Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 30 Raising a Daughter

Chapter 30 Raising a Daughter

Zhou smiled wryly: "No matter where it is, it's better than here. Liu Si killed someone, and our mother and son will definitely not be able to stay in Jiangling in the future. Instead of being pointed at here every day, it's better for us to leave early. "

Her concerns are not unfounded.

It's just that she is a woman with a child, and she doesn't know how dangerous it is outside.

Ye Chutang asked, "Aren't you going back to your mother's house?"

Tears welled up in the corners of Zhou's eyes, and she quickly lowered her head and wiped them away: "I'm going back to cause trouble for them, so let's forget it. I'll take the child out of here just waiting for the one who will see off my family tomorrow for the last time."

Ye Chutang nodded in understanding, and finally stuffed the purse into Zhou's hands.

Mrs. Zhou hurriedly refused: "Doctor Ye, you have helped us a lot before! I dare not trouble you anymore!"

Ye Chutang patted her hand and said softly: "The world is difficult, even if you are not thinking about yourself, you have to think about your children."

Zhou's eyes were red, and she was about to kneel down to Ye Chutang.

Ye Chutang raised his palm lightly, stopped her movement, pointed to the box next to him, and said with a warm smile: "This is the hibiscus cake I bought from Xinghualou. The children like it the most. It's not worth much, so you can take it too." Bar."

Zhou Shi nodded with tears in her eyes, thanked her again and again, and then left.

The curtain was raised and lowered, Ye Chutang got up and washed his hands, wiping his slender pale fingers with a handkerchief little by little.

Then, she went out.

"Ah Yan, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back in half an hour."

Ye Jingyan responded: "Okay."

After Ye Yunfeng punched, he still didn't let out the breath that was stuck in his chest.

He simply went back to the front yard, just in time to see Ye Chutang going out, so he leaned over to Ye Jingyan and asked curiously: "Third brother, it's almost dark today, why is sister going out at such an early hour?"

"My sister naturally has her reasons for doing things."

Ye Yunfeng thought about it, so he simply sat down and wiped the sweat off his brow.

Ye Jingyan glanced at him: "Why, are you still unhappy?"

Ye Yunfeng's lips clenched tightly, and it took a while before he said in a muffled voice: "I just feel aggrieved! The evidence is clear, and everyone can see what's going on! How could there be such a result in the end!"

The real mastermind is at large, and he doesn't even need to pay the slightest price for it!
"Is this really the only way to do this?"

Ye Jingyan put away the book in his hand, paused for a moment, and said, "It's not the last moment, who knows?"


"What? Doctor Ye, you want to visit Liu Si?"

Wu Xu felt a headache when he heard this.

"It's... not that I don't want to help you, it's because Liu Si is going to be beheaded for public display at noon tomorrow. According to the rules, outsiders are not allowed to visit during this time..."

Ye Chutang handed over the food box in his hand, and smiled helplessly: "I know this is embarrassing for you, but I have nothing else to do. Entrusted by others, it is a matter of loyalty. In this food box The buns were made by Mrs. Zhou himself, and I want to give them to Liu Si to eat, after all, they are married."

Wu Xu was a little surprised: "Why doesn't she deliver it tomorrow?"

No matter what kind of crime he committed, this last pre-departure meal is still eaten, so why give it tonight.

Ye Chutang paused and sighed.

"Tomorrow Mrs. Zhou...will not go to the execution ground to see him off. Liu Si killed someone, and this incident has a bad impact. She went with her child, and maybe she will be implicated and judged by everyone."

Wu Xu suddenly said: "This is also..."

"So she came to ask me for help, I can't refuse." The corners of Ye Chutang's lips curled up, his brows and eyes were soft and calm, "But if it still doesn't work... then forget it."

She bowed and turned to leave.

"and many more!"

Wu Xu stopped her and gritted his teeth.

"I'll take you there!"


The prison was dark and cramped, with a strong smell of blood floating in the air, accompanied by painful moans and crying from time to time, which made people shudder.

Ye Chutang followed Wu Xu forward, the further in, the stronger the sense of despair and suffocation became.

Wu Xu tilted his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "It's just ahead, but you only have half a quarter of an hour, so you must—"

Suddenly, a blood-stained person rushed towards him and slammed into the railing, his skinny arms stretched out as if trying to grab something.

The hoarse and shrill voice was particularly piercing in this prison: "My lord! My lord, I have been wronged!"

"What are you doing! Be honest with me!"

Wu Xu scolded fiercely, and beat the man back with a stick.

As if frightened by him, the prisoner shrank back and leaned against the corner trembling.

Wu Xu looked at Ye Chutang worriedly: "Doctor Ye, I'm sorry, did I scare you? This is how it is here, there are always a few crazy people..."

Ye Chutang shook his head and smiled at him: "No problem."

Looking at the gentle and indifferent face in front of him, Wu Xu's remaining words suddenly stuck in his throat.

Most people would be very uncomfortable when they came to this kind of place for the first time, but Ye Chutang, a girl who was only 17 years old, could not change her expression.

It seemed that the surroundings could not stir her up in the slightest.

Wu Xu suppressed his thoughts and continued to lead Ye Chutang inside.

Finally, Ye Chutang saw Liu Si.

He was unkempt, his body was filthy, and there were a lot of blood stains, which seemed to have been piled up one after another in the past few days, and some places had become dark and black.

Wu Xu backed away tactfully, and helped Ye Chutang watch out by the way.

Ye Chutang took a step forward.

"Si Liu."

Liu Si didn't respond, as if he didn't hear, his whole body was lifeless.

Ye Chutang continued: "I'll bring you meals for Mrs. Zhou."

Liu Si finally made a movement, looked up and said hoarsely, "Where is she?"


Half a quarter of an hour passed quickly, and Ye Chutang came to Wu Xu's side.

Wu Xu heaved a sigh of relief, and took a look into the prison. Liu Si was lowering his head, biting the bun crazily.

He looked away: "Doctor Ye, please."


There is no star or moon tonight, and the evening breeze blows through the window with a hint of coolness.

Shen Yanchuan, who had been sitting alone in front of the chessboard for a long time, suddenly felt something and looked sideways.

Two little buns protruded from the windowsill.

The corner of Shen Yanchuan's lips twitched: "The door is open."

The two little buns disappeared shaking, and then, the half-hidden door was pushed open, and a small round head poked in.

Xiao Wu's big black grape-like eyes flickered, looked at Shen Yanchuan, and then at the chessboard, seeming a little curious.

Shen Yanchuan waved at her.

Xiao Wu moved over on his short legs, and stood by the chessboard, watching seriously.

Shen Yanchuan found it quite interesting: "Want to learn?"

Xiao Wu turned his head, glanced slowly at the sunspot he was holding, and didn't speak.

——This chess game is not as good as Sister!

At this moment, the wind blows open the window on the other side, revealing a tall and tall figure.

"I go!"

A voice full of shock came,

"Shen, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you've already raised a daughter!?"

 Shen Yanchuan: Daughter?It's not impossible.

  Ye Chutang (smiling): Let me hear you again?

(End of this chapter)

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