Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 298 Drinking in the Snow

Murong Ye didn't take it seriously.

"She has that free time, just let her do it."

In his opinion, Ye Chutang was simply unnecessary.

After all, she is a daughter's family. Her younger siblings were still in junior grades, so she had no choice but to intervene in everything.

But now they have returned to the capital and are living a good life. They just want to live in peace and stability. Why bother themselves again?

Does it matter whether he is buried in the suburbs of Beijing or Qingzhou?

When Ye Shixian heard what he said, her originally uneasy heart calmed down a little.

She was probably a little confused. Whatever Ye Chutang did, she thought he had ulterior motives.

It was probably just to show her filial piety, and to use this incident to step on her father, secretly blaming her for the perfunctory burial.

However, now that his father has been exiled to Tongbei, this little calculation is nothing compared to it.

Murong Ye looked at her pitifully lowered eyes and the redness of her eyes and nose. He hugged her tighter and couldn't help but rub his hands gently on her slender waist.

Ye Shixian's heart was beating wildly, and she subconsciously wanted to break free, but as soon as the thought flashed through her mind, she suppressed it again.

The only one she can rely on now is Murong Ye, and she must hold on to this thigh no matter what!

Holding back her discomfort, Ye Shixian changed the subject and asked with some concern:
"Mr. Murong, you have helped me so much this time. Did Mr. Murong know?"

Of course this question is nonsense. Murong Yang is so scheming. Murong Ye is doing these things under his nose. How could he escape from him?

This question was just to divert Murong Ye's attention.

Sure enough, upon hearing these words, the fire that Murong Ye had just lit was instantly doused.

He frowned, feeling troubled.

His father probably saw that he was very persistent and finally relented, but he repeatedly warned that without his permission, Ye Shixian could not step into the door of his Murong family.

Naturally, these words cannot be said to her directly.

Murong Ye said: "He knows. But don't worry, I will protect you."

Ye Shixian's face was full of guilt.

"Mr. Murong, please don't get angry because of me and Master Murong. I..."

The more I talk, the more annoyed I become.

Murong Ye lost his mind, released her, and said:

"I know this well, so you don't have to worry too much. It's getting late today, so I'll go back first. I'll go back to the Imperial College tomorrow, and I'll come see you every holiday after that."

His father has kept him at home for a long time. It would be unreasonable if he did not return to the Imperial College to resume classes.

Ye Shixian felt relieved and behaved as she should.

Murong Ye explained a few more words and finally turned and left.


Dingbeihou Mansion.

"Master, Grand Scholar Chen is here to visit."

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows: "It's a rare visitor."

Yuncheng smiled and said, "Who says it's not the case?"

Chen Songshi lived in seclusion and came to visit on his own initiative, which was really rare.

Shen Yanchuan lowered his eyelashes slightly, and many thoughts quickly flashed through his mind, but he didn't understand why Chen Songshi came here today.

"Please go to the study, Mr. Chen."

As soon as Shen Yanchuan entered the door, he saw Chen Songshi standing with his hands behind his hands, looking at a calligraphy on the wall.

"Mr. Chen."

Chen Songshi looked back. He was nearly sixty years old, unkempt but energetic.

He waved his hand.

"You're welcome, this is your house, you can do whatever you want."

Shen Yanchuan: "..."

Yuncheng had obviously been used to this person's behavior for a long time. He looked at his nose and heart, offered him a jar of aged wine, and then retreated.

Chen Songshi is an alcoholic. He doesn't serve tea, but he must have wine.

However, Chen Songshi only glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze.

Shen Yanchuan noticed this and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I don't know what happened today, but I'm here to work for you?" Chen Songshi and Dingbei Marquis Shen Youyan were close friends who met over wine, so he came here much more freely than others.

It's just that Shen Youyan has stopped drinking since his wife left, but this has no effect on Chen Songshi. He can drink whenever he wants, and he doesn't ask Shen Youyan to come with him and just drinks by himself.

Later, Shen Youyan was stationed in Northern Xinjiang, and Chen Songshi came less often, but the friendship between the two parties remained deep.

When Shen Yanchuan saw him, he also treated him as a junior.

Chen Songshi pointed to the painting on the wall: "I remember, this was not the one that hung here before?"

of course not.

His paintings were hung here before.

It’s just... he had given it away as a favor before.

Shen Yanchuan paused: "Yes. Why do you suddenly think of asking this?"

Chen Songshi said: "Let's change it to another one."

Shen Yanchuan was slightly startled: "What do you mean..."

Chen Songshi raised his hand: "I'll give you another one. Get pen, ink, paper and inkstone!"

Shen Yanchuan: "..."

Although he didn't know why Chen Songshi did this, Shen Yanchuan didn't ask any questions and went straight forward to grind Chen Songshi's ink.

Chen Songshi's paintings are unique. Many people want to get one but can't get it, and it's hard to get even a lot of money.

Because of Chen Songshi's eccentric temper, he only gave calligraphy and paintings to the people he wanted to give to. Those he didn't like, he would tear them up on the spot without giving them any advantage.

Chen Songshi was extremely focused when writing and writing.

Shen Yanchuan looked at it for a while, looking at the gradually clear outline on it, and felt vaguely familiar.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seems like……

While thinking about it, Chen Songshi had already finished the last stroke of his painting, and now he had completed an ink painting with full meaning and vividness.

There is still a faint scent of ink in the air.

Shen Yanchuan paused and asked, "If I'm not mistaken, what you drew is..."

"Purple Sky Peak."

Chen Songshi put down his pen with satisfaction, turned around and asked,


Shen Yanchuan nodded: "Your paintings are unique, so naturally they are excellent."

Chen Songshi was even more satisfied.

"I haven't been to Feiyun Temple on Zixiao Peak for a long time."

If Shen Yanchuan couldn't understand what he was saying, it would be a bit outrageous, but when he understood it, it only felt more outrageous.

A name came to his mind.

The next moment, he heard the name from Chen Songshi's mouth.

"That Ye Chutang from the Ye family seems to be at Feiyun Temple recently, right?"

Shen Yanchuan put down the painting: "Yes."

After hesitating for a moment, he still asked the question in his mind: "You also know her?"

Chen Songshi shook his head: "I don't know him."

So why are you mentioning her so suddenly?
Chen Songshi continued: "But you just need to know him."

A smile suddenly appeared on his face, and his tone was much more enthusiastic.

"You should know that she opened the Yunlai Wine Shop, right?"

Shen Yanchuan felt that he already knew why Chen Songshi came today and insisted on painting here.


"The signature snow drink of her wine shop is refreshing and fragrant, smooth in the mouth, but like a fire in the intestines, which means a ball of fire in the heavy snow. It is a masterpiece! But it is a pity that the daily limit is limited, and it is not allowed to be taken away. "

As Chen Songshi spoke, he couldn't help but smack his mouth, still thinking about the smell of the wine that day.

He winked at Shen Yanchuan.

"You have a very close relationship with her. She must have given it to you privately, right?" (End of Chapter)

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