Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 270 She has no choice

The boy hesitated for a moment and asked, "Second Miss, don't you go to Fengling Lane?"

Ye Chutang tucked her broken hair behind her ears and held up the white jade hairpin in her hair.

"I won't go today. Mingze has a new funeral, so my going now will just add to the chaos."

Anyway, the coffin has been delivered to the door, which can be said to be very dedicated.

The boy responded, raised his whip and moved forward.


"Miss Ye, please hurry up."

The officer in charge of guarding frowned and urged.

This person has been dead all night, what will it look like if it drags on for a little longer?

Ye Shixian's face was pale, and her lips were trembling slightly because of anger.

She endured the bloody smell between her lips and teeth, and when she raised her head again, her expression became ferocious for a moment.

"This is our family matter, it seems it's not your turn to interfere, right?"

When the other party heard this, he just smiled coldly.

"If Miss Ye can't solve this matter within one day, don't blame us for 'helping' on your behalf."

Now that the huge Ye family is still under supervision, does Ye Shixian still think that she is the noble daughter of the Ye family? ?

Hearing the sarcasm and ridicule in those words, Ye Shixian almost breathed out.

She bit her lip and turned around angrily!


Arriving at the door of the room, Ye Shixian suddenly stopped in her tracks.

There was no one in the room anymore, only Mr. Gao was still lying on the bedside, as if he was tired from crying and had just fallen asleep.

Ye Shixian felt sad in her heart.

She took a deep breath: "Change clothes for the second young master."

No matter what, people have to leave cleanly.

The maids behind them looked at each other with timid expressions - when had they ever done such a thing?

Ye Shixian turned around, her eyes looking fierce.

"What, you don't want to?"

The two maids thought of her recent behavior and trembled. They didn't even dare to say anything and hurriedly stepped forward. ——Dead people are scary, but living people who can make life worse than death are even more scary!

As soon as the two of them went over and lifted a corner of the quilt, Mrs. Gao suddenly woke up.

She pressed the corner of the quilt tightly and shouted sharply: "Let's see who dares to touch Mingze!"

The two maids were frightened by her and did not dare to come forward for a moment.

Ye Shixian suppressed the fire in her heart, walked over and held her hand: "Mom, let Mingze go."

But Gao suddenly pushed her away as if he was greatly stimulated.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Mingze isn't going anywhere! He's right here! I'll be right here with him! No one of you is allowed to touch him!"

It looked like he was a little mentally disturbed.

Ye Shixian was already irritable when dealing with things outside, and her patience had long been exhausted.

She turned coldly: "Mingze is dead! Why are you still keeping your guard up! He will never--"


Mrs. Gao was so angry that she raised her hand and slapped Ye Shixian.

Half of Ye Shixian's face quickly became red and swollen.


The two maids were frightened and hurriedly knelt down.

Gao's eyes were red, as if he were crazy: "Do you have any conscience to curse your brother like this? Wait until your father comes back and see how he deals with you!"


It’s unclear when he will come out!

What's more, he may already know about it now!

Ye Shixian gritted her teeth: "Pull Madam away!"

Now that things have come to this, we must deal with this matter as soon as possible, and then find a way to tell dad!

Otherwise, if you are not careful, someone will take advantage of you!

She hesitated and turned around.

"What are you doing standing still!"

Shaoyao looked around, stepped forward carefully, and asked in a low voice: "...Miss, do you really want to use that coffin?"


Ye Shixian broke the armor on her right hand.

Now, how can she be qualified to choose! ?

There was no way to retreat, no way to escape. With this slap, she had to stretch out her face to be slapped!

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