands. He was quickly subdued, and after two shouts, there was no movement.

The room fell silent again, but Murong Yang's expression remained cold.

In the shadows, a follower bent slightly and advised: "Sir, the young master just couldn't see the form clearly for the moment. He will understand your painstaking efforts in the future."

Murong Yang slowly exhaled.

"In the past few years, he has been in the capital, and relying on his abilities, he has become more and more courageous. He doesn't take anyone seriously, and he never takes the overall situation into consideration when encountering problems."

"Young Master is still young, so please don't act too hastily."

"But Shen Yanchuan is similar to him in age, but he has already -" Murong Yang's voice stopped abruptly.

He was silent for a while and did not dwell on the topic: "That's all, let's just wait and see what happens."

However, the attendant did not step back. He hesitated for a moment, took a step forward, and whispered: "Sir, in addition to exposing Ye Heng, Han Yao also mentioned someone."

Murong Yang frowned: "Who?"

"Huo Yucheng."

Murong Yang suddenly looked back!

His eyes were cold: "What did you say?"

"Don't worry, he only mentioned his name and didn't have time to say anything else. At that time, most people's attention was drawn to the Ye family, and there should be very few people who noticed this. But... now that he said it, he had to be careful ”

Others might not care about this matter at all, but Murong Yang was different.

He was promoted by Huo Yucheng, and Huo Yucheng's subsequent death was closely related to him.

Murong Yang put his hands behind his back and gradually tightened them.

"Go and find out where Han and his son are being held."


Ye Heng was trapped in prison, unaware that so many things had happened outside in just one day.

He huddled in the corner, still hoping to be let out.

Footsteps sounded, and he looked up nervously and saw two jailers opening the cell door and walking directly towards him.

Ye Heng was happy at first, and then realized something was wrong.

He stood up nervously: "What are you going to do?"

"Routine interrogation." One of them said in a deep voice.

After Ye Heng was imprisoned, he had indeed been interrogated several times, but he was very strict and refused to say anything. Those people couldn't do anything to him, and they gradually stopped coming. I just didn’t expect that now—

With that said, the two people came to Ye Heng's side and stood on his left and right.

At this moment, Ye Heng suddenly felt that something was wrong, but before he could speak, the two men started to push him forward.

Unprepared, Ye Heng stumbled and fell directly to the ground.


His head hit the iron door, and blood instantly poured out.

"Hiss—" The long-suppressed anger in Ye Heng's heart finally burst out uncontrollably, "You guys, please be gentle! Wait until I get out, and it will be easier for you!"

The sound of cursing spread, attracting the attention of some prisoners nearby, and a few faint laughter could be heard.

"Why did he curse there again?"

"Who knows, are you dreaming?!"

"You have come to this place, but not many can get out. I really don't know where he got the confidence to be, and he is still so stubborn now!"

"Bah! What the heck, I can't tell who will be worse off than whom in the end!"


Of course, Ye Heng also heard the ridicule and abuse. Since he came here, such situations have become commonplace.

A jailer stepped forward, grabbed his collar unceremoniously, and lifted the man up.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Ye Heng was choked and couldn't breathe. He tried to struggle, but he was no match for him.

He didn't have enough food or clothing to keep him warm. In a short period of time, he had lost a lot of weight and was almost exhausted. How could he cope with these people?

In the end, he had no choice but to go out in frustration.

However, after walking a certain distance, Ye Heng gradually realized that this was not the path he had taken before.

The road was narrow, and the iron prisons on both sides were empty. There was no sound at all, and it was as quiet as a cemetery.

Ye Heng knew it was bad and immediately broke into a cold sweat.

--not good! Someone is going to deal with him!

Ye Heng stopped and was about to turn back when he was stopped by the jailer.

"Master Ye, the interrogation hasn't started yet, where are you going?"

The low and hoarse voice was undoubtedly the most terrifying reminder to Ye Heng's ears!

"You! What do you want to do! Whose order are you following!"

However, the two jailers did not answer his questions. Instead, they bowed behind him and saluted.

At the same time, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Master Ye."

Ye Heng froze!

He slowly turned his stiff neck and saw only a vaguely familiar outline in the darkness.

Almost instinctively, he knelt down.

"Your Highness! Please save me!"

However, the people over there did not respond for a long time.

Ye Heng was unsure. He really didn't know how this person came, let alone whether he was here to save him or to kill him!

He grabbed the ground with his head and argued vigorously for himself: "Your Highness is aware of it! What should be said should not be said, and Wei Chen didn't say a word!"

This time, the other party finally responded.

The tone is indifferent and lazy, and it is difficult to distinguish between joy and anger.


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