Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 284 A good man will fight to the end

Killing and punishing one's heart, that's all.

Ye Heng really wanted to see his son for the last time, but the current situation would only make him more resentful!

Others didn't know it, but he knew exactly what Ye Chutang had in mind when he did this!

Not only did they drive his family out of the Ye Mansion on Liuwan Lane, but they also wanted to kill them all like this!

This is like cutting out a piece of flesh from his heart!

Ye Heng's breathing was rapid, and he could vaguely feel the smell of rust between his mouth and mouth.

He spent a lot of effort before gritting his teeth and speaking bitterly: "If that's the case, how could he, how could he appear outside the city?"

He clearly knew that he was going to be exiled to Tongbei, so he specially found these people to carry the coffin and wait here!

However, after hearing this, the man holding the banner said matter-of-factly: "What's so strange about this? Master Ye wants to bury Bao'erguan, so he naturally has to leave the city -"

"What did you say!?"

Ye Heng stopped suddenly and opened his eyes in disbelief.


What is that place? !

If Mingze is sent there, what's the difference between sending him to a mass grave? ?

The man chuckled: "Master Ye, according to your current family situation, it is not easy to find a quiet place for the second young master to bury him. It was only Miss Ye who specially went to beg for mercy that allowed the second young master Ye to have a peaceful burial." A place to sleep, otherwise——"

No one even collected the bodies!

Ye Heng opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood.

The official standing nearby immediately stepped back in disgust and dusted his sleeves.

"Hey! What are you doing! I told you in advance that on the way to Tongbei, there is no doctor coming to see you! If you can't survive, you can't blame others!"

Every year, countless people die on the road to exile. Anyway, these people have committed serious crimes. Even if they die, few people care about them, let alone hold them accountable.

The man holding the banner clasped his fists and said, "Thank you so much for being so accommodating. I don't dare to delay your official duties. I just want to deliver this news."

Several officials were even more satisfied when they heard this. This man was quite sensible. I originally thought that he would ask Ye Heng to give Ye Mingze a ride again, but he was quite sensible.

In this way, there will be less trouble, and they will naturally be happy to make easy money.

"It's easy to say. We all know Miss Ye Er's thoughts, and I believe Master Ye does the same."

The official waved his hand, and the man nodded and bowed his thanks, then turned and returned to the procession of mourning.

From beginning to end, they kept their distance so that Ye Heng could see and hear whose coffin it was, but they couldn't get a closer look.


With a mournful chant, the group of people started playing and beating forward - exactly in the direction of Bao'er Pass.

The wind is blowing, weeping and wailing.

However, Ye Heng, who really needed to cry, could only stand there and watch this scene.

Watching his most beloved son leave him step by step.

The sky in the distance gradually darkened, and dark clouds piled up, weighing heavily on the sky.

Ye Heng suddenly remembered that three years ago, it was also a cloudy day, and he led his people to send his brothers to the burial.

At that time, had he ever thought that he would have such a day?

Ye Heng's eyes darkened, and his body fell straight forward!


In a remote and simple courtyard, Ye Shixian sat there in a daze, as if he had become a stone man, motionless.

She seemed to have cried a lot, her eyes were red and swollen, her face was still stained with tears, and her hair was a little messy. She no longer looked like the eldest daughter of the Ye family in the past.

After the house was ransacked, she and Gao were kicked out. This courtyard belongs to Murong Ye. He should have received the news a long time ago, so he asked people to come over, firstly to help pay off the debt, and secondly to bring them to settle here.

Murong Ye never showed up from beginning to end. All these things were done by his subordinates.

Of course, this is normal. With countless pairs of eyes staring at them now, who wants to have anything to do with them?

Thinking of this, Ye Shixian gave a self-deprecating smile, but when she thought of the current situation, the corners of her lips that were half raised dropped again.

"Mingze? Mingze!"

Mrs. Gao seemed to have woken up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she started looking for Ye Mingze. When she touched the empty bed, she panicked and walked out quickly.

It wasn't until the moment she stepped out of the threshold that she realized this was not the Ye Mansion, and the uneasiness in her heart became more intense.

Seeing Ye Shixian sitting there, Gao seemed to have found the last straw.


She hurriedly asked: "Where is Mingze? Where has he gone?"

Ye Shixian turned back and looked at her coldly.

Before, she was afraid that Mr. Gao would keep making trouble, so she had someone knock him out, but when she woke up, the first thing she thought about was her precious son.

"Mingze has been buried." Ye Shixian said expressionlessly, "We were all kicked out and we are unable to bury him now, so those people took him away."

It's been several days, and it's impossible to stop the spirit. They can't protect themselves, so how can they care about others?

Hearing this, Mrs. Gao slowly opened her eyes wide. When she realized what happened, she suddenly raised her hand and was about to slap Ye Shixian!

However, the slap failed to fall in the end.

Ye Shixian noticed her intention and immediately raised her hand to block her movement.

"You want to hit me?"

"No one can be a sister like you!" Gao cried hoarsely, "He is your biological brother! You actually let someone take him away like this!? Do you have any conscience!"

Ye Shixian narrowed her eyes and laughed angrily.

"I have no conscience? If he hadn't caused such a big trouble himself, how could I be pointed at and scolded by others!"

She had already begged Murong Ye for help, but she still didn't know how to repay the five thousand taels, let alone the remaining debts!

Her father was exiled and her home was ransacked. What could she do?

Mrs. Gao hammered her chest hard and cried bitterly: "How come Ye Chutang can protect her younger siblings, but you can't even protect Mingze!"

The long-suppressed emotions in Ye Shixian's heart were instantly ignited.

She gave Gao a hard shove and said sharply: "Don't mention her to me!"

She is where she is today, and it's not all thanks to that bitch!

Gao was pushed by her and almost fell to the ground, but suddenly she seemed to have remembered something and stepped forward hurriedly.

"Yes, yes! Ye Chutang! Go and beg her! As long as you go and beg her for help, she can't ignore it!"

Ye Shixian simply thought that she heard wrongly, and felt ridiculous: "Mom, can you hear what you are saying?"

However, Mrs. Gao held her hand tightly and said eagerly:

"Isn't the master's case already decided? Isn't he irrelevant to Ye Zheng's death? Then what reason does she have for not helping?"

The more Gao talked about it, the more he felt it was feasible.

"Isn't she pretending to be a good person? Then let her do it to the end!"

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