Ye Heng heard this tone, which seemed to be different from usual. However, just as this thought flashed through his mind, he heard the other party continue:
  "You may not know that something happened to the Han family today."

Ye Heng's heart pounded, he was a little confused and a little nervous: "What?"

The Han family?

Han Tong?
  His situation should not be very good, but why is he suddenly mentioned now?
  However, the next second he knew the reason.

"Han Yao accused you in the street that Ye Zheng's death was the result of your planning. There were many onlookers, and at this moment, most of the capital knew about it. In addition, a box was also found in the Han family's courtyard, which is said to be related to this matter. related."

Ye Heng understood every word, but when they were put together, he was completely confused.

"What, what!?"

His legs became weak and he almost collapsed to the ground.

Han Yao? How could Han Yao know this! ? He is just an unlearned thing, but actually——

Ye Heng's face was pale and his shoulders were shaking slightly. There were countless words stuck in his throat, but he didn't know where to start.

"Crazy... crazy! This is slander! There is no evidence! Where does the evidence come from!"

Ye Heng became emotional and became incoherent.

He finally knew why this person appeared here. It turned out to be such a big trouble!

"Your Highness! There can't be any evidence! It must be false! This must be their game! Or, or it's Han Tong! There's something wrong with him!"

Ye Heng felt fear in his heart, looking at the figure hidden in the darkness, he felt terrified.

"Your Highness! You must make the decision for me!"

The reason why Ye Heng had been holding on to hope before was because he was sure that he was still valuable, especially compared to Han Tong. If only one of them could survive, he was very sure that he would be the one who survived.

But he never expected that Han Tong would stab him in the back at this moment!

Is this planning to drag everyone down? ?

Ye Heng knew very well that this matter had already been exposed, so he would never expose it easily, so he——

"What do you want?"

The man didn't seem to have the patience to listen to his continued shouting, so he interrupted directly.
  "Are you sure that the things found by the Han family have nothing to do with you? Have nothing to do with what happened back then?"

Ye Heng said anxiously: "This is natural! You also know that the incident three years ago was not handled by Wei Chen from beginning to end!"


Silent night.

Ye Chutang closed the ledger and twisted the wick.

The weak and dim candlelight fell quietly, leaving only a rare tranquility.

She raised her head and looked out the window. A Yan seemed to be still writing something, but A Feng had already fallen asleep.

The two brothers had not been to the Imperial College for a few days, and Ye Chutang was not actually worried about them missing their homework.

Ah Feng learned it as if he had not learned it, but A Yan did not need to learn it. Anyway, it was all things he had seen long ago.

Thinking of this, Ye Chutang felt relieved.

Xiao Wu was already lying down on the bed. When he saw Ye Chutang getting up and coming over, he quickly patted the pillow.

——Sister! The bed is already warm! Come and sleep!

Ye Chutang walked over and pinched her little nose.

"It's not in vain."

Xiao Wu stepped back a little, gave up his position, and carefully looked at her neck.

Ye Chutang touched it.

"It's okay. It's just a little flesh wound. Maybe it will heal before the matter is over."

Xiao Wu became happy when he heard this and nodded vigorously.

Just as Ye Chutang was about to lie down, he saw from the corner of his eye a small, bulging purse next to Xiao Wu's pillow.

"Huh?" Ye Chutang was a little surprised, "Why did you forget to put away the money after counting it today?"     Xiao Wu had to carefully count his small treasury before going to bed every night, and then carefully put it away.

It rarely happens that you put it on your pillow and forget about it like this.

However, when Xiao Wu heard this, his eyes widened and he shook his head vigorously.

Ye Chutang looked at her and had a guess in his heart.

"...Is this something you want to give away?"

Xiao Wu's big black grape-like eyes are bright, and his little head nods like a pound of garlic.

--Yeah yeah!
  A name appeared in Ye Chutang's mind involuntarily, but he still asked without giving up: "Who do you want to send it to?"

Xiao Wu picked up the purse and pointed at it carefully.

——Of course it’s the prince’s brother!

He saved my sister today! Of course I have to thank him properly!
  Ye Chutang opened his purse and took a look, and his already unwilling heart became even sadder.

"So much? Xiaowu, are you giving him all your family wealth?"

You have to know how hard it was for her to save this small amount of money. She would be very reluctant to buy a plate of hibiscus cakes on weekdays, but now she is so generous and spends so much! ?
  Ye Chutang said sourly: "If your third brother and fourth brother knew about it, I'm afraid they would be jealous."

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head firmly.

--impossible! The prince's brother saved his sister and was a great benefactor to their family! Third brother and fourth brother didn't even have time to thank him, so how could they be jealous! ?

Compared with my sister, this little money is nothing! ?

So she must give this gift!

Ye Chutang: "..."

"Actually, the prince's family is very rich, and he doesn't lack these things-" Ye Chutang tried to save him.

But Xiao Wu was obviously determined and tightened his grip on his purse.

——It’s his business to have money for the prince’s brother, it’s their business to thank him!

My sister and my third and fourth brothers have said that a person must be clear about grudges and right from wrong. The prince has helped them so much, so of course he must express his gratitude!

Ye Chutang pinched her fleshy little face and compromised.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you. Is it okay to see him again someday and give him something?"

Xiao Wu nodded happily and put the small purse back on the bedside. Then he suddenly remembered something and looked back at Ye Chutang.

Ye Chutang: "...what's wrong?"

Xiao Wu raised his face and looked at her seriously with his clear and clean eyes, his eyelashes flickered, and there was some doubt in his eyes.

——Then, what kind of thank-you gift did sister give to the prince?
  After understanding this meaning, Ye Chutang remained silent.

Because she really hasn't thought about it seriously.

After all, she had helped Shen Yanchuan several times before, and now that he was lending a helping hand, it was finally a reciprocal act of courtesy, right?

But Xiaowu didn't think so much. She took Ye Chutang's hand and thought about it carefully.

——In the past, Sister A always settled accounts clearly with others.

When we were in Jiangling, brother Erniu from the next street went up the mountain to collect medicine and injured his foot. He came to see my sister for medical treatment. After he recovered, he sent game meat to his house every day.

Sometimes it was pheasants, sometimes it was wild rabbits, and once even wild ginseng, which was hard to dig up, was sent.

My sister didn't want it, so Brother Erniu would secretly send her to the backyard every time she was visiting the doctor.

However, this situation did not last long. Xiao Wu remembered that one day her sister took two ingots of silver directly from the depth of the drawer and asked someone to help send them to Brother Erniu's house.

She said she didn't like owing favors.

After that, Brother Erniu never sent anything again.

Why is Sister A so confused this time about the account with the Crown Prince's brother?

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