Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 294 The Web Weaver

Yin Shaoting has been in business in Beijing for many years and has a ruthless vision. The people he recommends will naturally not be wrong.

Of the six shopkeepers who came that day, except for two who actually read the notice and went there, the rest were more or less related to Yin Shaoting.

Yin Shaoting waved his hand: "You are not worth the price at all: you are too humble in doing things. Those people have some ability to settle accounts, but let them ruin those families again in such a short period of time." It is extremely difficult to run a crappy shop and turn it around from a loss to profit. If you hadn't specifically pointed it out before, I'm afraid they would be in dire straits right now!"

He knew that Ye Chutang had invited those people to the house for talks.

At that time, he didn't pay much attention, just thinking that Ye Chutang had just taken over those shops and had some matters to explain to them.

However, he later learned that Ye Chutang actually had plans for the business of this shop.

Not to mention the tea house, in addition to Ye Chutang's skill in frying and brewing tea, and with his support behind him, he has good connections in purchasing and purchasing tea, and also has Tang Zhongli's help, so there is no need to worry about business.

But he was really surprised that other shops could start doing business so quickly.

He knew that Ye Chutang was by no means an incompetent person. For the first fourteen years, she was a housewife who stayed close to home. Later, she encountered changes and relied on her medical skills to support her three younger siblings and establish her own business.

This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

But after all, she is a daughter's family, and it is reasonable to say that it is difficult to get involved in those business matters. Even if she cooperates with him to open a tea house, other things such as a cloth shop and pawn shop will be difficult to sustain.

Unexpectedly, she came up with several ideas, and they turned out to be quite effective.

"You think too highly of me. The fact that these things go so smoothly is actually partly due to luck." Ye Chutang took a sip of tea and said, "I don't know how many people in Beijing are waiting to see my jokes, and they are interested in everything I say and do. They are very concerned about it. From a certain perspective, this is a good thing. Once my shops reopen, they won’t have to worry about people coming.”

Regardless of whether those people want to watch the fun or are looking for trouble, it is still fun.

The biggest fear of opening a store is silence. Without customer flow, there are no possibilities.

Yin Shaoting suddenly understood: "That's why you drove those people away with great fanfare and caused a commotion in the street?"

Ye Chutang blinked and said politely: "Not entirely."

If you can save a sum of compensation and step on Ye Heng's face, why not do it?

Yin Shaoting clicked his tongue.

He felt more and more now that he still knew too little about the woman in front of him.

"Let's not talk about that. It is the property of your Ye family. It is good to run it well. But... you opened Yunlai Wine Shop just to make some money, right?"

As soon as these words came out, everything seemed to be quiet.

Ye Chutang raised his eyes, looked at him calmly, and then smiled slightly.

"Didn't you already guess this? Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to invest in it, what do you think?"

It would be impossible to open such a wine shop without enough money.

Decoration of the store, brick by brick, cup by bowl, why not spend money?

There are also several unique brewing recipes she gave. Without Yin Shaoting's help in preparing the venue and personnel, as well as the raw materials collected from various places, it would not be possible to brew them successfully.

If Ye Chutang only relied on one person and one hand, he would not be able to make a few jars of wine a year, let alone open a wine shop.

Yin Shaoting didn't feel embarrassed when his thoughts were revealed.

He is an old fox in the shopping mall, and the most important thing is interests. If he didn't have a purpose, he certainly wouldn't bother so much.


"You have really great connections. It's hard to invite these distinguished guests in the first three days!"

Princess Qinyang had a good relationship with Ye Chutang, so it was expected that she would come to support her, but Feng Zhang later turned out not to be an easy person to talk to. As for Chen Songshi, Grand Scholar Chen, let alone that. Scholars have always been aloof, so it was an unexpected surprise that he was willing to come.

Ye Chutang pondered for a moment and said frankly: "Actually, I didn't expect Mr. Chen to go."

After all, she and Chen Songshi didn't know each other before.

Yin Shaoting was stunned and doubtful: "Really? Then he is still willing to help you like this?"

"Of course it's true." She didn't need to lie about this.

Yin Shaoting looked at her expression, and finally believed it, and said hey: "Your hands and eyes are all over the sky, even if you recognize him, it's normal. It's like you haven't returned to Beijing for three years. Isn't it easy for you to come to Feiyun Temple?"

Master Shi Yuan is not someone who is willing to give face to anyone.

Ye Chutang laughed: "You think too highly of me."

Yin Shaoting laughed: "It would be fine if it were someone else, but you - is there anything you can do that you want to do?"

Ye Chutang was noncommittal, but actually had a vague suspicion in her mind - she had a calligraphy and painting by Chen Songshi in her hand.

That was a gift from Shen Yanchuan when she first returned to the capital.

Ayan respected this man very much, and he kept the calligraphy and painting carefully from then on.

Now he's here...

Yin Shaoting didn't know the inside story, but it seemed that Ye Chutang really didn't know. He stroked his beard and said, "Maybe someone told him that your wine is good?"

Of course Ye Chutang was very confident in the wine she brewed, but she also knew that relying on this alone was not enough to get Chen Songshi to come to the door.

After this, I probably owed someone another favor...

She smiled: "Maybe."

Yin Shaoting nodded and did not continue to hold on to this point.

"In any case, the reputation of Yunlai Wine Restaurant has been established. The private rooms have been booked for nearly half a month, and the supply exceeds the demand. However, according to your initial explanation, we will only accept a limited number of guests every day, and we will not accept more guests."

When Ye Chutang planned to do this at first, Yin Shaoting was quite puzzled. When opening a business, of course the more customers the better, but if he only accepts so many customers every day, how can he still make money?
Later, when he saw the pricing, he felt that this business was going to be bad.

But within three days of opening, things developed completely beyond his expectations.

"There is no shortage of restaurants in Beijing, and there are countless places to eat, drink, listen to music and make music. So if you want to win, you have to be different from others."

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips were slightly curved,
"Since ancient times, it has been easier for rich people to make money."

Once the specifications are mentioned, people will naturally flock to it and guests will come like clouds.

Yin Shaoting made a move, looked at her steadily, and silently paid more attention to Ye Chutang in his heart.

This woman is not old, but she is really smart and insightful.

Yin Shaoting felt more and more that it was a wise move for him to agree to cooperate with her.

He pondered for a moment and finally asked:

"It's okay to make money, but from now on we will all be distinguished guests. As time goes by..."

These people are intertwined with each other and will eventually form a huge network of relationships.

And Ye Chutang is the one who weaves the web.

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