The news that the second prince was urgently summoned to the palace was quickly delivered to Shen Yanchuan's desk.

Yun Cheng lowered his head and said: "I heard that Eunuch Li went to Prince Qi's palace and asked people to leave soon after. It has been two hours now and Prince Qi still has not returned. In addition, Marquis Zhongyong also entered the palace today."

Shen Yanchuan leaned on the back of the chair and never raised his eyes.

"Marquis Zhongyong is always well-informed."

After His Majesty sees the case file, he will definitely question Xiao Chengxuan. When the emperor is angry, even Xiao Chengxuan, who has always been favored, may not be able to withstand the thunderous force.

Of course Xie Pei went to the palace non-stop to plead for mercy.

Yun Cheng smiled: "I'm afraid that King Qi is still angry at Han Tong for betraying him. Cheating the king is a capital crime. If he can't clean himself up, he will be in trouble."

Whether Huo Yucheng was wronged or not is not the most important thing. What matters most today is that someone dares to play tricks under his nose.

Regardless of whether Xiao Chengxuan can defend himself today, he has already lost his trust. If he wants to get it back in the future, it will take several times more effort.

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows.

"He took the initiative to hand over the information himself, so there's no reason why he wouldn't use it."

That day, he sent Ye Chutang back to his residence and ordered his men to secretly detain Han Tong and his son. He also deliberately left some clues for Xiao Chengxuan so that his people could find the place smoothly.

In full view of the public, Xiao Chengxuan did not dare to commit the crime, so he only asked his men to coerce and lure Han Tong, but he did not know that the person trapped there had long been replaced by Su Mu, who was the best at disguise.

The thing he cares about most is Huo Yucheng's case.

Shen Yanchuan had already made some assumptions in his mind, but after this time he was even more certain, so he directly added this to Han Tong's interrogation testimony.

As expected, His Majesty was furious.

The first person to bear the brunt was Xiao Chengxuan, who was in charge of the case.

When Yuncheng thought of the messy scene in Prince Qi's mansion today, he asked again: "Master, do you want to continue sending people to investigate?"

Maybe we can take the opportunity to find something useful from Prince Qi's Mansion.

But Shen Yanchuan shook his head: "No need. Just let them watch in secret." Now that His Majesty has taken action, it is no longer the turn of others to make their own decisions. If they hear too much and see too much, they will easily get into trouble.

Yuncheng suddenly realized: "I will obey my master's teachings."

Shen Yanchuan raised his hand to indicate that he could leave, but as soon as Yuncheng turned around, he saw Lian Zhou striding over.

"Master, Miss Ye Er is here to visit!"

Shen Yanchuan paused and looked up.

Yuncheng was also secretly surprised. At this time, countless eyes in the whole capital were looking at the Ye family. Miss Ye was supposed to be resting at home, so why did she suddenly come here?

While thinking about it, Shen Yanchuan had already stood up.

"Ask someone to go to the front room."


Under the leadership of the housekeeper, Ye Chutang walked around the corridor and headed to the front hall.

Accompanying her was Xiao Wu.

This is her first time to Dingbeihou Mansion. The pavilions, towers, green lakes and rockeries are all full of nobility.

However, she did not look around curiously like an ordinary child. Instead, she just held her sister's hand and followed her forward obediently.

At such a young age, he is quite calm.

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment and then immediately realized - this master is a frequent visitor to the eldest princess's mansion. He has never seen anything like this before, and he is no worse than those carefully raised daughters in the capital.

Not to mention, her sister Ye Er who was traveling with her——

Looking at the beautiful and gentle girl's face, the housekeeper once again thought in his heart that he must have 120,000 respect for this person from now on!

"Miss Ye Er, the Crown Prince is already waiting in the hall, please——"

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