Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 266 The Right Age

Ye Shixian stumbled towards Ye Mingze's room. As soon as she reached the door, she heard suppressed crying coming from inside.

She suddenly paused, not daring to take a step forward.

It was already dark now, and the lanterns under the eaves were shining with pale light, swaying in the night wind, like ghosts and gods whimpering.

Huge fear enveloped my heart, and the chill was overwhelming.

A burst of more hurried footsteps came from behind. It was Gao who hurriedly came after hearing the news.

Her head was still wrapped with gauze, and her whole body had lost weight. Her pitted, red and swollen face was difficult to distinguish between light and dark under the candlelight, and she looked like a ghost.

"Mingze! Mingze!"

Gao's steps were disordered, and he shouted loudly while trembling. He didn't notice Ye Shixian, bumped into her, and went straight to the room without looking back.

When she was going up the steps, her foot came up empty and she fell down hard.


The maid accompanying him hurriedly stepped forward to help him, but Mrs. Gao had already climbed up on her own and rushed into the room.

Shaoyao supported Ye Shixian, who was almost knocked down, and was already panicking: "Miss, you..."

Ye Shixian didn't move, she just kept that posture. The knuckles of her hand holding the peony turned white.

After a brief moment of dead silence, a shrill wail came from inside the house——


Ye Shixian felt as if a knife was slashing at her, and blood spattered everywhere.

She slowly raised her head stiffly, the door was half open, and the scene in front of her seemed to be covered with a layer of black blood.

The leaves were rustling in the yard, the candlelight flickered on the porch, and the crying sound was extremely harsh.

Ye Shixian suddenly pushed Shaoyao away and walked forward quickly.

Impossible, impossible!

How could Mingze die? He was just sick, how could he die so suddenly!

The servants in the house knelt on the floor, and Mrs. Gao threw herself beside the bed, crying so hard that she couldn't breathe.

Hearing the noise, a maid turned around and kowtowed heavily to her.

"Miss, please express my condolences!"

Ye Shixian kicked her down and said sternly: "What nonsense are you talking about! Mingze is just a little seriously ill, why don't you call the doctor quickly!"

She said and rushed to the bed again.

Ye Mingze was lying there, covered with a quilt, his eyes closed tightly, his lips pale, and there was a dark green look of death between his brows.

Ye Shixian's body trembled uncontrollably.

"You didn't say anything just now, and you said - why are you standing there in a daze? Go and invite someone!"

The maid who was kicked down cried and said: "Miss, the second young master has had a high fever for several days. Just now, for some reason, he suddenly suffered from epilepsy and foamed at the mouth. He couldn't wake up no matter how much the servant called him. It only lasted a quarter of an hour. At the right time, just--"

Every word was like a sharp blade, piercing Ye Shixian's heart.

She stepped forward and reached out to lift the quilt on Ye Mingze's body, but accidentally touched Ye Mingze's hand.


The icy temperature seemed to reach Ye Shixian's body, making her feel like she had fallen into an ice cave.

Mrs. Gao hugged Ye Mingze tightly, with blood still dripping from her face, tears streaming down her face, and her voice was hoarse.

"Mingze! My son! If you leave like this, what will your mother do?"

Ye Shixian took a step back, and the last bit of blood on her face completely faded.

Yes, what should I do?

A few hours ago, she thought things had finally turned around, and as long as her father was alive, everything in the future would be easy.

But she never imagined that Mingze would die at this moment! Without him, only she and Gao were left, how could they hold on! ?


Ye Chutang sat at the table and wrote.

Xiao Wu lay down next to her obediently. She recognized all the words on it, but she didn't quite understand what they meant.

Ye Chutang rubbed his wrist and saw the little head with his eyes moving slightly from the corner of his eye.

The day for her parents to move their tombs and erect monuments has long been set, but there are still some things that she needs to arrange personally. Xiaowu is young and has no impression of her parents and brother, and she is also confused at this time.

Little did she know that some things that were lost were lost forever.

Xiao Wu noticed something, turned his head and looked up at her, his big black eyes a little confused.

——Why does sister seem unhappy?

She blinked, stretched out her two fleshy little hands, grabbed Ye Chutang's fingers, and shook them gently.

——Sister, don’t be unhappy! I'm here!

Ye Chutang came back to his senses, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

"Sister A just remembered what happened in the past."

Xiaowu had no memory of many things in the past. When she heard Ye Chutang say this, she pursed her lips and lowered her head in frustration.

It would be nice if she was older. In that case, she would be able to have a lot more time and memories with Sister, just like the third brother and the fourth brother.

Ye Chutang pinched her little face.

"Okay, let's not talk about that. Go to bed early today. You may have to get up early tomorrow."

Xiaowu was puzzled.

The third brother and the fourth brother haven't gone on holiday yet, and she and sister don't seem to have anything to do, so why do they have to get up so early?

But she has always been obedient. When Ye Chutang said this, she nodded her head.

Ye Chutang took Xiao Wu to freshen up, but only half of his clothes were taken off when the maid hurriedly came to report.

"Second Miss! Second Young Master Ye is in trouble!"

Ye Chutang paused, turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

There was still a look of surprise on the maid's face that had not faded.

Since the two families broke up, the servants in the house no longer dare to mention the matter there, especially now that the young lady is here...

Seeing her hesitation, Ye Chutang said: "Just tell me."

The maid gritted her teeth, yes! This news must be told now!

"Second Young Master Ye suddenly fell ill and passed away!"

The incident happened suddenly, but the relationship between the two parties was delicate, so the news came back as soon as something happened over there.

Ye Mingze has been in a coma since the fire in Ye's house. Although many people were not optimistic about it, they never expected that he would actually die at this time!

Ye Chutang straightened Xiao Wu's hair, his eyebrows calm.

The thick smoke from the fire seriously damaged Ye Mingze's trachea, heart and lungs. After lying down for so many days, his internal organs were already infected.

In this era of shortage of medical treatment and medicine, there is no way to escape the word "death".

He didn't die by anyone's hands, but by a high fever that wouldn't go away for a long time.

Die in——His destiny has already been written!

The maid didn't wait for Ye Chutang's response, and felt a little uneasy: "Second Miss, this, this..."

Although Ye Mingze is Ye Chutang's nominally blood cousin, the two parties have already had such trouble before, and Ye Heng's suspicion of murdering his brother has not been cleared. At this time, how to deal with this matter has really become a problem …

"It's a pity, I'm only sixteen."

Ye Chutang spoke softly and glanced outside. The tone of his voice seemed to be as cool as the deep autumn night.

"Brother, he was also at the right age back then."

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