Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 280 Thinking better

Ye Yunfeng's heart skipped a beat: "You mean, he was still involved in General Huo's case back then!?"

Qiao Zimo repeatedly waved his hands to deny: "Hey! I didn't say that! I just heard from the gossip that your Majesty is ordering people to investigate the case of General Huo. As you know, His Highness King Qi was originally responsible for this case. If If the verdict is really overturned, then——"

That was a solid slap in the face to His Highness King Qi.

As the maternal ancestor of King Qi, Jiang Zhaoyuan was naturally afraid that he would suffer a loss in this matter.

There is no problem in re-investigating Huo Yucheng's case, but in everyone's eyes, this is undoubtedly because His Majesty has doubts about King Qi.

Whether you can't trust King Qi's character or his abilities, it's not a good thing.

Especially on that day, King Qi was summoned to the palace. When he returned, his forehead was injured. He didn't know who it was.

Naturally, everyone has different thoughts.

The King of Qi has always been the most powerful competitor for the crown prince, but the emperor's will is unpredictable. Who knows which way the wind will blow?

Therefore, in order to stabilize King Qi's reputation, Jiang Zhaoyuan must take action.

It doesn't matter whether that person is Ye Heng or someone else. What's important is to let everyone know that King Qi still has the power to protect his followers!

Ye Jingyan quickly figured out the key and nodded gently: "Thank you, Brother Zimo, for informing me."

It's not the holiday yet, so he and Ah Feng can't go back for the time being, but Sister Ah probably already knows about it.

Seeing his reaction, Qiao Zimo felt a little admiration in his heart.

In fact, he also felt in his heart that Ye Heng was by no means innocent. Otherwise, how could Han Yao go crazy? And almost killed the second young lady of the Ye family?


He sighed and said comfortingly: "Tongbei is a bitter and cold place on the border. Most people who go there will most likely not be able to come back."

Ye Heng was a civil servant. After staying in prison for such a long time and then being exiled thousands of miles away, how could his body hold up? Ye Jingyan asked again: "Where are the other members of the Ye family?"

Qiao Zimo scratched his head: "This... It stands to reason that the men should be exiled and the women should be demoted to slaves, but it seems that as the noble concubine persuaded them, His Majesty just opened his eyes and let them go..."

Ye Yunfeng sneered coldly: "So, he alone bears all the blame?"

And Ye Heng was not even sentenced to death!

Qiao Zimo knew that he was angry. Thinking about it, his siblings had suffered an accident. They had suffered a lot in the past few years. They finally returned to Beijing and found some clues. They could find out the truth in a blink of an eye. Explain, but who would have thought...

In comparison, the price Ye Heng paid was really insignificant.

Qiao Zimo put his fist to his lips and whispered:

"...Actually, there should have been Ye Mingze, but isn't this person gone?"

Ye Jingyan: "..."

Ye Yunfeng's brows moved, and his expression instantly softened a little.

Hmm... that's right.

Who would have thought that it was Ye Heng who was taken to the prison, but it was Ye Mingze who set off first?

There was no need for Qiao Zimo to inquire about this matter. The entire capital already knew about it. After all, the farce in front of Ye's house on Fengling Lane was so lively that no one wanted to know about it.

Speaking of this, Qiao Zimo became energetic and clapped his hands suddenly:

"That's right! Today happens to be the last day for the people on Fulu Street to collect debts! I wonder if they have collected the money in these three days?"

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