Ye Shixian's movements suddenly froze, and a trace of hesitation flashed across her face.

Yes, my father was able to save his life because Dali Temple did not find any irrefutable evidence that he killed his brother.

If they ask Ye Chutang for help now, she really has no reason to refuse!
However, she felt really aggrieved to ask her to beg Ye Chutang!
Ye Shixian stood still for a long time and finally said impatiently:
"Just leave it alone, I will make my own decision on this matter!"

Mr. Gao can't do anything but cause trouble for her now, which really upsets her.

She looked up at the sky.

At this moment, the son doesn’t know where his father has gone?
But...since she is having a hard time, Ye Chutang can't even think about being safe!


Ye Shixian changed into plain clothes and walked to Liuwan Lane.

Along the way, many people noticed her.

The Ye family has been busy these days. Who would have thought that Ye Shixian would still go out at this time?
When they saw her turning into Liuwan Lane, many people realized that she was here to ask Ye Chutang for help!
Sure enough, as soon as she stood in front of Ye Mansion, Ye Shixian's eyes turned red and tears rolled down her face.

"Cousin, please help me!"

Everyone secretly exchanged glances and couldn't help but whisper.

"She actually came to ask for help?"

"If I were her, I couldn't do this!"

"Hey? Why can't it work? Haven't you heard that although Ye Heng was exiled, he was not involved in his brother's case back then. What he said before was all false!"

"So what if it's fake? Don't forget, Ye Heng has other charges on him! If Ye Chutang hadn't separated from them early, I'm afraid he would have been implicated today!"

"That's right! After everything Ye Heng has done before, he can't afford to be called 'Second Uncle'! This Ye Shixian is probably desperate, and she actually came here to ask for help."

"...I wonder if Miss Ye Er will help?"

This is actually what they are most curious about. help?
The two families had an embarrassing quarrel before, not to mention that now Ye Heng is the guilty minister. Who wants to be associated with such a person again?

Not helping?

Then Ye Chutang will inevitably be labeled as cold and ruthless. This reputation is not good...

Ye Shixian turned a deaf ear to those voices and just looked straight at the closed door ahead.


The door opened and a boy came out.

Ye Shixian's expression changed, and she immediately raised her voice eagerly: "Cousin, would you like to see me?"

His tone was humble, his expression was sincere, and he was bowing his head to ask for help. His tearful eyes made me feel pity for him.


"Oh, what a coincidence. Our second lady went out today and hasn't come back yet." The boy looked embarrassed, but refused to let him go. He had no intention of inviting Ye Chutang in. "How about you come back another day? "

Ye Shixian was stunned: "Ye... cousin went out? Where did she go?"

The boy looked a little hesitant.

Ye Shixian sneered in her heart, this Ye Chutang was really cunning, he had muddied the water in this pool, but she stayed out of it!
She wants to live in peace and pretend like nothing happened? dream!
Ye Shixian bit her lip, looking pitiful and sad.

"I really have no choice. Apart from my cousin, I really don't know what to do... Even if it's just because of our past friendship, I really hope that I can meet my cousin!"

This appearance made many onlookers feel pity.

"Second Miss Ye is not a petty person. Although there were some misunderstandings before, they have been solved now. Although Ye Heng was at fault, his wife and daughter are innocent, so why not come out to meet each other? After all, they are a family. People, why do you need to cause embarrassment?" (End of this chapter)

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