As dusk falls, the coolness comes from all directions, enveloping people.

Shaoyao glanced at the closed door in front again and whispered, "Miss, why don't we go back first? You are weak and you will definitely get sick if you keep waiting like this."

Ye Shixian's face was extremely pale, but she shook her head when she heard this.

"If I can't wait for her to come back today, I won't leave!"

Shaoyao hesitated to speak, but in the end he could only swallow the rest of his words and continue to wait with her.

In fact, in her opinion, the two families have completely broken up, and even if Ye Chutang comes back, he will definitely not help.

Isn’t my young lady humiliating herself?

After a day of turmoil and standing here from day to night, Shaoyao's legs were already sore.

She quietly moved her legs and feet, and looking at Ye Shixian's stubborn look, she couldn't help but feel a little resentful in her heart.

If we had known what would happen today, why would there be such a tense situation in the first place?

Now I have to plead in such a lowly manner, which is really shameless!

Ye Shixian was actually impatient to wait, but now she had no choice.

"Shaoyao, you go and ask again if she really won't come back today."

Shaoyao was unwilling to do so.

The people in the Ye Mansion treated them with an extremely cold attitude. She had already asked twice before, but the other party just said they didn't know. Now that she went there for the third time, what else could she do except continue to use her hot face against others' cold buttocks? ?
Without moving her feet, she persuaded: "Miss, she is probably avoiding you on purpose. There is no point in waiting any longer!"

Ye Shixian gave her a cold look: "Why, won't my words work now?"

Shaoyao curled her lips secretly and turned her head: "This slave is also thinking about your health. If you fall down, from now on——"

Although she spoke respectfully, there was obvious impatience between her eyebrows.

Ye Shixian was so angry that she laughed.

OK! Now a little maid dares to disobey her!
The tree fell and the hozens scattered, her father was exiled to Tongbei, and he didn’t know if he would come back in his lifetime. Mingze was gone too, and she couldn’t even find anyone who could support her!
In fact, she had already discovered the thoughts of these servants, but she had never paid attention to them before, but now——

Ye Shixian just stared at her: "Don't you understand what I say!"

Shaoyao was startled, and then she felt a little afraid, but she still didn't forget to defend herself.

"Miss, I don't dare! I'm just, I'm just worried about you..."

She then moved her feet and walked forward.

Ye Shixian closed her eyes and took a deep breath to suppress the anger in her heart.

Now she was still in Liuwan Alley, with countless people watching overtly and covertly. She must not lose her sense of proportion.

As long as she waits until Ye Chutang comes back...she will have plenty of ways to drag her down!
However, at this moment, the sound of a carriage driving slowly came from the end of the street.

Ye Shixian felt happy and immediately turned around to look!

She immediately stepped forward: "Cousin!"

The boy raised his whip and the carriage was forced to stop. When he saw Ye Shixian suddenly appearing, he was also stunned.

"...Why are you here?"

Ye Shixian was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and looked straight at the carriage.

The curtain hung quietly, and the people inside seemed to have no intention of talking to her.

Ye Shixian raised her voice and said: "Cousin! Do you really want to watch our family being destroyed and refuse to help?"

As long as she, Ye Chutang, is a shameless person, it is impossible not to respond!
However, there was still no sound inside the carriage.

Ye Shixian couldn't hold it any longer and quickly stepped forward to lift the curtain! (End of chapter)

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