Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 281 Settlement of Accounts

Fengling Lane, Ye Family.

Early this morning, many people gathered around inside and outside the street, peering towards the sealed gate.

A few days ago, the news that someone came to the Ye family to collect gambling debts had already spread throughout the streets and alleys. Today was the deadline, so naturally there were many people waiting to see the excitement and came to find out.

Sure enough, just after midnight, several tall men dressed in short shirts appeared at the street corner and blocked the door of Ye's house in a swaggering manner.

"Miss Ye!"

The man standing at the front shouted loudly,

"The three-day period has arrived! Zhang came here specially to keep the appointment!"

In the courtyard, Ye Shixian, who had been anxious for a long time, suddenly stood up from her chair when she heard this sound!

She clutched the veil tightly, her lips pale.

Shaoyao also became nervous: "Little Miss! They are here! What should we do now!?"

Ye Shixian has hardly closed her eyes in the past three days. All she can think about is this matter. But at this moment, where can she get so much money?

Most of the money at home was confiscated that day, leaving only a small amount of gold and silver hanging around her body. But she couldn't even leave the house, and it was difficult even to go to a pawn shop to exchange money!

Now that every move she makes is watched by officials, how can she dare to do such a thing?

But those people outside are not easy to deal with. If they can't get the money today, who knows what they will do!

Bang bang bang!

There was a fierce knock on the door, and the man's voice was obviously cold and sarcastic.

"What? Miss Ye hasn't come out for so long because she doesn't want to acknowledge the debt!?"

Ye Shixian looked back and saw that the front hall had been temporarily used as a mourning hall. The black coffin was parked there and a few white flags were fluttering in the wind, which was particularly sad.

On special occasions, Ye Mingze's funeral is not allowed to be arranged in a grand manner.

There is no way this stalemate can continue forever...

Ye Shixian bit her lip, unable to hide the anxiety and panic in her eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Is there any news from Murong Mansion?"

Shaoyao shook his head.

Ye Shixian felt cold.


Outside the door, seeing the door closed, the group of people started shouting louder and louder.

The onlookers couldn't help but started talking in low voices.

"What's going on in the Ye family? Are you really going to let these people come to your door and yell at you?"

"So what? Who told them not to repay their debts? The people on Fulu Street are not easy to mess with. Didn't you realize that there were officials guarding the door, so they came here anyway?"

"You have to say that Ye Mingze is really capable. He didn't know anything about eating, drinking and having fun during his lifetime, but he still left such a big mess after his death!"

"Hey, who wants me to be an only son? I heard that he is very pampered at home, so he can only cause such a big trouble! Now that he is dead, everything is over, but the living people will have a headache!"

"The Ye family looked so prosperous in the past, but now in a short period of time, they have ended up in this situation..."


The door slowly opened, and the noisy voices instantly subsided, and countless pairs of eyes looked over there.

Ye Shixian finally appeared in front of everyone again.

However, within three days, she had lost a lot of weight and looked quite haggard. The originally delicate and pretty face became dim due to the torture of this period of time, and the whole person seemed to have been drained of energy, leaving only a thin body barely holding on.

Actually, there is no trace of the magnanimity and magnanimity of the former most beautiful woman in the capital.

The leading man glanced at the sun, narrowed his eyes, and smiled coldly:

"It seems that Miss Ye is planning to use Young Master Ye to pay off the debt?"

Every word is heartbreaking!

Ye Shixian was full of resentment, but she had to suppress her emotions and managed to speak: "More than ten thousand taels is really too much. In addition, my Ye family is in a difficult situation now. I hope you can give me a little more grace..."

"Miss Ye Er really likes to joke. It's not uncommon for us to have one day dragging on three days, and three days dragging on one year. That's all!"

The man interrupted her very impatiently.

"Either you pay back the money today! Or, hand over Ye Mingze! When we do business, we are not unreasonable people. We will pay whoever's debt we owe, and we will never involve others!"

What he said was very generous, as if he had done a great good deed, but hearing it in Ye Shixian's ears made it even more embarrassing.

Whose debt should be paid?

Mingze is dead! How can he pay it back! ?

Ye Shixian gritted her teeth and dug her nails into her palms, but at this time she could no longer care about the stinging pain and was filled with despair.

She took a deep breath: "Mingze is a member of our Ye family, and there is no way that you will take him away! But we don't want to default on the debt, as long as, as long as we are given a period of grace..."

After being pampered and pampered for many years, Ye Shixian had never begged for love with such a thug?

This is simply a shame!

The leading man sneered and said: "Miss Ye, why do you think you are doing this? Anyway, you are locked up in the house now and you can't get out. You can't even handle the funeral of Second Young Master Ye. We are doing it on your behalf, which is considered a good thing." I’m helping you, isn’t it?”

Ye Shixian trembled all over: "You!"

Just when she was about to have an attack, a figure suddenly came out of the crowd.


Everyone turned around and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

A man dressed as a servant hurried over and took out a stack of banknotes from his arms while panting.

"Don't you just want money? My master's son, Miss Ye, has come out!"

After a brief silence, everyone was in an uproar!

At this time, there was actually someone willing to stand up for Ye Shixian! ?

The leading man looked him up and down and said doubtfully, "Oh? Who is your master?"

Someone next to me whispered: "Brother, it seems to me that he is Murong Ye's entourage!"


The man raised his eyebrows and his attitude became more polite.

He looked at the boy, then turned to look at Ye Shixian and smiled.

"It turns out that Miss Ye has Master Murong to help, why didn't you tell her earlier?"

As soon as these words came out, the street was silent for a moment, and the atmosphere was strange.

Many people looked at each other and secretly exchanged glances.

...Why doesn’t this sound right?

Although there had long been rumors that Murong Ye was in love with Ye Shixian, the two of them didn't have much contact during this period, and everyone gradually forgot about it.

Who knew that Murong Ye would jump out at this time? And it’s such a huge debt!

Ordinary relationship... can he be so helpful?

Ye Shixian was also confused. Normally, she would definitely be able to hear the man's voice, but now she couldn't care less about that. There was only one thought in her mind: Murong Ye was here to help her!

She immediately looked at the man: "Now, this debt can be cleared!"

The man didn't answer, but took the stack of banknotes and counted them one by one before letting out a laugh.

"Five thousand taels, just want to pay off the debt of 13,000 taels, no matter what, you can't justify it, right?"

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