Fengling Lane, Ye Family.

Ye Shixian was sitting in front of the window, reading the letter sent by Murong Ye.

The more she read, the more excited she became. By the end of the letter, a smile of excitement and anticipation appeared on her face.

Shaoyao stood guard at the door, guarding against the sudden intrusion of others. When she turned her head and saw Ye Shixian's reaction, she was stunned.

"Miss, is there any good news from Mr. Murong?"

Ye Shixian clasped the letter to her chest, closed her eyes and let out a long breath.

"That's good, that's good..."

Shaoyao hadn't seen such a look on her face for a long time, and couldn't help but feel happy.

——Is there really a turning point in the master’s case?

Ye Shixian opened her eyes and read the letter again.

Han Tong died, Han Yao went crazy, the Han family's property was confiscated, and the huge Han family collapsed overnight.

There were many officials implicated in the bribery book found by the Han family. Although my father's name was also included in it, compared with so many people, it was not the most serious.

In this way, it will be a good thing for them!

The case of his father's murder of his brother has not been able to find the key evidence and is stuck in a deadlock. If only these charges have been exposed so far, his life may be saved in the end!

But as long as I can save one life! There may not be a possibility of a comeback!

Where there is life, there is hope!

"I knew it was Han Tong who slandered my father, and the so-called evidence found in his house were all false!"

Ye Shixian's heart, which had been hanging for a long time, was half relieved.

When Shaoyao heard this, she couldn't help but ran over: "Miss, so the master will be back soon?"

Ye Shixian's smile gradually faded.

To this day, she no longer wants Ye Heng to be acquitted. In recent years, Ye Heng's official career has been prosperous, and she knows more or less that his hands are not clean.

It is an unexpected surprise to have the current result.

Murong Ye said that he was still inquiring about various sources of information, trying to mediate one or two things so that Ye Heng could be given a lighter punishment. "Don't say these nonsense before the case is closed." Ye Shixian ordered.

Shaoyao knew that he had made a mistake, and a trace of panic flashed across his face, and he knelt down quickly: "I know I was wrong!"

Ye Shixian was too lazy to say anything to her. After receiving this letter, her tense heart for a long time could finally relax.

Once the mind becomes slack, fatigue will be overwhelming.

She burned the letter, got up and walked to the bed.

"That's all, I'll take a rest, you go down first."

Shaoyao responded one after another and stepped out quietly.

Ever since the incident happened in the Ye family, the young lady's temper has become extremely bad. She has suffered a lot secretly, and now she is always trembling when serving her.

Ye Shixian lay on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

When I woke up again, I was awakened by panicked cries.

"Miss! Miss! It's not good!"

Shaoyao stumbled over.

When Ye Shixian was woken up, her heart suddenly became angry. She stood up and slapped Shaoyao hard on the face.

"How many times have I told you! Don't be so surprised again! You are the maid beside me, so being so reckless is a joke!"

Shaoyao covered half of her face that was rapidly reddening and swollen, and knelt down with a plop, her eyes full of panic.

"Miss! You, go and have a look! The second young master, the second young master is dying!"

Ye Shixian's head buzzed, and for a moment she felt like the world was spinning.

"What did you say!?"

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