Chapter 29

Ye Chutang shook his head: "At present, I only got a few clues. If we want to get the real truth, we have to continue to investigate."

Hearing this, Ye Jingyan was a little disappointed, but he also knew that it was not easy to get clues. After all, the mastermind behind the scenes was very cautious in doing things, not to mention that it had been three years, and it was not that simple to search.

What did he understand, and tentatively asked: "So... the clue is in the capital?"


Shen Yanchuan put down the book in his hand, and casually placed it on the small table beside him.

Lian Zhou was a little curious: "Master, is there anything wrong with this book?"

Shen Yanchuan shook his head and smiled: "It's just an ordinary book."

That Doctor Ye was not usually on guard against him.

But this was also within his expectation, Ye Chutang was not an ordinary woman, how could she not guess the real purpose of his borrowing books.

He tried it, and she showed it to him openly: you won't even show me any of the books you want.

Both of them knew each other's thoughts well, although they were too straightforward, it saved a lot of trouble.

Lian Zhou didn't know what his master was thinking, so he mentioned another matter.

"By the way, the news that those people failed to assassinate you last time should have been sent back to the capital. Look—do you want to continue waiting here?"

Shen Yanchuan had expected this a long time ago, and said with a light smile, "There's no rush."

The person who wanted him to die, who failed twice in a row, should be the most flustered one, right?

Shen Yanchuan said again: "Besides, it's interesting to stay here, isn't it?"


Ye's Medical Center returned to its usual peace and tranquility, as if nothing had happened, but tonight's Cao's was not so easy.

Cao Deping smashed his favorite tea cup, furious: "Cunning! That Ye Chutang is really cunning!"

I thought everything would go according to plan, but who knew it would turn out like this in the end!
Not to mention failing to bring down Ye's Medical Center, even Cao's family was almost exposed!
More importantly - the cousin was also implicated!
After he learned that Ye Chutang proved his innocence in the medical clinic, he knew it was not good, and hurried to find his cousin, but was stopped outside the magistrate's mansion.

This is the first time he has been rejected, and the attitude of the subordinates is also obviously disgusting, what is there not to understand?
Cao Deping had no choice but to come back in despair, suffocated and had nowhere to vent his anger, angry and panicked.

He was so angry that Ye Chutang escaped unharmed with such a perfect layout!

The panic is that this is the first time he asks his cousin for help, so something went wrong, and he knows that she must have been angered by the county magistrate.


Cao Deping paced back and forth in the room anxiously.


Hearing the movement, Cao Chengwen hurried over.

He closed the door carefully, and had never seen Cao Deping so irritable, so he had to persuade him: "Father, don't worry, although this matter didn't work out, as long as those people don't confess us, we won't confess." There is something wrong!"

Cao Deping was furious: "It's easy to say!"

Those few people were bought temporarily, how strict can their mouths be?
Once leaked out, trouble will be big!
He became more and more annoyed, pointing at Cao Chengwen and yelling: "If it wasn't for cleaning up the mess for you, why would there be so much trouble!"

Cao Chengwen's eyes flickered, he felt guilty and unhappy.

He couldn't help but said: "...I reminded you before that Ye Chutang was not easy to deal with, and you didn't take it seriously at the time..."

Now it's all his fault...


Cao Deping's face turned livid with anger.

If it weren't for the fact that there was only this one son left, he would never have cared so much!
Seeing this, Cao Chengwen also knew that he could not continue to provoke him, after all, he still wanted to continue to be the young master of the Cao family in peace.

He quickly persuaded: "Father, you really don't have to worry too much. Didn't you say before that the magistrate is expected to be promoted this time? Even if it's for himself, he will definitely suppress this matter!"

Cao Deping narrowed his eyes.

There seems to be some truth in this statement. If the Cao family is found out, they will definitely pull out the radish and bring out the mud, and they will be tracked down together with the cousin.

At that time, how should the magistrate himself deal with himself?

Among other things, if this matter is put on the table, the official career in this life will be ruined!

So no matter what, he will definitely smother this matter to death!

Thinking about it this way, Cao Deping finally calmed down a bit.

He pondered for a long time, and decided to cut off contact with his cousin Liu Yiyi during this time.

Now we can only respond to all changes with the same. As long as we keep quiet and the limelight passes, everything will remain as usual.

Their Cao family is still an unshakable big family in Jiangling.

Cao Deping took a deep breath, and a ruthless look flashed across his eyes.

"As long as Liu Si is dead, all these things will be over."


The night was dark, and a bright moon hung slantingly in the sky.

The cool and watery moonlight spread along the windows, illuminating the whole place.

Ye Chutang looked at the letter in his hand again by candlelight.

The handwriting on it is strong and powerful, and the strokes are flying. It can be seen how excited the heart of the letter writer was when he wrote these words.

Ye Chutang's gaze swept over, and finally landed on the end.

"The current situation in Beijing is treacherous, and the danger is unpredictable. It will be a long and difficult road to find out the death of your father and brother. But don't worry, I have everything. This is a dangerous situation, don't come!"

In the end, there was no signature, only the word "Xu".

Ye Chutang put down the letter.

This letter sent from the capital is extremely precious, earnestly and sincerely.

She knew that Xu Fengchi really didn't want them to go back, because it meant too much danger.


She's never been able to stay out of it.

Those were her father, mother, and elder brother. She watched them being killed in front of her. It was a freezing day, but their blood was hot.

That day she promised brother that she would take good care of Xiao Wu and the others.

It was also that day that she promised herself that she would find out everything and avenge them in the future!
She always walks the talk.

When she asked Ah Yan those words today, she didn't show him the letter because she had made up her mind.

Ye Chutang picked up the letter and placed it beside the candle, the warm orange flames rushed up and quickly devoured the letter.

A wisp of blue smoke drifted away soundlessly.

She took out the reply letter she had written during the day and put it in the prepared envelope.

Capital, she must go back!

Liu Si's case was judged quickly, and he was beheaded for public display three days later.

After Zhou heard the news, she fainted on the spot.

Aunt Yang went to take care of her for two days, and when she came back, she sighed.

"She is the only woman left with a baby who is only a few years old, but what should I do!"

Ye Chutang originally wanted to help a group and send some money, but Zhou refused.

"Doctor Ye, thank you very much, but we don't need this anymore." She smiled wryly, "We are going to leave."

Ye Chutang's eyes moved slightly.

"Go? Where?"

(End of this chapter)

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