Outside the city gate, a group of officers were escorting a group of shackled prisoners.

The autumn wind was cold, but their clothes were thin, and some of them had blood stains on their bodies, making them very embarrassed.

"What are you doing standing still? Leave quickly!"

The official shouted loudly and whipped out the whip with a loud "snap".

A bloody mark instantly appeared on a prisoner's back. He staggered a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

However, he remained silent and endured it.

Seeing this, other people also lowered their heads and quickened their pace, not daring to say a word for fear that the whip would fall on them in the next second.

Ye Heng is among them.

Seeing this scene, his heart trembled, but he couldn't help but look back.

He survived, and His Highness still remembered him, but...he went to Tongbei, and the journey was full of ups and downs!

It was a long journey from the capital to Tongbei, and it would take at least three or four months for them to be exiled like this.

When we arrived in Tongbei, it was the twelfth lunar month of winter, the most bitter and cold time.

Just thinking about the hardships and torture in it made him feel cold all over.

What's more, after he left, the family still didn't know what was going on... He didn't even get to see Mingze for the last time!

When he thought of this, Ye Heng's chest felt tight and painful.

"Still watching?"

An official saw Ye Heng's thoughts and couldn't help but sneered,

"Mr. Ye, is he still thinking that someone can come and give you a ride?"

This "Master Ye" is really harsh.

However, Ye Heng dared not challenge the other party at this time, with a flattering smile on his thin and haggard face.

"Master Chai misunderstood, I, I didn't..."

"I would like to advise Mr. Ye: Don't have such wishful thinking! You must know better than us what the situation is over there. It is an act of mercy from His Majesty that they can avoid becoming slaves! Mr. Ye, you should think more about yourself!"

Ye Heng's heart sank.

During the time he was imprisoned, it must have been difficult for his family. The Gao family could not afford to maintain their reputation, and Mingze... only Shixian was left.

But what can she do if she is a girl?

Ye Heng saw the other party's impatience and had no choice but to look away reluctantly.

But every step he took was extremely heavy.

I don’t know what His Highness’ plans will be next...

Suddenly, the sound of mourning and crying came from the distance.

Ye Heng subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, his eyelids twitching heavily.

It was a team of mourners, with one person in the front holding a flag, four people in the middle carrying the coffin, and several others crying and scattering money.

In the bleak autumn wind, this scene seemed particularly sad and desolate.

Vaguely, I seemed to hear someone crying.

"...Second Young Master, have a good journey!"

As Ye Heng listened, his heartbeat instantly accelerated, and a strong uneasiness surged over him!

He couldn't help but take two steps quickly, wanting to get closer and listen carefully. The officer next to him immediately stopped him, frowning and raising eyebrows:

"Be bold!"

Looking at the strong leather whip, Ye Heng shuddered and immediately stopped, but his eyes kept looking forward involuntarily.

He listened, what did he listen to... He recognized the faces of the group of people, but they all had raw faces and could not tell anything.

Just when Ye Heng thought he had made a mistake, someone next to him whispered:

"Did I misunderstood? Why are those people crying about the second young master of the Ye family?"

Ye Heng's hands couldn't help but tremble.

The sound of crying became clearer and clearer, and the current man looked this way. After searching around, his eyes finally landed on Ye Heng.

Ye Heng's heart sank heavily!

He looked away almost instinctively, not daring to look at the other person again, for fear that something beyond his control would happen in the next second.

However, things went counterproductive, and what I was afraid of would come.

After the man saw Ye Heng, he suddenly walked quickly towards this side!

The officer frowned tightly: "Who are you! What are you doing!"

The man hurriedly stood still and saluted respectfully: "Master Cha, the young one is here to deliver the soul to the Second Young Master Ye!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone fell into deathly silence and looked at Ye Heng.

Second Young Master Ye!

Besides Ye Mingze, who else! ?

The prisoners who were exiled together did not know the news, but the officials had heard about it. They looked back at Ye Heng with disgust, and immediately scolded: "This is the exile team! We still have responsibilities, But we can’t afford to delay!”

The man hurriedly said: "Master Chai misunderstood, how can I dare to delay your business? I am just following the order of Second Miss Ye to bury Second Young Master Ye."

The official's tone became slower: "Miss Ye Er?"

This is not someone they can afford to offend, so they have to be very polite.

The man nodded repeatedly, and when no one was paying attention, he handed over a heavy purse: "Yes! Miss Ye Er said, Ye, Ye... after all, it would be pitiful for father and son not to see each other for the last time. So I sent my younger brother to take care of the funeral for Second Young Master Ye, so that they could put away their last regret."

The official weighed the weight in his hand, feeling satisfied and his attitude became more kind.

"So, Miss Ye Er is also kind-hearted."

"Isn't it? You also know that the Ye family in Fengling Lane was raided and the war was in chaos. Miss Ye couldn't afford it, so how could she care about it? Although the two families had grievances before, Miss Ye was not at ease. Forbearance, I personally paid the money to organize the funeral for Second Young Master Ye..."

Ye Heng's chest rose and fell violently, and he finally couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted angrily: "What a poisonous woman! She really has a heart of snakes and scorpions!"

What kindness? What's so pitiful?

It's all her conspiracy!

Wasn't it all because of her that they ended up like this? In the end, she became a good person!

She did it on purpose... She clearly did it on purpose!

Not only did they break up their family, but now they have to step on their heads with impunity!

What a huge humiliation!

Ye Heng was full of anger, his eyes were red, and veins popped up on his forehead. He obviously hated Ye Chutang!

The man's face changed slightly when he heard the sound.

"Mr. Ye, is it inappropriate for you to say this? If it weren't for Miss Ye Er's help, your son wouldn't even have a coffin now! She was kind enough to prepare for Young Master Ye Er's funeral, but how come she is here with you? Not only are you not grateful, , and you still scold him so harshly?"

Ye Heng was panting violently and could hardly breathe.

"She! It's obviously all because of her——"

As he said this, he was about to step forward to take action, but was whipped back by the officer.

"How presumptuous! Do you really think you are Lord Ye!? Be honest!"

Ye Heng was thrown to the ground, and the coarse stones scratched his palms and knees, but the pain was nothing compared to the humiliation and pain in his heart.

The official glanced at him coldly:

"You are right. Miss Ye Er is so kind to help, but not only are you not grateful, but you actually say such nasty things, it's really too much!"

"Don't forget, if it weren't for her money and effort, you wouldn't even be able to send your son off for the last journey!"

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