Ye Shixian sneered in her heart. Ye Chutang is the best at showing off. Now that things have become like this, she doesn't believe that Ye Chutang can hide and stand by all the time!
However, the young man scratched his head and said: "I'm really sorry, our second young lady has gone to Jiuhua Mountain. I don't know when I will come back, and I can't let you wait here, so... you should go back first. !”

Ye Shixian's expression froze.

The onlookers looked at each other, and some who didn't know what was going on asked in a low voice: "Jiuhua Mountain? You are so good, what is Miss Ye Er doing there?"

Someone sighed softly and explained: "You don't know this. Miss Ye Er's parents and brother... are all buried there."

The crowd fell silent.

What happened back then was a big deal, especially when it caused a stir recently. Even if you want to pretend you don't know, it's difficult.

But only a few people remember that Ye Zheng and others were buried in Jiuhua Mountain.

"I remembered that it was the middle of winter, covered with heavy snow and the roads were difficult to travel. Ye Heng gave up sending them back to their hometown for burial, and chose to bury them in Jiuhua Mountain instead."

"I remember it too! And because Master Ye Zheng offended Long Yan and was demoted, he didn't make any big arrangements for his funeral. He was simply buried. Now that I think about's really embarrassing!"

There are also people who say something like a gun and a stick: "Speaking of which, Miss Ye Er has been back in Beijing for a long time. Why did she only think of this today?"

But this statement was quickly refuted.

"That's easy to say! She is just a weak woman who can take good care of her brothers and sisters. It is not easy to bring them back to the capital safely! What's more, the situation has continued since returning to the capital. If I were her, I'm afraid I would still be bedridden. I don’t even have the energy to go out!”

The person who started the trouble choked and shrank his neck.

Everyone nodded when they heard the sound.

They had heard about the Ye family's affairs, and they knew that Ye Chutang had neither the time nor the energy to do this before.

The reason why she chose today was probably because Ye Heng's case was finally settled, so she went there specially.

A lot of thought cannot be said to be incomplete.

Ye Shixian felt very upset after hearing these words, and she secretly gritted her teeth.

——What a Ye Chutang! She clearly chose today on purpose! Could it be that...she had expected that she would come?

But when did she become so smart?

The Ye Chutang in her memory was quiet and even timid. She always stood behind her father and brother when things happened, with clear and ignorant eyes.

And now...

Do not!
It started when she returned to Beijing! She has become a completely different person!
Ye Shixian raised her head and looked forward, feeling that this place and the people here were stranger than ever.


The carriage moved forward, and after leaving the city, there were gradually fewer people on the road.

Ye Chutang opened the curtain and looked outside.

Not far away, there are rolling mountains, and one of the steep peaks is particularly conspicuous.

Xiao Wu, who was originally nestled in her arms, noticed the movement and opened his eyes.

She followed Ye Chutang's gaze, but seemed to be afraid of something, and nervously clenched Ye Chutang's sleeves.

Sensing the small force, Ye Chutang lowered his eyes, patted her head gently, and said warmly:
"Xiaowu, don't be afraid."

She raised her chin,

"My father, mother, and brother are all there."

Why be afraid?

Xiao Wu blinked, and the uneasiness in his eyes gradually faded away.

She finally turned her head and looked outside——(End of Chapter)

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