Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 257 It doesn’t matter

As soon as Ye Chutang stepped into the front hall, he was greeted by a pair of deep phoenix eyes.

This is the first time the two of them have met since they parted that day.

Shen Yanchuan looked at the girl's slightly thinner face, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, and the words Ke Yizhang had said before came to mind again, and his heart sank slightly.

Ye Chutang took Xiaowu forward and saluted.

"I've met the prince."

Before she finished, Shen Yanchuan raised his hand to help her.

"No need to be polite."

Ye Chutang raised his eyes, and the corners of his lips rose slightly: "I am grateful to the prince for rescuing me earlier. Therefore, I come here today with a gift to express my gratitude."


There were no outsiders here. Shen Yanchuan invited Ye Chutang to sit down, and asked him to change the tea to light scented tea. Then he said: "It's just a small effort, not worth mentioning."

Ye Chutang shook his head: "I dare not forget the grace of saving my life."

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyelashes slightly, glanced across her calm and calm face, and sighed lightly.

If someone else said it was a life-saving grace, he would believe it.

But Ye Chutang was different.

Even without him, Han Yao couldn't really do anything to her.

But if it were anyone else, he wouldn't go.

"Miss Ye Er has helped me a lot before. There is no need for this between you and me. Besides, you are not in good health yet. You should rest at home."

Ye Chutang actually didn't want to come, but she had a reason to come.

——Thank you by the way, the most important thing is that she needs to know what is going on with the Han family, his son, and Ye Heng.

She sent Ah Feng out to inquire before, but found nothing except Su Peier.

The matter between the Han family and the Ye family has caused a lot of trouble in the city recently, but after Shen Yanchuan took over, no news came out at all.

Naturally, she could only come to the door in person and ask questions.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I'm much better now." Ye Chutang said a few words of greeting, "...I think Your Majesty is well-informed, and he doesn't lack the little things we gave him, but it's just a piece of our heart."

As she spoke, she glanced aside. Xiao Wu, who had been waiting for a long time, finally couldn't hold it in any longer. He hurriedly took out the small purse he had carefully prepared, ran over and held it in both hands and handed it to Shen Yanchuan.

——Brother Prince! Purse bag!

Taking care of Ye Chutang, Shen Yanchuan did not snatch the child in front of others this time, but now the little nipple came running over on his own. Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows, pinched the little nipple's fleshy face, and smiled at the corners of his lips.

"Give it to me?"

Xiao Wu nodded vigorously, his big black grape-like eyes flickering.

——She has been pestering Sister A for a long time!

Shen Yanchuan took it, aware of its heavy weight, and the smile in his eyes became even wider.

"Are you willing?"

Xiaowu pouted.

——Of course I’m willing to give it up! There is nothing more precious than my sister in this world!

In the future, she will save a lot of money to support her sister!

"Xiao Wu's heart is full of fists. Of course there is no reason to refuse." Hearing this, Xiao Wu was happy again and showed a big smile to him. His clear and lovely eyebrows vaguely resembled Ye Chutang's.

The servant brought snacks, Xiao Wu took a look, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

These are all her favorite foods!

Ye Chutang has been recuperating at home these past few days, and Xiao Wu and Xiao Wu are also eating lightly. Now he does not restrain her, but only tells her not to eat too much, and to keep some belly for dinner.

"Your Majesty, please worry."

Although the Dingbei Marquis Mansion is noble and luxurious, Dingbei Marquis Shen Youyan has been stationed in the north all year round. Even Shen Yanchuan has only returned in the past few months. The whole mansion is quite clean. The snacks that this child loves to eat are obviously specially ordered. Go down.

"Don't bother." Shen Yanchuan raised the corners of his lips slightly, "She is easier to coax."

Ye Chutang: "..."

Was she being tricked? ? ?

Xiao Wu raised his head while busy, looked left and right, pondered for a few seconds, and then began to eat the Jade Snow Lotus Seed Cake seriously.

——Anyway, when sister and the prince stay together, the atmosphere is always weird, no, it’s always different from others, just get used to it!

Ye Chutang skipped this part, and after thinking for a moment, he went straight to the topic.

"To be honest, I am here today because I have one more thing that I would like to ask the prince for advice."

Shen Yanchuan naturally knew what she was referring to.

"Han Tong can't decide for a while, and his case also involves General Huo."

Ye Chutang didn't expect him to be so direct, and a difference flashed across his eyes.

It would be okay if it was just Han Tong, after all, she was also considered a person involved, but General Huo...

"I just heard it on the way here. His Highness, Prince Qi, was announced to the palace today?"

There is no airtight wall in the world, not to mention the battle at that time, which was seen by many people outside Prince Qi's Mansion.

Now that we mention General Huo again, it is not difficult to think of the reason.

Shen Yanchuan took a sip of tea and said concisely: "In addition, Marquis Zhongyong also entered the palace today."

Does this mean that things are much more serious than expected?

Ye Chutang lowered his eyes slightly, and in a moment he had already guessed eight or nine points.

The second prince was in charge of General Huo's case back then, but now that something went wrong, he naturally couldn't clean it up.

It’s just that I don’t know how many things were unearthed to cause this situation... If even Marquis Zhongyong can be alarmed, I’m afraid there are a lot involved.

While she was thinking about it, Shen Yanchuan took the initiative to speak.

"Don't you ask Ye Heng?"

Ye Chutang raised his eyes.

Shen Yanchuan stared into her eyes: "This time, I'm afraid I won't be able to do what you want."

Ye Chutang blinked, his dark and glossy eyes calm and clear: "Oh?"

Shen Yanchuan paused, gently turned the tea cup in his hand, and finally said: "He has nothing to do with your father's death."

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