The waiter immediately stopped him, and the look on his face became unhappy: "Miss Ye, please respect yourself!"

This is in front of Ye Mansion! She did this without caring about anyone!

Do you still think that you are the eldest lady of the Ye family? ?
Ye Shixian lost all face when being refuted like this by a servant.

She stopped and gritted her teeth.

"Cousin, my father's case has been decided. He did not harm your father! All the rumors were framed at the beginning! I really had no choice, so I came to ask you for help. But if you are afraid of being implicated, you deliberately want to cooperate with us. Alienated, then I have nothing to say——"

She really said anything.

If Ye Chutang helps, he will inevitably be involved in a family that has already fallen into a quagmire. Who knows how much trouble it will cause in the future, but if he doesn't help... someone who is thoughtful can always make up a few sentences to throw dirty water on her.

A woman's reputation is the most important thing.

In short, in the current situation, Ye Chutang is really in a dilemma.

However, until Ye Shixian finished speaking, there was no movement in the carriage.

Ye Shixian was a little annoyed and couldn't help but raise her voice: "Cousin! I know that some of my previous actions have made you unhappy. You can beat or scold me if you want! As long as you can forgive me, you can do anything you want me to do. ! Now we really have no choice. It doesn’t matter to me, but my mother is suffering from illness and she just lost Mingze. She is hit hard both physically and mentally. She really can’t bear the pain..."

Ye Shixian closed her eyes and knelt down directly in front of the carriage!

Seeing this, Shaoyao had no choice but to kneel down.

This scene attracted the attention of many people, and even the way they looked at the carriage changed.

"Ye Shixian has already said this, but Ye Chutang still refuses to help?"

"If I were her, I wouldn't help! Have you forgotten how Ye Heng's family bullied their siblings before? It can be said that things are changing, and now, it's time for them to suffer too!"

"What they did before was indeed a bit excessive, but it was not a crime that would lead to death. Ye Heng didn't really kill his brother. We are all a family, so why should it be so embarrassing?"

"If you ask me, Ye Chutang is really heartless! He deliberately took Qiao today to humiliate Ye Shixian!" "If this woman really has no means, how can she bring her young siblings back to Beijing? Oh, she is secretly glad that she has drawn a clear line with Ye Heng's family early!"

Say anything.

People in the world have always been like this. If they feel pity for someone, they should feel compassion and be generous to others to show their compassion.

As for the old things in the past, how many hardships they had, I won’t mention a word more.

Anyway, they are not the ones who endure hardship and torture, so the matter of "forgiveness" is naturally done with ease.

However, no matter how everyone talked, there was still no movement in the carriage.

The boy held the riding crop in one hand and said "Hey".

"Miss Ye, these words of yours are useless to the younger ones!"

Ye Shixian was stunned and raised her head suddenly!

"What did you say!?"

The boy said: "Our second young lady is not here, you should come and kneel again on another day!"

The surroundings fell into dead silence for an instant.

Ye Shixian's lips trembled slightly, and she turned her neck stiffly to look at the carriage curtain that was swaying slightly in the wind.

Shaoyao could no longer hold back: "Why aren't you here? Who doesn't know that Miss Ye Er went to Jiuhua Mountain today. It's already this hour and she hasn't come back. Could it be that she is avoiding my lady on purpose!?"

The boy glanced at her up and down and snorted contemptuously.

"Why, our second young lady went to Feiyun Temple to chant sutras and pray for the master and his wife, and we will ask them to move their souls home soon. Do we need your consent!?" (End of this chapter)

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