The dozen or so shops that Ye Chutang recovered from Ye Heng gradually reopened for business, and business was booming, which soon attracted the attention of many people.

She did this without deliberately hiding it, so as long as she inquired a little, she would know that those businesses quickly turned losses into profits after she took over.

Although outsiders cannot see the specific accounts, looking at the lively scene of full houses every day, it is not difficult to guess that the Ye family's daily income must be very amazing.

For a time, there were some who were envious, and even more jealous.

When Ye Shixian heard the news, she confirmed it several times.

"Is everything you said true?"

Shaoyao curled her lips, with a bit of dissatisfaction in her eyes: "Isn't that right! I don't know what method she used to attract so many customers! It's just the tea house, Buzhuang rouge and gouache shop, the most important thing is that What Yunlai Wine Shop! I heard that the most common pot of chrysanthemum drink there costs dozens of taels of silver! What a huge profit!"

Ye Shixian wrung up the handkerchief, feeling depressed and resentful.

When Ye Chutang wanted to take those shops back, she didn't take it seriously at all. After all, they were all loss-making businesses. Even if Ye Chutang took over, he would lose money every day after opening, and the final outcome would be to sell the land. go.

But she never expected that in the blink of an eye, those shops turned into chickens that lay golden eggs!
Looking at the humble residence I live in now, I don’t even have any decent jewelry on my body. The little gold and silver I barely left behind are being wasted day by day and won’t last long at all...

Comparing the two, it’s heaven and earth!
"She is always cunning and thoughtful. Who knows what she will do this time!"

It happened that at this time, Ye Chutang was hiding in Feiyun Temple. Even if these people in Beijing wanted to find trouble with her, it would be difficult!

At this moment, another maid came quickly from outside, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Miss! Master Murong is here!"

After moving here, Ye Shixian thought that Murong Ye would come here soon, but after waiting and waiting, he never showed up.

The maids and servants were a little uneasy when they talked about this in private.

After all, now they all depend on Murong Ye for their daily lives. If he never comes, how will they be able to survive if they only rely on the eldest lady and his wife in the future?
So when they heard that Murong Ye was coming, all the maids and servants in the courtyard were very happy.

Ye Shixian's heart skipped a beat, biting her lip secretly, thinking about what attitude she should adopt.

Respectfully, sincerely, and extremely grateful?

But she had always been reserved in front of Murong Ye, so she felt aggrieved by being so humble.

But after all, Murong Ye helped her a lot, so he shouldn't be too cold...


While thinking about it, Murong Ye had already arrived.

Ye Shixian quickly gathered her thoughts and stood up to greet him. After taking a step, she stopped where she was. Her eyes were red and her expression was full of guilt, as if she was hesitating whether to move forward.

When Murong Ye came closer and saw her like this, his heart suddenly softened. The fatigue caused by running back and forth about her and her family's affairs during this period seemed to dissipate instantly.

He slowed down his voice: "Xian'er thinks I'm late?"

Ye Shixian shook her head, tears fell, and her voice choked up as soon as she opened her mouth.

"It was Xian'er who dragged you down. Xian'er can't repay you for saving your life."

As she spoke, Yingying knelt down.

Murong Ye couldn't help but immediately supported her. Ye Shixian lowered her head and wept, and half-leaned into his arms.

The maid and the servants looked at each other and stepped back knowingly.

With the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, Murong Ye's mind wandered, and he gently stroked her back while whispering comfort. "Between you and me, why do you need to talk about this anymore? I am willing to help you. I just regret that I haven't done enough, and I haven't been able to escape during this period, causing you to suffer so much."

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Ye Shixian could guess that he was probably taught a lesson by Murong Yang.

Murong Yang has been unwilling to come forward to help. Even Murong Ye tried to help her several times and tried to stop her. His attitude is evident.

It was not easy for Murong Ye to do this when Ye Heng's home was confiscated and exiled.

Ye Shixian looked up at him, feeling very pitiful.

"I'm okay. Compared with the pain my father will have to go to Tongbei, it's really not worth mentioning, but..."

There was the sound of something being broken. Murong Ye turned his head and heard the hoarse cry of a woman.

However, after crying a few times, the woman actually laughed again and spoke softly, as if she was talking to someone.

Very weird.

Murong Ye hesitated for a moment and asked, "Is that...your mother?"

Before coming here, he had heard that Mr. Gao had been mentally disturbed since Ye Mingze's death. Now it seems that what he said was actually true.

Ye Shixian was very embarrassed, as if someone had slapped her face hard twice.

In the past, in Murong Ye's eyes, she was an elegant and charming young lady, but now -

Ye Shixian bit her lip and whispered, "Yes. My mother injured her brain before, and Mingze had an accident, so it became like this..."

The fact was before her eyes, and she couldn't even deny it. It was better to admit it directly and maybe gain some sympathy.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Murong Ye looked at her with even more pity.

"Too many things have happened recently, which has made you suffer."

He helped Ye Shixian wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes and said: "I knew you must be thinking about this, so I asked someone to find out. The people on Fulu Street did indeed send your brother to Bao'er Pass. Originally, I I also want to stop them, but... at this time, it’s better to keep a low profile, not to mention that group of people are after money rather than their lives, so if things really break out, I’m afraid it won’t be good. What do you think?”

Of course, he didn't bother to care about Ye Mingze's funeral. He had taken out the five thousand taels just to save Ye Shixian.

Now that group of people sent Ye Mingze to Bao'er Pass, he actually saved himself trouble.

But naturally, these words cannot be said to Ye Shixian.

Ye Shixian also understood that it was the utmost kindness and righteousness for him to reach this point, so he just nodded silently and sobbed softly:

"I know. It's just... I didn't expect my cousin to do something so cruel. Although there was a little misunderstanding between us, my father really didn't kill her father and brother! I went to beg her before, but she turned out to be one-sided. I don’t want to see him anymore…”

Murong Ye had also heard about these things, so it was not surprising to hear it now.

He even thought of another thing——

"That cousin of yours is indeed quite capable."

Ye Shixian choked and looked up at him in shock.

Murong Ye said: "I heard that Yunlai Restaurant was run by her? I heard from several friends that it was very interesting and the business was very good. Even if they tried to book it, they couldn't make it! "

Ye Shixian's eyelids twitched.

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