Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 271 The white-haired man sends the black-haired man away

Su Wei turned around and returned to Tianlao.

Seeing him go and come back, Ye Heng sneered in his heart. He didn't even get up. He just leaned against the wall and said sarcastically: "Why, Mr. Su, are you going to interrogate me personally again? I told you, there is no need for you to continue with me." It’s a waste of time on me, I’ll recognize the things I’ve done, but no one can throw dirty water on me for the things I haven’t done!”

It sounds conclusive and confident.

Su Wei put his hands behind his back and looked at him calmly.

"That's not true. I just ran into Ye Chutang outside and she had something to tell you."

Ye Chutang?

Ye Heng's eyebrows twitched fiercely, and he turned his head gloomily: "What is she doing here!?"

Every time he hears Ye Chutang's name, he feels extremely uneasy, especially now that the case has not yet been settled. Ye Chutang should be recuperating at home, so why is he here?

Su Wei stared at him closely, never missing any change in expression on his face, and said word by word:

"Ye Mingze suddenly fell ill and died last night."

As soon as the words fell, the surroundings fell into dead silence.

Ye Heng's mind went blank for a moment, and then he reacted and stood up suddenly: "What did you say!?"

Su Wei said: "The Ye family is still under lockdown and everything is inconvenient, so Ye Chutang made a special trip. My sympathies, Mr. Ye."

Ye Heng's blood rushed to his brain, and he rushed over, holding tightly to the cold fence with both hands.

"You're talking nonsense! She's lying, this must be a lie! Mingze was only sixteen and in very good health, how could he die suddenly! That Ye Chutang had a cunning mind and was definitely a deceiver!"

Because of his anger, veins popped up on his forehead, as if he was about to rush out in the next second.

Across the cell door, Su Wei looked indifferent.

The jailer stepped forward quickly and knocked hard: "How dare you! How dare you lose your composure in front of the adults!"

Ye Heng's hand couldn't avoid it and instantly became red and swollen. Only then did Su Wei raise his hand.

"That's all. It's normal for Mr. Ye to lose control of his emotions for a moment after losing his beloved son."

These words undoubtedly stimulated Ye Heng once again.

His eyes popped out, his expression was ferocious, and even his facial features were distorted.

However, deep down in his heart, huge pain and despair came overwhelmingly, swallowing him up quickly.

He knew very well that when these words came out of Su Wei's mouth, they were basically inseparable.

It was like a huge boulder was pressing on his chest, making him unable to breathe.

Ye Heng punched his chest, his lips trembled, but he couldn't say another word.

He slowly squatted down, his body curled up, as if all his strength had been drained away, and his eyes were lifeless.

Not long ago, he was secretly proud of his cautiousness. He really didn't leave any clues. With that person's help, he definitely couldn't be sentenced to death!

When the time comes, he will go out and see the light of day!

However, he never expected that when this day was coming, Mingze would die!

That's his only son!

Ye Heng looked at him condescendingly, and every word he spoke was like a sharp blade, stabbing into Ye Heng's heart one after another, making him bleed.

"The situation is special. I'm afraid you won't be able to go out and see him off. But the deceased is the most important. If you have anything else you want to convey to me, I can help."

It was a tragedy for the white-haired man to send the black-haired man away, but he was not even qualified to see his son for the last time!

Ye Heng's whole body trembled violently.

"No, no! Someone must have harmed him...it must be Ye Chutang! With such a vicious heart, isn't she afraid that her parents will not be able to live peacefully in heaven!"

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