The hall was quiet.

After a moment, Ye Chutang nodded gently: "Really."

Shen Yanchuan narrowed his phoenix eyes and tapped lightly with his slender jade-like fingers.

Ye Chutang's reaction was really surprising.

Not to mention that Han Yao angrily accused Ye Heng of harming Ye Zheng that day. Even if he didn't say it, with Ye Chutang's intelligence, why couldn't he have guessed it?

If she really had no doubts about what happened back then, she would not have chosen to wander around for three years before returning to Beijing. After returning to Beijing, there would not have been so many "accidents" happening one after another.

But now she is like this...

"Although the evidence recovered from Han Ye's family can prove several of his crimes, it cannot prove that he was related to the murder of Lord Ye Zheng."

It's been a few days since Shen Yanchuan got the news, but he never went to Ye Chutang. He was just thinking about how to speak.

——Not to mention Ye Chutang, everyone in the capital probably thought that this time, Ye Heng's guilt was confirmed.

But unfortunately, no!

Ye Chutang looked at him and asked calmly: "How dare I ask the prince, how many crimes does he have to commit now?"

Eyes facing each other.

"Corruption, dereliction of duty, and selling out one's official position." Shen Yanchuan paused, "According to the law, those who commit minor crimes will be whipped, their homes will be confiscated and exiled, and those who commit serious crimes will be beheaded."

What is light and what is heavy?

But in the last sentence, there is too much room for maneuver.

Ye Chutang already understood: "It seems that sin does not lead to death."

Her expression was calm, and there was no trace of disappointment in her eyes, as if she was just listening to an insignificant matter.

But how could this be irrelevant?

Her father, mother and brother both died in mysterious circumstances. This time may be the closest to the truth!

No, the truth may already be known, but if there is insufficient evidence, then the case will never be settled.

"He is not involved in General Huo's case?" Ye Chutang suddenly asked.

If someone else were to ask this question, it would be a violation of the rules, but she didn't need to abide by the rules when she was here in Shen Yanchuan.

Shen Yanchuan nodded: "Three years ago, Ye Heng was no more than the sixth-rank Prime Minister of Yousi of Dali Temple, and there was no contact between the two parties."

"I understand." Ye Chutang nodded lightly, stood up immediately, knelt down and thanked,

"Thank you for informing me, Your Majesty. I still have some chores to deal with at home, so I won't bother you further."

She didn't even seem to care about how Ye Heng would be sentenced.

Shen Yanchuan moved his thin lips slightly, wanting to ask her to stay a little longer, but Yuncheng came from outside again.

"Your Majesty, Master Su Wei would like to see you."

Wanting to know why Su Wei came, Ye Chutang said goodbye.

Shen Yanchuan was reluctant to persuade him to stay, but finally nodded in agreement.

"If there are any results, I will send someone to inform you as soon as possible."

She was injured one after another, so she had to take good care of herself. She was running around again and again, and she really thought she was an iron man.

Ye Chutang couldn't refuse. She slightly curved her lips and nodded in thanks.

"Then I'd like to thank you in advance."

When leaving, Ye Chutang and Su Wei even met each other. Ye Chutang nodded and led Xiao Wu away without saying anything.

Looking back at the figure of Pingting who was leading the little baby away, Su Wei felt quite angry.

"...Who would have thought that things would develop like this? Ye Zheng's death was obviously related to Ye Heng, but he was so cunning! He didn't leave any traces!"

Now that this situation has arisen, what should Ye Chutang and his siblings do?

Su Wei became angry when he mentioned this matter.

"Thank you Han Yao for being so sworn! What was in that box? It's just all kinds of treasures that Ye Heng has tried his best to collect over the years! There are also more than a dozen letters found from Ye's house, which are the treasures he recently collected. A year’s worth of accounts of bribery and bribery! What’s the use of just these!? They can’t even be sentenced to death!”

Shen Yanchuan lowered his eyes and thought deeply, his eyelids suddenly twitched when he heard this.

A ridiculous guess suddenly came to mind——

Could it be...this is the result she wants! ?

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