Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 287 Returning Home

The peaks are steep and covered with mountains and forests.

White mountain mist floats in the middle of the mountain, and the forest is already dyed with autumn colors.

Ye Chutang hugged Xiao Wu and got out of the carriage, looking forward quietly.

This is the first time she has been to this place in three years.

I had thought about today's situation many times before, but at this moment, I felt extremely calm.

Xiaowu silently held Ajie's hand tightly, his eyes pure.

She has no memory of her parents, and her impression of her brother only remains in the words that her sister accidentally mentioned.

But she knew that that was the person Ajie was closest to and the person she was closest to.

Ye Chutang climbed up the mountain road with slow but firm steps, and Xiao Wu followed closely.

In the middle, Ye Chutang offered to carry her up, but Xiao Wu refused.

The woods are dark, the mountain breeze is refreshing, and the occasional chirping of birds adds to the tranquility and tranquility here.

Finally, Ye Chutang stopped.

Xiao Wu followed her gaze and saw three tombs ahead.

The name is engraved on the tombstone.

She could read the words on it, and the person who built the monument at the end was particularly eye-catching.

——Ye Heng took care of the funeral affairs back then, and his traces still remain to this day.

It seems that no one has been here for a long time. There are overgrown weeds next to the tomb, making it look a bit lonely.

"Dad, mother, brother, I'm back."

Ye Chutang spoke softly, his dark and clear eyes like still water and deep waves.

No one answered.

Every word is just a solitary statement that will never be answered.

Ye Chutang's lips curved slightly: "Xiaowu is here too. She has grown up a lot now. If you see her, you will definitely think she is very cute."

Xiao Wu hugged her hand and rubbed his soft little face against the back of her hand, but kept looking at the three tombs. She wasn't afraid at all.

Ye Chutang lowered his eyes and touched her little head.

"Ayan and Afeng are still in class at the Imperial College. I will bring them over when they have the Spring Festival holiday in a few days."

"Ayan has always been sensible, which makes me worry a lot. However, Afeng has an unruly temperament, and he has started to act up during this period. I don't know how many days he can stay in the Imperial College this time."

She was talking about ordinary things, as if she was meeting again after not seeing each other for many years, sitting in front of the window and talking about the past.

In three years, too many things happened.

But after all, she only picked on some trivial matters. As for the twists and turns, the flash of swords, she didn't even mention it at all.

"...I came back a little late after all."

Speaking of this, Ye Chutang was quiet for a long time, then smiled.

"But my parents will definitely not blame me. As for brother—"

She probably needs to be given a good scolding.

In the eyes of her brother, she was weak and unable to take care of herself. Even if she went out for a few steps after heavy snowfall and got a headache due to the wind, she had made a big mistake. If he caught her, she would have to be taught a lesson.

"Brother. I'm not afraid of the cold now."

The sound gradually became smaller and eventually disappeared in the forest, leaving only the sound of the wind blowing through the forest, blowing in people's hearts.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sky got dark.

Ye Chutang looked forward quietly, his voice was gentle, but with a determination that could not be ignored:
"Don't worry, Dad, Ye Heng is not dead yet. I have to keep his life. When the people behind the scenes are found and the truth comes out, I will make them repay a hundredfold for what they have suffered before."

It would be a huge loss if only one Ye Heng died.

After saying that, she kowtowed and Xiao Wu followed suit.

With his forehead pressed against the cold ground, Ye Chutang closed his eyes and said word by word:

"I'll only stay for a short time, and Ah Wan will take you home." (End of Chapter)

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