Such thoughts and methods are indeed profound.

Yin Shaoting had no objection to what she did, and was even very happy to see it.

——After all, when this net is woven in the future, he will also be the beneficiary.

It's just... He really doesn't understand why Ye Chutang spends so much time on it?
"With your ability, even if you don't open this wine shop, you can still thrive in Beijing."

Yin Shaoting was very emotional,
"Although your father and brother are no longer here, you are now a guest of the eldest princess's palace, and the man from Dingbeihou's palace even accepted your help. With such a backer, you have nothing to fear even if you want to walk around the capital. Why bother..."

Although there are benefits to doing so, it also involves risks.

After Ye Chutang heard what he said, he asked instead of answering: "What do you think is the foundation for people to live in peace and contentment?"

Yin Shaoting was stunned.

Ye Chutang smiled slightly and said, "It's me."

Yin Shaoting understood what she meant and said subconsciously: "But you are a woman after all -"

When he said this, he realized that he had made a mistake and stopped immediately.

From the first day he met Ye Chutang, he knew that this woman was not a dodder flower that clings to others.

Ye Chutang was not surprised that he would say this. After all, he lived in this era and everyone thought so.

"The world urges men to be diligent and self-reliant and achieve great things, but they only ask women to be obedient, gentle and submissive. But if I were like this, Ayan Afeng and Xiaowu would have died in the heavy snow three years ago. .”

Ye Chutang's tone was calm, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing that had nothing to do with him.

Yin Shaoting couldn't help but said: "But it was because your two younger brothers were still young at that time. I remember that your third younger brother is already fourteen this year, right? He is already old enough to support the family. You..."

"You are right, but you seem to have forgotten that when my father was promoted to a doctor in the Ministry of Justice, he was reprimanded in the blink of an eye, and he couldn't help himself."

Yin Shaoting's eyelids twitched fiercely: "Be careful what you say!"

He sat up straight and looked around, with a rare look of nervousness on his face.

"How can such words be said casually!?"

Ye Chutang didn't seem to care much. He relaxed his eyebrows and said with a faint smile: "I appreciate your kindness, but I am telling the truth, and I am not afraid of anyone listening. I don't mean anything else, I'm just tired of being manipulated by others. .”

She twirled the tea cup, her tone was soft and gentle, but it seemed to contain persistence and determination that could not be ignored.

"My father passed the imperial examination when he was young and had a prosperous official career. Didn't he just end up in that situation? Whether it was the eldest princess's mansion or the Dingbeihou's mansion, they were willing to help me. I am grateful in my heart, but I can't take it seriously as my only one. rely on.”

"If you want to live peacefully and peacefully, you can only let yourself become that mountain."

Yin Shaoting's heart was agitated and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

He never expected that Ye Chutang actually had such thoughts in his heart!
He wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them all.

——Every word Ye Chutang said is what she has experienced over the years.

Only if you are strong enough can you have the right to speak!
He sighed. "Originally, I came here today just to talk to you about the good business of those shops, so that you can stay here with peace of mind for a while."

Unexpectedly, from the beginning, she had no intention of settling in a corner.

Also, if not for this, she would not have returned to Beijing.

However, Yin Shaoting traveled around for many years and was well-informed and quick-thinking. After the initial shock, he quickly accepted Ye Chutang's plan.

He shook his head and smiled in relief.

"It's true that I underestimated you."

Ye Chutang's eyes also had a hint of smile.

This is why she is willing to work with Yin Shaoting.

Compared with most people, he has enough ideas and a broad mind. There are many things that he understands naturally and reaches a tacit understanding without saying much.

"With your business on the right track, it's not difficult to make money. Besides, you are very famous now. Even if someone wants to cause trouble, they will think twice about it."

Yin Shaoting said, changing the subject,
"But how long do you plan to stay here?"

He didn't believe that Ye Chutang came here just to hide from peace.

Ye Chutang said: "After the Double Ninth Festival, I want to send my parents and brother back to Qingzhou."

The news that she wanted to move the souls and graves of her father and brother had already spread in the capital, and Yin Shaoting had naturally known about it for a long time.

Whether Qingzhou is close or far from the capital, the journey of more than three hundred miles would probably take a month.

Yin Shaoting nodded.

"It's better to get this matter done as soon as possible. People have to return to their roots after all. Your second brother, Ye Heng, just to save trouble, he didn't even organize his own brother's funeral properly. It's really heartless and unjust!"

Yin Shaoting was disgusted when he mentioned Ye Heng.

He himself also has brothers, and he has a deep friendship with his eldest brother. Looking at Ye Heng's previous actions, he looks down on him very much.

Now that things have changed, it's time for him to pay off his debt!

"It's a pity that the punishment is too light."

Who made him belong to His Highness?
The chief minister of the cabinet, Jiang Zhaoyuan, tried his best to protect him, but in the end he was allowed to survive!

Ye Chutang looked indifferent: "Since he has nothing to do with the murder of my father, there is no need for me to kill him with others."

She raised her eyes and looked into the distance, seeing the white mountains floating in the wind, covered by mountains and forests, and felt relaxed and happy.

"Besides, their family's current situation is pitiful."

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